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Haddy Nov 2015
Nuptial state!
Is it a bond?
Is it a grief?
I can see the fire at the end,
Disappearing and untouchable stars.

What is alike?
Obliging your hubbies
Cranky babies
Are they our burden?
I screamed,
Suppressing my emotions and reactions.

What is marriage?
A little adjustment, said one.
I feel it is a full of amendments.
Accommodate yourself for others.
Is this life?
Risking our future for a stranger.

How it call as divine?
Wearing a dress of his preference,
Is this call freedom?
How to live hiding my wishes?
A heartbeat is lost a dream forgotten.

If you have a child,
Will you happy ever after divorce?
It is a real lock
Locked within a ring
Are you afarid of it?
Is it an everlasting inexpliacability

No it is not,
Think slackenly,
And prefer good...
Many married women who have deliberately spurned the "hour" of childbearing are unhappy and frustrated. They never discovered the joys of marriage because they refused to surrender to the obligation of their state. In saving themselves, they lost themselves!
Krusty Aranda Dec 2017
Today I live in fear

I woke up afraid of the same pillow that comforted me last night
It felt as if my dreams had been soaked up by it
My thoughts dripping out of my ear, one by one, dampening the cloth with which it's covered
My bed wanted me to stay, to lay away forever
Prevent me from going anywhere, pulling me towards it
I was a discarded piece of metal being pulled by the giant magnet that would take me to the dumpster to be crushed next to my scrap brethren
I am afraid of the wind blown from my fan
The cold on my skin burns as my sheets hold me tightly in place
I'm afraid to get out, to step on the floor, one foot at a time
To sit up and gag
To stand up and throw up all the regret, the unspoken words, the tears I so cowardly saved to myself for all these years
The 9 beers and 1 tequila shot
I'm afraid to text you
I'm afraid there will be no reply, the silence, the distance
What is said and what is not
What I know, what you won't fix
I'm afraid of losing this game
I'm afraid of playing my next hand, to look at the cards I've been dealt and find nothing other than hopelessness at the lack of anything good
I'm afraid to write this poem, to let my words gang up on me, and beat me up mercilessly as I can only type on and cry out your name
I'm afarid I won't be here tomorrow
I'm afraid you won't
I'm afraid to be here right now, as I was afraid yesterday
Afraid of the new year
Afraid of our Christmas dinner
Afraid of us, of everyone, of no one
I'm afraid of being alive, dancing in this graveyard of broken dream, of complaints and looking at the floor unable to gaze upon my very own dissapointments
I'm afraid to admit I am worthless, but also afraid to do anything about it
I'm afraid to be everything you were looking for, and missing the mark completely
I'm afraid that I'll hurt you, and that I commited a sin I don't regret
Like Jesus I hang nailed to my own cross by the acts I commited and ommited, while words spurt out of my wonds and into this text screen, as I terrifyingly try to tell myself, it will be ok
I'm afraid it will be ok

Today I live in fear
But I guess I live
Maria Hernandez Nov 2020
I saw you from a distance
tall, semi muscular,  with dark hair.
An unfamiliar figure
in my mind curiosity is triggered.

Who is this man
with skin so tan.
He wears a black suit,
white shirt, and black tie.
You look like  the kind of guy
any girl would want to have,
the kind of man who has no problem
getting whatever she would want to buy.

My eyes graze you up and down
to every inch of you.
I can see it right through,
you catch my eye and smile.
You look like trouble, one of
the kind Im not afarid to get into.  

As I stand in this cold mysterious dark night
wearing nothing but a silky grey dress,
and matching silver heels,
I wonder where you'll go tonight.
But whoever will see you
I bet will have good night.

In hindsight I spot the black Mercedes,
the night is young,
a long wild night for me awaits.
I step inside the black Mercedes,
to my right I see you
"Hello" with a smile he says.
As a custom I give him a kiss on the cheek and
I take a seat right next to his.

Guess I have the answer to my question,
Tonight your coming with me,
something I definitely didn't foresee.

through the side of my eye
I see the way you look at me.
You spread your legs at the sight of my *******,
you bite your lips as I put on my lipstick,
in your mind im already undressed.

