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  Aug 2015 alex a
Nature has deemed fit to bless the female form with monthly...troubles
Once taboo to speak of
Many grew up ignorant of their own blood
Only that it's purpose signified
Their readiness to be sacrificed
Lower than cattle, owned, bartered
A son meant continuation of line, of name
A woman was an acquisition
Nothing more
Many a young maid, trembling on her wedding night
Forced to open her heart, her ****** body
To a man, hopefully gentle
That she had only just met
Let alone speak to
A groom preferred his bride
Meek and mild
Untouched by even her own hands
To know pleasure was to be a wanton
Nothing pure could be so passionate
When our very nature dictates us to be so!
Society views our struggle as
"Having come a long way."
How reprehensible to say such a thing
When we are still victimized
The media flaunts only those
That are deemed "beautiful" by a panel of judges
When in fact all of us radiate
For we are governed by the moon
*Our very *** harnessed by her silvery pull
No wonder  ladies get such a bad rap for being over-emotional.
alex a Aug 2015
Taking the extreme way out,
You can't always try to be killing yourself.
One day they say you'll have a wife
And a kid or two.
Well, whatcha gonna do when you find out
Life's the right thing for you?

Can drugs really mess you up so bad
That you forget the life you used to have?
Us, together, could have been a team.
But, I guess it wasn't part of your color scheme.
Babe, you know you will always mean the world to me.
Team "Angel Eyes and Devil in Disguise"
Could have ruled the world with their teenage minds.
thank you for reading! please comment
alex a Jul 2015
We're the muted colors
The flowers that failed to bloom
You were beauty that never spoke
But you melted my heart too soon.
My heart is sticky in my hands
And the blood is pouring out.
Boy, you lost all control of your mind.
I see you smile right before the darkness take me out.
i need you
  Jul 2015 alex a
A Watoot
the heart i drew on the sand by the beach got washed away by the sea- just like how easily you threw away our memories together
sorry sorry sorry i cannot lose you
  Jul 2015 alex a
We should not let our brain interfere with our mind
because what good comes there out of thinking
when you were somewhere inbetween floating and flying
in somewhat a third dimension of wonders, without moving an inch of your body.
We have the power to become and be nothing at the same time by just letting our mind go on adventures while our brain will distract us with thoughts and do we really want those when we at last can get a break?
We should allow ourselves to sometimes let go and let the fantasies take us to the inner places of space.
Our inner galaxies will speak louder to us than any thought that reminds us of what we now forgot to get at the grocery store or how we did not do our work properly enough.
The responsibilities are binding us forcefully together so we mentally can't move comfortably.
Inside our own universe we are only bound to be free.
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