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Sydney Victoria Nov 2012
Frosty Ghosts Escape My Throat,
Showing Themselves In The Damp Winter Air,
The Mist Sheilding My Eyes,
As Rusty Hinges Squeal--Brutally Forced Open,
Fingers Pawed In Soft Plush-Green Irises Plead,
Begging To The Three Remaining Stars To Change,
A Thin Layer Of Snow Coats The Dormant Grass,
A Soul Tries To Mimic The Effects,
Of Animated Slumber,
The Frosty Ghosts Swim In The Icy Air,
Dissolving In The Frigid Turquoise  Sky,
Artifical Lights Blinding In The Refreshing Black,
Of The Dawning World,
Creatures Stur--Their Viewing Session Over,
Ghosts Swirls Around My Head,
A Stream Of Unspoken Words,
Entwined In Refuge
The Bus Stop Is A Boring Place Where Poetry Spawns Haha
Buzz Jan 2014
Waking up seems like a futile effort to me.
To be in this realm, such a pity for all mortals.
As to one day, all of them will suffer the fate
of the unlucky ones.

Oh, how the world is polluted nowdays.
Mayhem, mayhem, and more mayhem.
Corruption, bloodbaths and destruction
for the race to see which is the alpha-male.
In the end, it is the survival of the most deceitful.

In the end, I am still on my bed.
My bones ache while my muscles creak.
Waking up is still a futile effort to me.
Sheilding from the disasterous world using my comfy blanket,
seems like a good idea.
But, if all of us were to slumber,
than who will straighten things out?

I arise and go,
to face the polluted world.
There, my legacy awaits
as another **** sapien.
That will uphold the truth
as all if us are responsible,
of how polluted the world is.
Why, oh why, must there be steel scraps in the sky
-whose sole purpose is to spy upon you and I?
It'd cause ancient astronomers to let out a sigh
-as they realize they can't see Mars, nor the stars,
-past all the junk put in place by tyrannical czar's.
Us peasants: we've beared cuts & are left with scars
-upon all o' our liberty, rights, and freedom.
Don't be fooled by whom ever succeeds him
-for it always ends up as, just, more treason.
Diverseman2020 Nov 2009
As the rain pours into day
Driving on drench roads
I am alone
Inside this mechanical vehicle
Feelings of warmth and comfort
Away from the impurities
Sheilding the outter atmosphere
As the music soothes me to another time
While the passionate lyrics
Uplift my spirit
A completed stop
I commence to breath air
On Earth's surrounding enviroment
People looking like humanoids
With grimance faces
As I stood like a pawn on a chess board
Being checkmate from the unknown
This terrain
Which is not mine to walk
but to stroll in a proud manner
As I feel no calmity
Peeling my soul
While my skin is frail
To their discomforted
As the sun settles upon the cloudy skies
The raging foes are normal
As I seek to dry land
A touch of wet grass
Endures my feet to a conviction of glory
David Johnson Jul 2012
When Fear defined...
goes beyond a state of mind,
your emotional distress
of real or imagined threats
come to life
with your every breath.

Although you cant call her name'
she's always with you, like a bodygaurd
your protector
sheilding you from hurts an rejection
but soon you can no longer detect her (I mean you),
and THEY are all the same,
just out to get you ( I mean her)
and you (I mean she) clings tightly to the past
believing that pain and fear is all that truly last,

Even though youre no longer in danger
its too late you cant find her (I mean you)
to change her
in the mirror is now a stranger
She's just as much a part of you as you

Fear (I mean she) is your champion
so when your knight comes
you raise your shield
and make sure you dent his armor
push him away to disarm him
no matter how charming

You let your emotion
become a person
and you just hide behind her (I mean you)
been that way so long you
dont even know
where She ends & You begin
never alone, yet always lonely
left empty deep within
Catrina Sparrow Dec 2012
for the past few weeks,
my daily caloric in-take has consisted of nothing but caffine,
and a good bit of ****-
if that counts.
i've been bogged down by a few pounds of literary build-up,
clinging to my cell walls.
characters and commas,
just pleading to be plucked from their scatter-brained current state of nothingness,
and be re-arragned-
brought to life by a breath of structure
and fore-head kiss of charm.
writer's block.
an itchy wool blanket of complacent composition blues
draped over my freckled shoulders,
in hopes of sheilding me from a down-pour of inspiration.
i never asked to be pretected from my own thoughts,
so stop,
fickle whispers of failure.
i'm on the rise.
i close my eyes and plunder my brain for the misplaced directions
to the exit of the ball-point duldrum,
i know they're around here somewhere.
i've got thirty three trash bags of pointless memories,
and not one of them can help me.
so i hoist the sails
and viciously exhale,
sending myself out to sea
where i'll be free to raise the nets dragging on the floor,
and sort through the mooshed-up words
to turn them into something more.
Sub Rosa Aug 2016
she wore dotted patterns
draped over the bare of her dotted arms
a frill in the hem was the purity
the white sheet sheilding dotted skin
a bright virginal white against
her hair.
it tickled her waist
where rivers threaded seams
pulled taught against freckled hips
****** chasms from the strangulation
of the chaste garments
rivers where she was bathed as a girl
as a virginal sapling
now full and weeping under layer after layer after suffocating layer
of linens
to keep dotted skin from breathing.
Madds May 2012
She sat on the tiles that night,
sheilding bruised ribs with crossed arms,
aquainting herself with the inside of the bowl,
throwing up all the pain and thoughts.

