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Johnny Zhivago Aug 2013
Spanish influenza
walking pneumonia
icepick headache
common cold
whooping cough
getting old

flat foot
bad back
heel spur
heart attack
tongue tied

my weakness
is my forte
my sickness is  my skill
my illness
is my realness
it makes my life a thrill

Trying to fight this
runny nose
tooth decay
hat hair
broken bones

bed bound
flea ridden

wom­b fever
winter fever
black water fever
remitting fever
ship fever
jail fever
camp fever
or schizophrenia

scarlet fever
American plague
rock n roll
Got gas
In both holes

and SARS
man flu
bird flu
swine flew
from Mars

multiple sclerosis
tennis elbow-sis
stomach ulcers
and leukaemia
night blindness
lung cancer
sickle-cell anaemia

French pox
Knocked right

Sleep walker
Sleep talker
Absent minded

Tourettes, ****
Food poisoned!
Warted over
My Psoriasis
(Will I survive this?)

Worm fit
Water on
the brain

seeing things
rattly chest
bad breath
la duzi
black death

lice and
leg bone

bubonic plague
black *****
feeling ****
bone shave
falling sickness
wanna stop
just cant quit

Huntington's and
Parkingson's and
Hay fever
Typhoid fever
Glandular fever
Night fever
And Hysteria

cancer crab
stillborn twin
bad blood

Parking spot
all the wounds in
all the militaries
pity thee with
lost agility
lost babes or

ear infection
E to A
chicken pox
cow pox
what a day

panic stricken
star struck
headless chicken
bad luck

in the void
stomach ulcers
feeble pulses

wrists and knees
bad digestion
quinsy palsy
ticks and fleas

heart failure
bad behaviour

By gosh, no!
Poorly are ye?
‘Fraid so.

        suffer me
suffer me
suffer me
let me be



its complicated
im superior
its complicated
im inferior
its complicated
im a short man
got ingrown hairs
got a bad tan

im suffering
im suffering
im suffering
and nosebleeds

toxic shock
got it down
irritable bowel

yellow nail
restless leg


post rubella
riley day
straight back

we are prone
drug addicts
we are prone
mind benders
we are prone
fortune spenders
we are prone

My illness, my illness
My illness is my realness

*Pick it up
Tide it over
Fight it off or
Cave in

Save it
Suffer it
Pass it on
When its Raining

bleed him
restrain him
shave his

he went from being
quite well
to being quite
unfinished but did you bother to the end?
andrew desantis Feb 2010
bonetender night, polaric.
windswept crown atones
weeping wanderer.
rigid matriarch condones
tantrum medication. vast
control shapes diminished conscience,
actuating frustration;
migrane pulse doctorate.
sad shell housing beaten wails,
a closed eye, ear to brains.
steady now, absorb sultry stance.
dim lamp set on autonomic fade.
Amelia DeCoil Jun 2014
Do you know what it is like
The constant struggle,
Un ending Fight
Sometimes it can last
All night

The strength of this weakness
It grabs a hold of me
And fastens its grip
Making it hard for me to breath

Surrounded by the roaring sound
But, Silence is all around
The harsh chill of the ground
I’m just Trying to calm down

Find the heartbeat inside my chest
But it is to quite in this mess
Just looking for the beat in my chest
I feel defeated as I struggle to find rest
kaitlyn-marie Nov 2014
my pain will always cause thunderstorms.
sometimes death represents suspense.
its ruthless, depressing thoughts
will let me sleep when I'm dead.
this is a blackout poem, using the song lyrics to twenty one pilots' "migrane."
susan Mar 2015
i see colors of
and red
flashing through my brain
vaulting against my head
a thunder of pain
kneading it's fingers throughout my skull
until i am numb
and fall face down on my bed
this mirage of agony
   over in hours
but wearing me out
for days.
Leah Nov 2015
I have already told you;
there are sleepless mornings
when I can taste
every poison lacing my cigarette

and I wouldn't mind except
for the way that they sift past
a throat already rubbed sore
from all of the screams kept silent inside.
kaitlyn-marie Nov 2014
I am yelling "I'm different."
please paint my contents.
look behind my shipwrecked mind.
find such violent tidal waves I know that I can fight.
I stay alive.
this is a blackout poem, using the song lyrics to twenty one pilots' "migrane."
Taylor Poole Jan 2016
Alone I lie,
In a trance state of mind.
My thoughts screaming,
But I don't move.