The smell of your cologne makes
my breath quiver,
the thought of wanting to see it, still lingers.
this space between us makes me unease
I want to feel you hold me in your arms
as you put it inside making me weak in the knees.

Take off my clothes
I'll let you have a taste.
I want your tongue's prints
to fill my body trace by trace.

I don't want this night to end,
if you want it badly I can ride your face,
or  I can have you inside my mouth instead.

Its not gonna be a long trip,
only got one chance, might as well
take advantage of every drip.
The car now smell you, me, us

The silence here surpassed by your,
mine, our moan.,
and souvenirs from your cologne.
I'm afarid
To run
I'm afraid
You won't
Chase me.
A Oct 2016
Parched are my lips
saddened from every emotion you feel
my voice apologizes
for my cowardice
I'm too afarid to ask
for every hardship you face
my silence is an assailant
kills every moment of bliss

Dried up thoughts and helpless gestures
It's as though I'm watching your body suspended
on to a cliff
My hands urge me to save you but my mind makes me wait
I'm not sure what is the right option
I'm a marionette


My mind
too afraid of what
May escape your tired tongue
tongue tied
I remain broken
from selfdestruction
I remain at peace unaware of your destruction
Helena Andrea Jun 2014
Sometimes i want to hold you,re hand and to look into you,re eyes
Sometimes i forget my pain being with you
Sometimes i lose my mind thinking bout you
Sometimes i lose myself into you,re blue eyes
Sometimes i die being with you and loving you
My heart was poisoned but you transform it in a honey cascade
We are just me and you living in a fairytale what will never end
Our love will remain strong even if everything is against us
Sometimes i,m afarid that i,ll lose you but nothing can,t separate us
Sometimes i feel that i fall down but you are always there to get me up
Sometimes i feel that i lose my faith but i always rediscover it in you,re heart
I love you, you are the most precious thing in my life
In you i,ll always have faith untill the day when the life will bring us together forever.
MayC Jan 2020
it happened.
i screamed silently with my tears,
you hurt me with your fears.

you seemed to care,
but I'm afarid that you'll scare
my scarred heart,
my fragile art.

now a freezing fire burns in me
running softly
through my soul,
tar black coal,
hiding quietly ,
in old rusty tin,
the diamond within.

-May Colde
Masks were on the floor, but yours was still in your hands.
Yashashvi Sep 2020
someone asked me what I fear the most;
I fear realtionships and humans.
I'm afarid to get attached , I'm afarid of the truth that one dies at some point.
I fear I might end up hurting them
what if I can't say a goodbye to them properly.
it's just I'm afarid of getting close to people
Nellie 55 Dec 2019
Come home, where you belong. In my arms where the comfort use to be. That should be me. Missing home where I felt and go safely. Look what shattered hearts brought me. You'll always be a part of my heart. Don't be afarid to come home. I don't care when or where I'll always open my loving arms. Take each other on a road trip as we planned. The past is in the review mirror,  let's travel on a journey like we should be going to a destination. Let's not worry about the distance.
Yashashvi Sep 2020
how should I learn,
to fly and disappear,
how would I know ,
the good and bad,
how can I judge ,
I'm a blindfold "lady justice",
how should I run,
I'm tied of ropes,
how can I hope,
there's no faith to believe,
how can I show truth,
dirt is all over their eyes,
how can I say,
stitches on lips,
how should i live,
for being myself is a crime,
               cause I'm just a little girl
               afarid of dark
               learning to seek the light
               but they tend to close my eyes
               with ribbons called lies
               saying I am fool
               being over much
               as I reveal out my mind

am I supposed to break the norms,
should I untie the ropes
am I supposed to endorse,
nod like I do agree
am I supposed to protest,
challenge how they think
you ask me to speak out
should I murmur the words
else show you the power of flow
am I supposed to be defined ,
am I supposed to make self comment?

         should I be one of them,
         just breathe to live?
         that air leaves my body
         the every next second

— The End —