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She helped kiss away my tears

Comforted my pain with sympathy

She took away my fears

She is an angel to me

Over me, she looks down

I feel that she still does care

Watches me, no matter which town

I will always know she is there

She lives on in my heart

My wonderful, Scottish nan

Long ago to Heaven she did depart

She helped to shape this man

All the things she ever did

Was help open my eyes to see

I am always her little grand-kid

And she is always an angel to me


Dedi­cated to my grandmother (Violet Eason Smith) who died in 1992.
copyright Chris Smith 2000
Rune amergin Jun 2010
what the hell is love anyway? why is there this supposed special connection to someone. And why do we fret so much when it goes away? what makes it different than a friendship? is it the extra doses of horomones you get from kissing? (wich, lets face it, is oly a trigger to the brain to think of ****** contact) why must humans search and find this ONE person the propose impossible promises to? Most animals just let their ****** need envelope them when they choose and dont think too much on the subject. But doses of religion and morals of society prohibit us from doing that. Are those morals the things telling us to seek out this unreasonable aspect of love? are those morals the secret to these pain-inflicting circumstances? becasue, all feelings are are certain levels and mixtures of horomones in the brain, so love is nothing more than a science. The thing that seperates the link between enjoing someone as a friend and as a suitor is ***. and the eason people get heartbroken and cry over losers who hurt them are merely the fault of morals
Hazel Connelly Nov 2012
A n attempt to bamboozle him.

D irecting  the abomination
I nto my inner soul.
S corn, in the flame of passion,
A ffection going nowhere.
G iving way to struggle, looking for a
R eason to cherish
E very yearning.
E nding this bitter taste,
M aking this relationship
E stranged.
N ever will it bloom
T o a tender love.

© Hazel
S O P H I E Feb 2018
i am...

A-bstractly addicted to absolute abuse
B-y basketcase boys with nothing better to be
C-autious when I caught chaos
D-riving me delutional day by day
E-ven when everyone echoed into my ear
F-uck this familiar fatal feeling
G-oing after guilty guys
H-ardly having healthy habits
I-njuring my inner innocence
J-ustifying jaded *******
K-indly killing all
L-ackluster lovers so they dont
M-ention me making mistakes
N-ever not nervous
O-ver obsolete oblivion
P-inky promising people to stay
Q-uietly questioning my
R-eason to resolve all emoitions ripping right from my
S-tomach snaking their way to satisfaction
T-hrough tounges I never even wanted to taste
U-nable to grasp unhappiness
V-isiously turning up the volume
W-aiting for any kind of wasted warmth
X-eric eyes
Y-et again teary
Z-oning through endless time

until i'm right back where i started...
and i'm alone again
Julie Butler Mar 2016
I've quit calling it falling
all of the
gulping that I fend

Now that I've bent all my limbs backwards
I'm having to break them all back in

buried in what I play the fool for
always the liar and then friends

dreading that I should fall asleep
knowing that this must somehow

always i'm
packing up my reason,
freely & giving up my time
I'm tired of
dragging this body behind me
fearing the
damage it's done on my spine
Henry Brooke Jan 2016
D on't
E ever
P retend
R eason
E xceeds
S olidarity;
S imply
I gnore
O ngoing
N egativities.
Lynsey-Nova Mar 2013
for once i was whole
only you knew who i was
reason left me
everytime i saw you
vain evil feelings
escape my body in a rush
r**elease me please i beg you

— The End —