Too much pain,
Yet I don't even bother to cry.
I created this violence in my head.
Piercing thoughts until I'm dead.
Alpha Wolf Mar 2014
When will this real life nightmare end? I think id rather be put through chinese water torture. atleast id never break under pressure. but as long as we r judt friends its going to be hell. i dont think this migrane filled nightmare will ever end untill i geet her backk in my arms forever and finally call her mine again.
KD Miller Jan 2015
...***, as they harshly call it,
I fell into this morning
at ten o'clock, a drizzling hour
of traffic and wet newspapers.
I thought of him who yesterday
clearly didn't.
That "old last act"!
And yet sometimes
all seems post coitum triste
and I a mere bystander.
Somebody else is going off,
getting shot to the moon.
...we murmur the first moonwords:
Spasibo. Thanks. O.K.

- Adrienne Rich

I meant to write a headier poem about this
I sit down think about the quarter moon
is it in a fourth? I don't know,
the half of halves

here it is, here i am
writing down all there is to
saint saens the cello

i have a migrane, god.
jesus utterances but afterwards
we'd walk out the dark basements

and smoky apartment rooms (with a start over
sense later in the park)
with this and once you'd told me
"I think shame is a part of me"

however the other one would just
cross his arms
"come on be normal how are you are you ok whatever i don't
care anyways"

not to talk
the heat of the
flue hot on my face

i can't talk if i do i'll have to spit
out this window roll down the car!
the car window

sometimes i'd cry even reduced to tears
i knew to not try that **** with the other guy
you'd just stroke my hair and oh god

Oh god no one had ever touched
hair that softly in the history
of anything

or pulled it like that either and
so i remember august beach nights once
where i'd cry from that memory and

my mother would ask why do you weep?
why do you cry kid?
i'd just look at the breaking waves

the saens sinfonie in my head still
hoarsely say  "it's just cause... i'm loved so much you

and me and the guy with the room and the
black hair don't even
count on it
he'd hold my hand, alright
i'd feel no comfort in it
still feeling like i'd

taken a friendly stroll
along the state roadway
chemicals. chemicals. chemicals

soft sun in the
black bamboo
flooringwood and goodbyes.
this is an attempt at surrealist/ symbolist poetry let me live
Daisy Arcos Dec 2015
it hits you
but not all at once
or like a ton of bricks
more like
a constant migrane
a dull throb
with spikes of pain
that strike you
listlessly in vain
in the oddest
times and places
it hits you
in the middle of the night
or while staring
into your coffee
ruminating twilight
on your drive home
or when you get caught
in a stranger's sight
it hits you
and you'll want
to hit back
but you just can't
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Put a padlock on the backstock.
I gave a sweet goodbye wave.
People make fun of how I behave.
Alcohol drains common sense from your brain.
Pukes out the poison down the drain.
Can make your boyfriend homicidal & insane.
It is lame.
They have only themselves to blame.
A hangover migrane all the same.
On your heart & liver puts strain.
With him his whisky shots are to the rim.
Drinking from morning, to noon, til the next moon.
Stumbling around the room.
Be kind & brave.
Free yourself of a drunken slave.
Salvage what is left of your mind.
Don't be the guy who trys to lie.
Sobriety you never gave a try.
Pave the way I gave.
Yourself you must save.
It gets loud under a thunder cloud.
Do you ever wonder....
Why zero is the number,
To which you plunder?
Lazy & slumber....
Do you need a glass of water.
Thristy? Why do I even bother?
I actually love my daughter.
Better without a drunken dumped father. I met someone so much hotter.
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2017
it's sloppy, it's messy, but thankfully it's not an Ikea manual to put up a coffee-table... or precisely why we call it copernican... and east is where? how could copernicus ever help as navigate a ship... for all intensive purposes... sometimes the earth just has to be "flat", so it can be managed... ever navigate a car from Romford, Essex (a.), to Ostrowiec Św. (b.), Poland, using a map? an orb for the mere pleasure of imagining it to be so, doesn't exactly get me from a. to b., or what they might tell you in an English Catholic school: imagine the earth... and then imagine yourself moving away from it... ******, i still need to get from point a. to point b., Neil Armstrong isn't going to help me while having a kodak moment on the moon! the earth's flat, for all the right reasons, next time you hear about japanese tourists, driving their car into the sea when listening to some Tom / sat-nav off the coast of australia; then i'll tell you i'm imagining a pear, or a woman's ***.

