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He’s no musician.
He doesn't make melodies through violin and guitar strings.
Yet he composed, haunting ballads in dramatic tempos,
Rhyming every lyric,
Harmonizing, making it dance in a musical euphony.

He’s no seamster.
Yet he cuts and he traces,
plain words and printed phrases;
Then he sews and he weaves it skilfully,
into a lovely concrete poetry.

He’s no painter.
He just has a palette of pigmented letters,
splashing colorful lines on his blank canvass.
A blast of contained evocative memories,
Streaking and shading mixtures of kaleidoscopic imagery.

He’s no storyteller.
Yet from him, I heard the most romantic tales-
One, of the moon and its lover sea.
Reciprocating shy glances, whispering I love you’s,
while kissing behind the sprawling mountains.
Though the dawn will come, they do not fear.
For after the majestic tribal sun leaves his stage,
There’ll the lovers be once again reunited.

He's no poet.**
Yet he writes--
stanzas and verses.
And oh! it revives,
every strand of emotion,
every sense of intuition,
Inside me.
A lyrical perception,
Sheer perfection,
Arousing perpetual reactions,
From me.
I am not good at this. I just want to express my pure gratitude, appreciation and awe for you.

"I am no poet. Never thought of myself as one. Just a guy dabbling clumsily in words"
Yet even, everything you do amaze me.

Thank you all wonderful people on Hello Poetry. I just realized this moment that this poem was featured as Daily poem yesterday.  I have never imagined any of my work will be posted as daily. Thank you all for the hearts, re-post,share, comments and messages. You really made my heart and soul so happy. :)
And most of all, thanks to the man who inspire me to write this one. :)
 Apr 2015 n o n e
Seán Mac Falls
Fire flies at night
Man spins in dark galaxies
God's numberless eyes
 Apr 2015 n o n e
Stu Harley
the moment
that she
opened up
spiritual eyes
i knew
for sure
would be okay
through the storm
i really
love you girl
yes i do
 Apr 2015 n o n e
Derek Sumner
 Apr 2015 n o n e
Derek Sumner
I’m sorry.

I’m sorry all I can do is sit around playing love songs on guitar.

I’m sorry all I do is waste away.

I’m sorry i want to be too drunk or high to know whats going on all the time.

I’m sorry my existence is one of love and hate.

I’m sorry that I have hurt you, all of you.  

I’m sorry I can’t make up my mind between you three.

I’m sorry that I make it ******* you three.

I’m sorry for relying on you to keep me alive.

I’m sorry that you might cry reading this.

I’m sorry that I always want to die.

This isn’t how it should be.

Maybe in another life.

Maybe then.

Maybe we can love like we were meant to.

Maybe it won’t happen.

Maybe he won’t take you away.

Maybe you won’t pick him over me.

Maybe you won’t run from me.


But knowing my luck, then I’ll be the one to choose.

Between all of you.

My lifeholders.

My loves.
 Apr 2015 n o n e
autumn eyes
This city is a hotel,
Vacant of lasting love.
You're never able to tell
Its fantasy till you're given a shove

We arrive here all alone
Leaving our loved ones behind
Making sure our sadness isn't shown
We all seem to be so kind.

But when you're lying in a sterile bed
Pain residing in a part of your body
Reality checks into your head
No ones around you.  You have nobody.

My City is a hotel
Vacant of honest love.
How can you smile when all you want to do is to cry?
How can you keep holding on when there is nothing you can do but to jump off the cliff?
How can you keep in touch to the people who wanted to stay away?
How can you fly if you're afraid to fall?
How can you win the battle if you're the only one left fighting?
How can you let go the person who you wanted to stay?
How can you feel love and hate at the same time with the same person?
How can you hate a person who is hurting you in so many ways but still loving him?
How can you be happy when you know someone is suffering?
How can you live when you feel like you're dying?
How can you keep things in place when they keep on falling apart?
How can you speak out your mind if you can't find your voice?
How can you get started if you don't know where to begin?
How can you follow your heart when they are torn into pieces?
How can you say you're fine when you're not?
How can you see the right path when they pushed you to darkness?
How can you say you're sad when you've never been happy?
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