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naila Jan 2016
Helloo its me
I was wondering if all this time could pass so fast
To see your face and lisn to ur voice
They say time will pass fast
But i feel hours like years
Hello can you hear me?
Im in the house looking at your room
Remembering your laugh ur scream
I've forgetten how the my days felt before you leave

Theres such a long distance between us and a time difference

Hello from the other continent
I must have cried a thousand timess
Bcuz u left and i have no one but whn i try to forget abt u it never seem to work

Hello from another country
Your my sister my blood how can i forget abt u that fast?

Hello how's ur studies ??
It became so typical of me to talk to my self whn i feel alone
Do u ever miss me the way i do?
And its no secret that we r both far

Hello from ur bedroooom can u see me looking in ur clothes  i've always tried to be like u
Hello from the other country
Can u hear me crying? I miss u so much

Hello how r u?
I've been trying to be u for such a long time but now that i can its so difficult to be as strong as u
Im so bad with u
I never told u but i think i love you
I miss u since u walked out the door.
Dont leave me
I love you
I wrote this bcuz my sis is leaving tomorrow to study in another country and i never stayed away from her i cant stop crying bcuz she's leaving
JDK Nov 2015
You can sit in your bed,
and go through every conversation and situation,
and yet you'll never know why.

You can cry every last tear that you have,
for days on end,
and you'll still never know why.

You can say a million words,
or "sorry's,"
or even "I love you's,"
but you will still never know why.

You can lose hope more times than you can count,
and even then you will never know why.

And maybe that's just it;
Nobody's supposed to know.
My younger sister wrote this one and asked me if I'd post it.
I do believe that talent runs in the family :)
Silence Screamz Sep 2015
Wood pine box
I seek no time
Seeing pictures of you
trapped in my mind

Closed eyes in the dark
lay there in peace
Tears fall to the floor
and tripped over feet

One second no more
no ticks on the clock
Wish you here
My heart does not stop

Hold me together
Shaken and stolen
You left us to early
God Bless, you are golden
a little tryst for my sis, she made me smile everyday
Sister, who are you?
I see you day after day playing this game of charades.
I've known you from day one.
I was child number two.
I followed you, you were my peer.
Please don't take this badly, I'm being sincere.

Remember the guy with the mohawk and the piercings?
You don't like to talk about him, I know.
But look back to then, remember yourself at that time. Black haired girl, getting pierced, dark eyed and alone.
Your screaming music piercing our ear drums,
we watched this guy make you dumb.
Just like your man you were hard to stand.

All I want is for you to be yourself.
Be alone for a bit.
See how it works.
Don't fall in love with some worthless guy,
or make friends with the "hippie vibes."
We talk about mom.
I know you don't want to be her.
Make a list of what you guys have in common.
It's a long list, I fear.
Jenny, best friends for a while. Parties!  You guys were wild.
We were happier though, you seemed to have friends.
You guys grew up then.
The parties stopped…well somewhat!
You were dancing to a different tune, making jewelry, smoking ****!
Life was fun for you indeed.
Then, Jenny got pregnant, you were there.
Holding her hand through the scare.
Then you had your own place with Jenny and baby Ben.
You were only twenty-one then!
That's until Jenny went away.
Your first time alone.
What did you do?
You found a man to hold that empty hand.

Please! I want to know! Who are you?
I see you trying to blend in with those around you,
but you, yourself is getting lost.
There is a wall between us,
please knock the wall down.
Your more like a close friend that is always around.
I want to know your hobbies,
your thoughts,
your own opinions,
without the guidance of those whose mind, yours isn't.

First of all he was way too old!
It didn't matter though, or so you told.
He wants to move and so do you!
With steve came new hobbies!
Rock climbing is so much Fun!
What were we to do but give in?
Hurry lets buy her gifts!
Rock climbing gear from the legs to the wrists!
But tell me Laura…
after you and steve said your goodbyes…
When was the last time you took a climb?

Jenny's back!
and she brought Dupray!
We hoped.
We prayed.
Please god not Dupray!!!!
Where is Steve? Bring that dude back!
Forever I won't take for granted that worthless rat!
But it's too late…Steve's gone.
"Hi Dupray, so Laura is your new mom?"

Her life is now a long, depressing song.
That annoying song is on repeat I fear.
The biggest moocher of all is living with her.
Laura's life is becoming a nightmare!

So here I am.
The question still lingers…
Right now my sisters name is Dupray…
He is the front she is.
Dupray is the role Laura plays.
Hopefully the story with Dupray will end.
Maybe Laura will fall in love again?
Hopefully with an awesome dude!
I hope she'll have self confidence,
then Laura won't be afraid to be herself for once.
That will be the first time I'll be happy to see Laura conform,
Finally I'll see Laura be herself,
writing her own verses to her own song.
Dancing to her own beat.
No more bowing at the feet of those who are lame.
She'll be better then, I hope.
Laura's life will then be dope.
unfortunately the story with dupray never ended. that ******.

— The End —