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MoMo May 2013
Her eyes were the color of solar flares
and the remnants  of super novae,
eyelashes damp with Venus’ acid rain.

Body in the curves of the Northern Lights,
there were stars at her fingertips,
galaxies twined in the star dust of her hair.

Constellations lined her dress
as she danced in the celeste of red ribbon clouds
the storms created.

She travelled across the icelands of Neptune
though days never passed through the tail of Hailey’s comet,
only sulfuric nights on Io.
Taylor St Onge Jan 2014
You planted galaxies inside me when we met
and now they're pouring out of my mouth,
stretching their curled limbs skyward from
the abyss of my stomach; they travel
up and up across the expanse between us
and down your throat like some sort of
invisible (and magnetic) parasite.

Brown eyes remind me of Chernobyl,
                        but on you,
I see the Wilson Park Ice Skating Rink where
my mother first taught me to skate.  I see my
tiny hands wrapped around my first dog, Kelly, and
the Beluga Whales at the Shedd Aquarium
in 1999.  There’s a six foot deep hole between us
that makes me wonder if cataracs eclipse your
perception of me like they do for everyone else—
I wonder if you worry about
teetering over the edge
                                                   I do.
If I’ve learned anything from math class it’s that
a negative times a negative equals a positive so
I guess it’s a good thing when it comes to you and I, because
how else would two equally bashful people ever work
together in harmony?  But then what about science—
positives and negatives attract, so I must
be the latter of the two in this electrical charge
         electrical attraction
         sparks fly
         fires rise
other cliched forms of saying that I just like
when your hands are on my hips and your
lips are on my neck and somewhere
in the back of my mind, I hope to God
that this new age romance is not all for naught.

I met the devil when I kissed your lips.
God was pushed out when the space between us
shrunk and shrunk until there was not enough
room for air nor biblical commandments nor morality nor logic.
We fell together, tumbling over the clouds like the
awkward first steps of a child, unsure and panicked;
our clipped wings, like birds in captivity, did nothing to
prevent us from ripping the pages of His thick book
and mixing and matching His words—
“burn[ing] with passion,” “two shall become one flesh—”
we folded them into fortune tellers.

When you first told me that you thought I was beautiful,
I did not believe you.  You looked so unsure of yourself—eyes
downcast, bottom lip tucked between your teeth—that I thought,
“How can this this wide-eyed boy think that he can
spot constellations that the Greeks and the Egyptians overlooked?”
Then I realized that the words that spewed from your
blood stained lips were stars of your own creation.  Somehow
you compressed and fused your perception of me with
interstellar matter and birthed a new stencil in the sky.  You
created a cynosure of me.  You look at me like you’re
gazing at Polaris, a perfect doll like Helen or Marilyn;
something I am not.
But I like it.

We make up Sirius, the Dog Star—
you, the primary, and I, the companion, we are
the brightest in the heavens.  Canis Major would
be nothing without us.  Circling one another in a far,
spread out pace, we take our time in dissecting
one another’s intentions.  You are my horoscope and
I am your zodiac sign; both born in the year of the pig
we display the raw, open wounds of altruism to one another.
I wonder when you look in the mirror,
if the reflection that you see is that of the Milky Way;
the barred spiral that contains
our solar system
our planet

If being with you would mean spewing galaxies
from my lips for the rest of my days, I would
gladly regurgitate a whole new universe
just to hold your hand.
about a boy
K G Sep 2015
We try hard to make out the shapes
We've done the impossible
I all i want to do is to find a line
Giving a sign for life
Perishing the religion based lives
They find the truth and pay a fine
People won't be fine
Talking takes time
We try hard to make out the shapes
We've done the possible
Changing our lives
Seeing a lonely side
Its hard to define such character
Finding the time
To find out about the Virgo supercluster
Some either live for this
It consists of constant agonizing
Passing away and away
Not knowing
Because we try hard to make out the shapes
We've done the impossible
But we still translate
Giving a sign for life
Another life
Decoding the rising
Perishing the religion based lives
Traumatizing everyday
That passes by
Cries over cries
Lies under lies
They find the truth and pay a fine
ZWS Jun 2014
Yeah you're stuck in the stars
Somewhere in between betelgeuse and mars
All the aliens look up, and they see images of themselves being pulled apart
Branding themselves with vowels and constantly reminding themselves of the meaning they found in the stars