Something got caught in her throat though,
did you get stuck there?
(was is the coals of the fire
you started inside her?
You let it die, it died out)
maybe she wasn't ready to let that memory go yet,

Coughing, heaving, spluttering, hurting, crying,
but the bathroom was so quiet, tiled walls too protecting,
she kept her silence that night as she died, with memories of you.
I don't know.
HRTsOnFyR Aug 2015
As he lifted that cross upon his back
He felt not the weight of it.
Instead he noticed the earthy smell of fresh cut limbs,
The smoothness of the wood after it's been planed.
As he drug his cross through the crowd
He overlooked their angry, jeering faces.
Instead he saw kindness in an old woman's eyes,
The gentle touch of a mother sheilding her child from the cruel spectacle.
As he heaved himself up the rock strewn path toward the hilltop
He didn't feel the sharp bite of the incline waning his final strength.
He kept his eyes on the noon-day sun
Felt the kiss of it's heat upon his brow.
Blood ran down his face from a crown of thorns and
He could only taste salt,
Reminded of the cooling spray of the sea
Refreshing him as he hauled in the days catch.
They pounded the nails into his slender wrists and
He felt no pain,
Only the warm breeze carrying the scent of sage and hyssop from the valley below.
He felt the life leave his body and
He cried not for himself but
Wept only for the suffering of his oppressors...
Understanding the depth of their ignorance,
The breadth of their collective pain.
When he arose from the tomb
Three days of late,
He felt no pride in his abilities...
Only a quiet contentment
Knowing that his courage and endurance would forever
Be a symbol of inspiration for those to follow.
He ascended to the realm of Unlimited Power
Ultimate Understanding
Infinite Love
To wait for his children;
To watch over them in times of trial and tribulation...
A silent guide
An unspoken word
An Angel of compassion
Leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for those Hungry enough, and willing to dine with the lowly mouse;
For those who having the bravery of a lion,
Sharp eyes of an eagle,
Clever wit of a serpent...
He waits.
He wakens.
He loves.
Isaac Spencer Feb 2018
None of my friends
     Wanna talk to me,
So I'm just leaning
     On this balcony,
And I'm sheilding my eyes
     From the bright city,
None of my friends
     Ever talk to me,

Man, that sidewalk,
Lined in chalk,
Another dead body-
Cause they couldn't talk,
And another crying family,
And their world, rocked,
Another empty bed-
And a door, locked,
Their son, mocked,
His clock, stopped,

None of your friends
     Wanna talk to you,
So you're just looking
     Out this window, too,
And you're counting your tears
     While you're feeling blue,
None of your friends
     Wanna talk to you.
Priya Patel May 2015
Clouds bunched together
in a somber embrace,
sheilding themselves with
raining showers
just like the ones that
that fell to my face,
just like that morning
after her funeral
Streaks of lightening,
and a thundering storm
fearless showers
out of the norm
hiding the tears now streaming
down my cheeks
Tonight the winds howl;
the rains pound against my heart
as another was taken from this earth;
another family torn apart
Minutes into hours
I lie awake, grief stricken;
for me, for them
for the tears
that stream down my cheeks
and the pillows soft they fall on;
the pillows that have now
become my shoulders
RamblerOnTheGo Dec 2017
Intricately painted across your skin
Don't know where to stop or to begin
Beutiful designs of black on brown
Feel them and trace them down
I know you only here for tonight
I hope u stay longer than mornings first light
I want to see deeper than the masters canvas
To touch, to hold, to embrace your sadness
I see the loneliness caged below the beauty
I wish I could be the one to set you free

I saw it in your eyes when we first met
When the crystal clinked and our fingers touched
And later when our cloths pealed off
I felt it in your kisses soft
I see u shy, behind your masterpiece
Of boldened colors, sheilding release
Your walls come down as we unite
Our limbs wrap so right
The paint disappears into the moon
And then there is just you
I see u pure and warm and light
The way I imagined you tonight

Then all to soon it's over
And the canvas comes back to cover
The miracle I just shared
As we lifted the darkness from your head
Is over again as morning light comes in
And I place my last kisses on your specially crafted skin.
We all hide behind something... sometimes it's really awesome and sometimes it's sad

— The End —