the genesis comes with *homer's
then onto peering into darkness,
and extracting the light
within darkness...
  perchance we might mention
the islamic intoxication
of rumi - peering into it
all, liberal, sufi...
        last time i checked i was
so drunk that i could only create
a focus on the television
with only one eye open...
oddly enough i watch more darkness
and listen to more music than
i care to abandon and take to
having a wife...
    somehow music overpowers all
my natural urges to have a wife
to father her children,
to scoop into society for a few breadcrumbs...
how we are fated to so diverge...
thus in the night, in tormet
from a migrane, how many poses the lying
body made, how many groans,
as if in labour...
i can account for the medicine that came
    lying on the bed, with my head off it
upside-down, then arranging
the cushions for i lost the third cushion
as to lie as flat as possible....
so the neck was fully extended...
  and easing the pressure...
   why didn't i just go downstairs and drop
a paracetamol or a naproxen pill?
    i wanted agitation, i wanted to
be, for at least one night, akin to a chinese
and to be honest, if it wasn't for the turks
(the great translators of islam)
   i wouldn't think twice about it...
   or have read rumi,
  or fiddled in bed at night with a migraine
like i might be creating crucifix theatre /
the vanity project of golgotha...
   and you never really get to write
any poetry at all, when you've spent too much
time watching the sun, right in the eye
until it shows you itself, as the ultra-violet
           pulverising, vibrating entity
that it is...
        which is why i returned to closing
my eyes, and listening to music,
with such zeal as to not bother about women...
  and peering into the void to then see
these mini-shadows emerge from my travel
into Hades... words... as any ancient greek might
have said: a god's fondness and appeal
to a cerberus...
       or: what was once a sphinx...
or as some said: the original sin was plagiarism...
and i say that, because there's the need
for irony to be stated, and subsequent ridicule...
we plagiarised, and we still do...
    i mean, a man's head on a body of a lion...
became the unravelling, the anti-thesis
   of, say, Ra, or Anubis... an animal's head
on a human body... the sphinx... unravelled
the genesis of egyptian history
and led to its decay...
      as was Hades' pet, the three-headed dog
the basis for constructing christianity...
            we are prone to the original "sin"
because our "original" sin was to plagiarise...
             hence the irony... since plagiarising
is, well... unoriginal;
but for a poetry that's contained in the bible,
you have to speak in misnomers...
          as the concept of original sin is...
a misnomer...
            a misplaced name for something too
blatant that it requires some sort of mythical
narrative, just like cooking chicken
      in water / poaching it, to get a soup...
we have our boring dialogues,
   so instead of calling it a chicken poached in water
we add cinnamon, cardamom, cloves,
         bay leaves, chilli, turmeric,
            garam masala... etc., and hey presto!
it's a curry...
      like any self-respecting white boy can say:
they think curry spices are bad?
ever sniffed sourcrout?
   the turks pickle chillies... the slavs pickle cabbage,
i am not entirely sure how the two didn't meet
in a kebab concept... why not?
   pickled cabbage could really compliment
the lamb... we pickle vegetables  that we like
to feed pregnant women to,
or so they ask for: pickles doesn't just mean cucumbers...
chillies and cabbage...
now i'll show you africaan: kebāb...
ya, tosh-posh invitation of what's said to an essex
standard of: kebáb; funny, isn't it?
these distinctions, actually do exist -
    evidently english required a painter to come
and learn it, and then paint onto it.
Jared San Miguel Jul 2018
It's not sadness
or hate,
or regret.

It's empty;
closing your
hand around
something gone.

Empty doesn't
have a remedy;
everything falls
but doesn't land.

A migrane
whose temples
you can even
rub in futility.

Pain in phantom,
sourced from
a limb severed
out of foolishness.
When you have a important meeting to attend
you get stuck in traffic jam...

When your Director calls you to his office
its always the time when you get a call from home that the baby is crying...

When you have a sudden holiday next day,
you get up in morning with migrane...

When you have visitors coming over
your fridge suddenly is all empty...

When you have to make that one important call
your mobile credit is suddenly low...

When you have a friend waiting and you are already late
You definetly will have a burst tyre...

When you have a train to catch
your work never finishes till you almost miss the train...

When some guest come over as surprise
that is the when you lazied to clean the house....its the dirtiest to the core...

When you are fooling around on phone with a friend
you miss that one important call...

When you pack and fly off finally
its then you realise the most important
thing you needed is left behind...

When you want India to win, Sachin is on the crease strong
that very momen we loose a wicket and most often a match too...

When Ghana wanted that golden penalty
by the great Asomah Gyan
he hit the goal post, lost the match, lost the hope as well...

When you have a weekend planned
the weather shining the mood swinging
you get up in the morning to see its raining whole day and becomes messy..messing the whole feeling..

When you visit an uncle's place
they praise you delicious ice-creams and cakes
you decide to make some for them in good will and love
your perfect cake burns,
your soft ice-cream milk sticks to the pan, leaving the aroma behind in ice-cream,
in the family's minds and also in ur name..

When you mess certain thing
the people around you will always say they knew you will mess
but they never warn before...

Coincidences like these do happen too often,
Strange soon they will be termed as superstition ,
Modern day women have modern day problems,

Crisis factor are changing,
Panic attacks are the same..