It's a constellation nation
Attributing stars to martians
That's who you are
Blue summer, I can see you from afar
All the thoughts you thought in your space car
In your fantastic flying saucer

I can hear your voice inside static static
Bouncing in between my ears like melted plastic plastic
The thoughts I have are becoming masochistic
Scraping my brain like physics of your friction
You're a space cherub, you're my mystic

Come on Virgo, dance with the stars
I know you love Jesus, but just wait till you take a ride in my space car
Listen to my alien tunes as we rip space time apart
We can go anywhere, but all I know is were going far
Lowercase Nov 2015
Earth-Moon System,
Inner Solar System,
Solar System,
Solar Interstellar Neighborhood/Local Interstellar Cloud,
Local Bubble,
Gould Belt,
Orion Arm,
Slightly Over Halfway to the Galactic Center of the Milky Way,
Milky Way Subgroup,
Local Group,
Local Sheet,
Local (Virgo) Supercluster,
Laniakea Supercluster,
Observable Universe,
Why can't we
dream forever?
no one will
hold back
our light,
our hearts
will glow
a love
than tears,
forget who
you were
or what
Is beyond,
let us live
In each
eyes for
what the
of you
Is unreal,
only I
of the
In your
of what
the lips
for some
In life there
are no words,
only beauty,
where you
will find
In the
clarity of
this auroral
I see how
the existence
of you is
my gift,
In wander
within the
city, we find a
quiet place
to call
our own,
a small,
we are
deep in
we had
our souls
to guard
from hurt,
we leave
the cafe
to venture
a place
where the
clouds are
over the
the city,
where the
mirror upon
your skin,
mine as you
hold me
we are
alone within
each other's worlds,
once disintegrated,
we are one again,
a supercluster
of a multitude  
In galaxies, coming
together as
tides crashing
within each
I am with
and my
as the
ending of a
the ephemeral
moment of
only when,  
our hands
the painting
of the scene
time ceases
to exist
as the
film softly
I write
notes of
your words
In this heart
of mine,  
the gentle
only you see,
as we lie
here together,
under the
dream of
your arms
I want to
only you
and I,
In the night,
where I will
a warm cup
of coffee,
a smile
from you,
a gentle
dance of
these small
I will treasure,
for they will
not fade
In the
dance of
we are
shining as
Yael May 2014
Every time I see you with her
Another star in my supercluster of hopes
CharlesC Sep 2014
this hawaiian dream
of a feathery supercluster
connecting strands of light..
one feather for now
but is this one
of one bird
in one flock..
our minds wander
and weaken
no answer there
Who am I...?
Until now, the Milky Way was believed to be one galaxy in the 2,000 that make up what's known as the Virgo "supercluster." But as the new map shows, the Milky Way's 100 billion stars are actually part of something 100 times bigger: a supercluster of galaxies astronomers have christened Laniakea, meaning "immense heavens" in the Hawaiian language. (image on Google..!)
Cherri Cola Apr 2014
you say you have a "thing for wings"
do you think of yours, generous angel?
I think you must be, lights shines in you so bright
Unimaginable, undefined supercluster of you
your love spirals out like glowing nebulas,
building mass of starstorm, dustcloud life
you are the same makeup as a star
and I see you shine so bright.
I cannot imagine a universe without such beauty as to fly
with wings as bright and full of life as our milkyway
and with a universe so inclined to beauty and wonder
it is no wonder you exist
you had to, somewhere, somewhen stars shine in city skies
not willing to be dimmed, only to add more light.
to yours and theirs, when my science can only
understand you on a smaller scale.
I'd have to create more to understand you,
but I think I'll be okay in awe alone
because you are a wonder, and I'd just like to watch your rays
does astrophysics work with Newton if you scale it down to mere rubber ***** in a pool?

— The End —