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 Apr 16 caity
Carlo C Gomez
It feels like the anesthetic is wearing off

This circus of machines

From coin-operated hostility

To wholesale apathy refineries

They tell us it's winter down in the subdermal

They tell us the foundation has grown weak

Dislocation is a incoming storm

Mirrors are distorted screens

Placeholders really

In a city without children

Even the statues weep

Snow upon the ground that was once blood

Now an empire without heirs

Even the trees hate us

 Jan 31 caity
Olga Valerevna
if I am unbecoming all the words you’ve never read
then I can take my time while I go walking through your head
you’ll never even see me and you’ll never even know
I’ll speak into your body, may it reap what it will sow

if I am unbecoming all the traits in me you knew
then I will be the mountain you will not know how to move
you’ll never even feel me and you’ll never even think
I’ll be with you forever, every single time you blink


if I am unbecoming all the words you’ve ever read
then I will pick my body up and bury it instead
you’ll find me in the in-betweens, in laughter and in sighs
I’ll be in every single breath, you never will know why
who you think i am or who i am
 Dec 2023 caity
guy scutellaro
"A" has all the men
40 and up
in love with her

"M" is most likely
a nun

"C" is in the CIA,
or the witness protection program
perhaps a quantum physicist

( you all know
the people
who who I'm talking about)

for all the forlorn
who've been spurned,
I share the advice
my mom gave me
"you'll find someone else"
and so, please
don't write you are
or sad,
tell me you
want to ****
the son of a...*****
write about something

( can never
go wrong
writing a poem

make all the women
have big *****)

and for the paranoid poets
just because you are
it doesn't mean that
people are not
following you, so,

we have a separate life
we exist on comments
we live
on the internet,

the psychotic
the lonely,
and perverts
and dreamers,
some poets
some mystics
some saints,
most of us, tortured souls
trying to find solace
in the words we write,
and to leave a piece of us
and not fade away
like a shooting star
into the nothingness
of thin air
 Jul 2023 caity
Carlo C Gomez
His initial kiss
Is foraging

The solemn experience
Flickers by like sodium lights

It ****** the entrance
Of her thoughts
It settles at the door
To wonderland

Where and there
The pressure meets the surf
Bathing over her

A cleansing ripple
To tide her over 'til spring

stains the cup if left standing,

remember the hotel, 1964,

we used to scour them especially

round the handle, then the base.
Sometimes seasons start in an unexpected way
Some nights the sleep is stolen away
Some loves are never meant to be
people come into your life and leave.
There are moments in life when everything falls in place
Moments everything falls apart.
Sometime someone comes along
and  makes you laugh,
a gift from heaven.
Energy comes free,
a sparkle lightening up the soul.
Adding time to living .

Laugh and you’ll live longer.

Shell ✨🐚
Laughter is like a healing balm for the soul.
The night sky holds
Dead stars without letting out a tear
With the moon shining upon the darkness
Can I be the one who holds you in your pain?
I have no purpose any more.
I’m a painter who’s gone blind
And a singer who’s gone deaf.
There is no call for what I sell.

I still daub colors on a board
To smell the Linseed Oil again
I hear the music in my head
And mouth the words in silence.

There is no surgery or cure,
What’s gone is lost forever.
And I must find a way to live
In silent darkness, if I can.
Another of those dreary tomes I wrote when I was depressed. I'm better now.
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