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 Sep 2020 thomezzz
Datore Fargo
I watched the moon,
last night,
it danced through,
the tree limbs,
onto my,
bare skin.
I pondered,
if maybe,
you too held,
across your chest.
 Sep 2020 thomezzz
soured fruit
 Sep 2020 thomezzz
she always smelled like oranges
now i stay away from citrus
distance is
but you see trust
is miles away
Somedays I'd just rather
be alone than being with people
that make me feel lonely.

Other days I'd rather be
alone and unbothered
because I want to feel nothing,
exactly nothing at all.
 Aug 2020 thomezzz
Lynne Podrat
Today I tried to run away
I did not have success,
The road was long,
The day too hot,
I fear I look a mess.
My long hair quite in disarray
My clothing, loose and free
People cry and point and try
to run away from me.
 Aug 2020 thomezzz
 Aug 2020 thomezzz
a star fell
to the earth
each time
i thought of You,

the sky
would be
void of light.
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