Handling them is modern women achievements and
Tackling them is her trade mark,

Todays women are good at multi-tasking,
and situation like these makes them excellence at par...!!!

Mom's, Wife's, Sis in law s, Sister's Daughter's, Daughter in law s, Friends..
have successfully moved ahead...

Superstition dose'nt hamper their moving spirit,
Challenge each day is mile-stone..
To achieve and move on...To another day...another mile-stone
is the formula of perfect life..
is a formula for that perfect smile...!!!

Sparkle in Wisdom
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2018
   and of the few -
to join in, in the spectacle
              of humanity;
however many bones need to be
crunched, broken,
and allowed a  suffocation with
                                     to allow a flute
               if only
the mortals didn't implant
                                  a "future" from
an immortal perspective...
there is a death-defying
         it's called: a lie...
  much of my mortality
has been wasted on
               this puppet show
of claiming
to be part of, the events...
      i too, once, could reap
a shadow
of an impeding trot
as arriving at a "desired"
             old age is no
achievement within the confines
of the impeding death...
   but i do love how the dead
implore for a singing
        with epitaphs and
               asthmatic half-laughs...
king matters,
   while the very many
become the favoured few...
we can work with that:
   zeitgeist is apparently
an aphrodisiac:
to counter the "heilig"-geist
can't be too prudent to mind
nearing autumn,
  and the fallen prune...
    P.R.                  für sie (foor sigh,
in quasi-german, that's english,
which is the highest form
of saxon you'll ever have
a chance to experience).

     in the title, inclusive of the syllable
count, the counter with a
doubled-up: consonant...
                     matter, though,
isn't a problem...
           you can guess i've had
entertained a background
in chemistry...
                Na is no different
to sodium to me...
             liberal arts?
        social "sciences"?
               i have a fixation worth
an itch... then i'm reminded
of the 3rd party authorities...
        you know, that form of
an insatiable itch...
               something quiet relevanat
to improvising a headache,
   migrane, in mimic form,
second cousin, boring as ****,
but nonetheless utilised...

   ah... but poetry:
the candy equivalent to:
a sweet, said nothing...

            i like listening to
the jeff deist sanity...
                     you get the feeling
of actually wanting to wear
a crsip, well ironed,
white shirt,
          being able to, yourself,
manoeuvre donning a tie
           unlike it being a noose...

doubling on consonants?
   it's not exactly an english thing,
in how, western slavic is approached...
   ch' ch' chequers or chess?
     ****... called it drit in times of draughts...
or O...                the big moom
and the lesser whee,
   but more or less a concept
arrived to, from exposure to a pregnant
                                                        ­ woman...

         sh' sh': hushing the *******
              not nice...
    counter with a noun...

                                  shish kebab'ah!

told you H was a vowel-catcher...
minus the laughter, + a sigh...
     unless that's macron-style-africaan...
          doner kebāb...

                     reign / rain from

   i always loved juggling,
or tossing aside,
        inter-mingling the english
punctuation marks, with a complete,
absence, of "punctuation marks"
above, or below letters...

            sympathetic fren'cheese...
(whatever the "correct" spelling
is to boot, to market
equivalence) -
                     say ******* when
someone takes a photograph
of you and a bunch of ****-clinging
turds?!) -
                  right.... who knows!

some consonants are not well
equipped with a quasi-syllable-invoked
         verbum-intra has
                  apostrophes and diacritics,
primarily the former...
verbum-inter has
          commas, and allusion of
grandeour with colons, hyphens,
semi-colons and...
                 dot dot d... dotty: dittoing -
down-to-earth metaphors
without italics, or "air" quotes.

i still love the fact that rubber-ball
                , (comma) can jump and
attach itself to ceiling of a sentence
          and become an ' (apostrophe)...

because that's what existentialist
"mastered", or rather tried to exploit,
borrowing a re-framing of
the capacity of the metaphor...
                  with:           "                    "...

what the **** happened to
the good old days of fiction with
the gaelic narrative impetus
akin to a genesis of a paragraph,
beginning with a:

    -                      yes, a hyphen!

if it weren't for the exposure to
pedantry: making language encoding
into surd a technicality-bias
               for pedantry per se...
i really don't know,
what i would do...

                hyper-literacy is not some
teddy-bear you squeeze to get a giggle
              i was never fond of
americanism's acronyms,
                or otherwise
the internet fission of hieroglyphics
through memes...
                        the: an image + a word...

what, if anything, can ever be justified
      as "self"-explanatory?!

it explains itself to a self?
        i think that's a rhetorical question...
point being:
              who governs it
in bypassing phenomenology,
  and attributing a self,
      to the confines of a noumenon?

— The End —