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Ayad Gharbawi Jan 2010

This is not a poem.

But given the infernal catastrophe that has befallen, I just think it is time for you Americans to listen to us people living 'out there'.

Here are my thoghts, that I submit to you with respect;


Ayad Gharbawi

January 19, 2010 – Damascus, Syria

The recent Haitian earthquake is unusual in that it has destroyed the entire meagre ‘infrastructure’ of a so-called nation.
In fact, this 2010 earthquake succeeded in showing the world that the so-called ‘country’ of Haiti is nothing more than another piece of estate/land/property for a select, few oligarchs.
Anyway, the US response to this ecological/environmental holocaust that has befallen upon Haiti has been unprecedented.
America, under President Barack Hussein Obama, has behaved impeccably in Haiti.
The brilliance in Obama’s aid for Haiti is successful precisely because he has avoided previous attempts by the US to help on the basis of ‘humanitarian’ grounds, when those grounds happened to also include conflicts raging within them.
Obama avoided the mistake of getting America involved in a humanitarian crises that existed within a civil war – like what happened in Lebanon (1982-83), Somalia (1991-3), Bosnia (1995), Kosovo (1999).
I write this article because I, as an outsider, wish ardently, to speak to you Americans.
Today, you Americans have the choice: either to follow the militaristic, expansionist policies of the US President, Theodore Roosevelt, or you may follow the path of the first morally-guided President of the US - Woodrow Wilson.
I urge you Americans to leave all countries where there are civil wars – such as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and so on.
Let these countries do whatever their people wish to do against each other.
Instead, allow your great arsenal of democracy to help and intervene on humanitarian missions – in countries wherein there are no civil wars – such as you have been doing so magnificently in Haiti.
Use your power, your wealth, your US Army, Air Force, and Navy to help humans who need the helping hand of succour.
I tell you, that you Americans, once you adopt this peaceful, moral foreign; policy, you shall see that your enemies will fade.
Taleban have told you repeatedly, and have repeatedly contacted to you, telling you that they are engaged in an Afghani civil war. So why do you intrude?
Al Qaeda have told you repeatedly if you leave the Middle East, then they have no quarrel with you.
Why can you Americans not accept or understand that so long as you do not invade, occupy or create military bases in foreign lands, no one, and no organization and no party and no country will see you as an enemy?
This is a moment for you Americans do finally break off from the Theodore Roosevelt Principle (TRP) which is to attack, ****, slaughter and occupy any country you think is ‘worth it’.
And, at the same time, it is also a moment in history, when you can fully embrace the Woodrow Wilson Principle (WWP) of a foreign policy that is based on morality.
What you have done and what you are doing in Haiti is a pure act of WWP.
I believe the entire Third World applauds you and loves you for what your men and women are doing for the innocent victims of Haiti.
But, then, when other men and women, scream and shriek, saying: “Look at what these Americans are doing! They ****, butcher and ****** Afghans in order to support corrupt, drug dealing gangsters such as Hamid Karzai who, themselves, cannot control and, in any case, are not interested in ‘controlling’ their own country! So what else can you think of America’s real intentions?”
And what a good emotion-fuelled question, indeed.
What are you Americans doing fighting, losing American and Afghani blood in order to basically prop up and support criminal regimes such as the Karzai regime, whose only raison d’etre is to make profits through their various ‘business’ activities?
The more you Americans fight what are perceived as unjust, colonialist wars, the more you will create terrorists. It is a never ending cycle!
I argue and I passionately believe, that you Americans can do this. If only you US statesmen and stateswomen finally decide to adopt the beautiful, clean mantle of morality in your foreign policy.
Obviously, I do not have enough space to express my ideas and reasons. So, let me be clear: I am not advocating a slavish enactment of Wilsonian principles.
For, as an example, when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, the US had to make a military move, because no country can allow a sick dictator to control so much of the world’s oil. There are clear instances when aggression abroad can seriously threaten US interests. But, in truth, the vast majority of the wars you Americans entered, were unnecessary: you did not need to go beyond the Yalu in 1950 in Korea; you did not need to enter the North-South Vietnamese Civil War.
Take Kosovo: yes massacres were committed on all sides. But you did not need to bomb Serbia. First and foremost, that should and must have been a problem for European powers to solve. Secondly, Kosovo was never vital for US interests. And the fact is, Kosovo could never be a so-called ‘state’. Today, it is nothing more than a geographical area run by warlords, drug dealers and other gangsters who each carve out their own territory. Was that piece of gangster-run land worthy of killing Serbians? No!
Take North Korea: let Russian, South Korea and Japan deal with that abnormal so-called state. Why do you spend money on your troops and camps there? It is not in your interests and yes, North Korea does not threaten you Americans!
The same goes for Iraq in 2003 – you did not need to invade that country for the simple reason that Baghdad posed no threat to its neighbours, and certainly no threat to Europe or to the US.  Again, you should have let the Iraqis themselves solve whatever problems they have on their fragmented plate.
You must see and feel that US lives are not expendable for pointless and futile foreign adventures.
America should help those who have suffered environmental catastrophes and who are in a war-free zone.
America should help stable, developing nations where accountability starts from Washington and right back in – Washington.
And yes, of course, America should only use its military might if it is directly threatened by any person, nation or organization.
And to reduce this hatred that has spawned against you: I tell you, a voice from a wilderness, one mute krill from amongst billions yearning for exactly what I yearn for, I tell you: remove your military bases from Europe, Japan, South America, the Gulf, and anywhere else. These military bases are seen by people as ‘evidence’ of occupation. You do not need to keep these costly outposts. Remove them. Reduce your military presence that, in any way, has no effect, except to increase fanaticism and anger amongst your people. This is especially so in the Gulf, where your presence angers the people – leave those countries and yes, you will then reduce your costs, which is obviously beneficial to you Americans.
Instead of military compounds and bases, why not enthusiastically create consortiums of companies to build American schools, universities, hospitals, housing projects and get involved in building infrastructure projects in nations that have good accountability, so no money is wasted and so can never go, instead, straight to the pockets of the leaders.
Build the world; use your superpower might to create hope in broken nations, and that effort will, in turn, build love and you shall see, your enemies shall decrease and your military costs will decrease and your building projects will bring you greater revenues.
The choice is yours: follow a Wilsonian foreign policy or a Theodore Roosevelt foreign policy.
I hope the Haitian earthquake catastrophe has shed some light on which path US foreign policy should take.

