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Senate Jun 2015
I do what I like
some days I wake up to go to breakfast
some days I don't want to wake up at all
but does that change who I am? absolutely not
I do me and that's okay.
Senate Feb 2015
she bared her soul for all to see. The hurt, the pain, the was all there. The scars she had, some gasped as they saw the, some acted shocked and others couldn't even find hide the disgust. "She is an attention seeker" they all said. She walked away, with no care whatsoever. The next morning they called for her, silence. Her mother's screams could be heard down the road. "Society killed me" she wrote, just before taking her own life, she knew it was coming, she knew and she was okay with it, she was always ready.
  Feb 2015 Senate
you have
every right
to be
and i have
every intention
to die
  Feb 2015 Senate
My mind is like a war zone but without the ammunition.
The thoughts are like a solider on a search and destroy mission.
The guns are like the process that puts thoughts into my head.
The bullets are like the voices that say they want me dead.
My mind is like a war zone and I’m a prisoner of war.
Serving a life sentence, I can’t take it anymore.
It’s a fight that needs to end, that needs to end right now.
If only I had willpower and if only I knew how.

— The End —