Ayad Gharbawi
Harmony Dec 2015
Yellow and crimson is the fruit
Beckoning to be a moment's pleasure
Eating fruit, a sure pleasure,
Instant is the gratification
Memory is witness
To the happiness it brought

Left in agonizing want
One looks for more
Discouraged, defeated,
Agonized to know it passed

Lo and behold, all has changed
For action of eating
Had its own reaction
Unknown of what will be

Opening eyes to witness
the reaction that kept going
like a brand of battery
Energizer with long life

Blink not for it's alive
Asking  mind to follow
Follow like never before
And sleep no more

Yellow and crimson is the fruit
Beckoning to be a moment's pleasure
Eating fruit, a sure pleasure,
Instant is the gratification
Memory is witness
To the happiness it brought
Sameer Denzi Oct 2014
Your 'Top TRP' news team has just learnt that
A consortium of fanatics and hypocrites now claim
That the proprietorship of 'God' is now with them
And will spew hatred on anyone disobeying them.

Our unnameable “reliable” sources tell us that
Anyone desiring to worship 'God' “more perfectly,”
Henceforth, must follow their rules quite strictly
Or floggings will be handed out quite promptly.

Our brave insider informants have divulged that
At last have awaken our pious priests and scholars
To discuss these “disturbing new developments;”
But they're upset most about lost revenue streams.

The atheists were seen rejoicing and saying that
There is no need any more, “for us to self-promote
While our competitors repeatedly self-mutilate.”

But have they forgotten, Stalin also preached hate?

Our unquestionably reliable survey tells us that
We are angry, sad, glad, disgusted and also clueless
In roughly equal measure. But most are just curious:
“How all this bla-bla will effect commodity prices?”

There was however, an 'odd' man who said that
God is Love and God does not hate. Will turn to rust
He who chooses hate. *“Not in someone's deep pocket
Will I find God. But God I'll find, always in my heart.”
A plague that has infected religions past and religions present.
Harmony Dec 2015
Early to rise and Early to bed Makes
Men healthy wealthy and Wise
Is the old saying that I hum today
For I am awake bright and early

Now what after making chai
Chai sweetened with sugar
Spiced with Ginger
accompanied with egg n bread

It's a fine morning for someone
Who stayed alert all night
Thinking of someone in deathbed
Far far across the oceans

Spirit connects through telepathy
It feels like we are connected always
So as soon as I feel the need
To be connected, I shut down

All other thoughts are secondary
To the meditations aimed far away
here I am shooting thoughts
As arrows from the bendy bow

Arrows soft as feathery flowers
making garland on the frame
Of the beloved in distress
Softening the breath in no time

She A woman of much stories
And not many possessions
In her bed she lays decked
In flowers of dearest prayers

Having stayed awake thus
Happy to leave behind thoughts
For a fine cup of hot tea
Spreading warmth inside out
JP Feb 2019
I got up as usual
with the help of alarm
But still dark
It's almost 7.00 am
Just look down from window
All residents of the flat
standing under common lights On
Sun failed to raise for the first time
Earth failed to move
All news channel are peek in "TRP
Rating" for the one last time
One part of the earth going
to die and efforts will be taken
to transport population to other part of the shinning world..
Hereafter just DAY in one part
and NIGHT in another.
Within few days entire population will get shifted to other part
hoping within few years people travel with cylinder to enjoy nights.
All government decided
No need to travel to other dead planet.
Travelling and surviving other side our earth going to be great challenging..
NASA drops all other planet expedition and move their base to dark side of our planet..
Again my alarm went off
It's a dream!!
Sk Abdul Aziz May 2020
We live in a world filled with bitterness and unjust
If war or a pandemic doesn't **** you
Then intolerance must
If you belong to a particular community.. You're labelled a terrorist
And if you are a liberal and have strong views about the government and it's policies then you're termed an extremist

We live in a world where fake news and whatsapp university rule the roost
Where most of the media propogates hate to make it's trp boost
Where good and affordable healthcare is still a dream
Where women's safety still makes us scream(in anger and concern)

We live in a world where the big pharmas mint money by playing with people's lives
And politicians try and capitalize on people's fears
Where we are still waiting for a true leader to guide us
If the government can't provide for us..
..then I wonder what did they get elected for?

So what is the way forward?
Is there a solution to all of this?
Of course there is... For starters.. Governments must work with their citizens and not against them
They should take criticism in their stride and learn from it
Question is... Are governments across the world ready to hear what their citizens have to say?
Are they even concerned about them?
Or do they only care about power..
I have serious doubts about intentions of most Govts worldwide...
I know not what the future of most democracies holds...
But a part of me... Even though that part is miniscule.. Is still hopeful of true and sincere democracy rising again...

— The End —