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Emily Aug 2014
I want to make love to you
I want you to know all the things you make me feel
There are certain emotions
And specific feelings
That are hard to get down in words
There aren't any words or explanations
For what I feel for you
My love for you goes beyond the emotional
Goes beyond the physical
I am in dyer need of your love
Of your pleasure
You are my one desire
The true love of of my life
You ******* alive
You provide me with my every breath
I want to make love to you
I want to buy you gifts
I want to do nice things for you without expectation
And show you in every way
That you are my world
My sun sets and rises with you
Please let me show you
Let me tell you
All that you mean to me
I wish you believed me
Emily Feb 2014
I don't need a new love
I've had him all along
I was just distracted
By the most evil of imps
Selfishness and egoism
The true root of your motives
Selflessness and love
The true root of his
It's not a matter of choosing
I've already chosen him
It's a matter of letting go
And I'm letting go of you
© Willa 2014
Emily Jul 2014
No more love poems to be written
In this heart of mine
Only feelings of loss and resignation
Take over my soul and cause me agony
It seems like I've been down this road one too many times before
And I sit here wondering why I did the same things
Thinking of all the signs I chose to ignore
I wonder if I'll learn my lesson
I wonder if I'll ever heal
Heartbreak takes a toll on people
And I've been suffering for so long
Thoughts and wonder fill my brain
About if I'll ever love again
If I'll ever find trust in another
© Emily 2014
Emily May 2014
I lay in this warm bed
Yet all I feel is cold
I guess I have a few friends
But all I manage to feel is alone

Why does it seem
That everything I do is wrong
I can never make you believe
That I've loved you for so long

Why do you ignore me
When I've never left you in the dark
It makes me feel so lonely
And like we share no spark  

I feel like I'll never be enough
My love doesn't seem to mesmerize you
I'm afraid to say that I'm not that tough
And without us, I wouldn't know what to do

You get me through the day
You comfort me in the night
I only hope that you don't go astray
And that you continue to be my light
© Emily 2014
Emily Feb 2014
It feels so good
It's indescribable
When you come up behind me
And plant sweet kisses
Softly on my neck and cheeks
I swear there's never been
A more happy moment
When you do that to me
I am filled with butterflies
I haven't felt this in a long time
You light me up
With every touch
I can't get enough of your love
I'm truly attached
Right at the hip
You're the only one
I want to spend my life with
Kiss me through the day
Continue throughout the night
Your feel, your taste
It's what I need to breathe
© Willa 2014
Emily Jun 2020
I replay in my mind
the feel of your lips against the skin of my back
the softness of your beard on my legs

I hear in my head
your tired but hungry voice
the words ‘i love you’
sweetly in my ear
my heart feels so full
like the moon

but more than these physical sensations
are the feelings of rapture and safety
when you look at me with love and deep care
your admiration for me washes over me
my soul is so peaceful
now I sit back and wonder, did that disappear?

losing you is my greatest fear
for jkm
Emily Feb 2014
Don't let another tear
Fall from your eyes
What's done is done
The past is in the past
It cannot be changed
Time doesn't stop for anyone
All you have to do is move on
None of this will matter
In a year's time
Don't dwell on what tore you down
Focus on what lifts you up
Don't be someone's option
When they're your priority
Give that up
Live your life with all your deserved glory
No time for hate and prejudice
You do yours
And I'ma do mine
Just something I wrote quickly while thinking about how, despite being ****** over, there is still so much to enjoy about life.

© Willa 2014
Emily Jun 2014
This relationship is impossible
How do you expect us to maintain our love if we hardly speak
Especially since we live across the world from each other
I'm always the one to drop what I'm doing
I do it to take advantage of the small window of time that we are given
Considering the fact that there is a significant time difference between us
You go throughout your day easily ignoring me
How is your love and devotion real when you don't get upset by not talking to me
Nothing you say makes sense because it doesn't match your actions
You've proven nothing to me
All you have proven is that you do things with thoughts of your own self interest
All you have proven is that you are selfish
All you have proven is that you are a liar
I make effort after effort
I think about you, I dream about you
I talk to you, I long for you
I attend to you, I shower you with affection
I'm through with the days that are filled with me waiting around for you
I'm through with the impending doubt that I feel on a daily basis
I'm through with your inconsequential "I love you" that you repeat to me whenever things get bad
I'm through with your guilt trips that reel me back in whenever I try to leave
By the way you act, I mean close to nothing to you
From now on, I'll attempt to train myself to get over you
So that eventually, you'll mean nothing to me too
beyond frustrated.

© Emily 2014
Emily Jan 2016
I can feel myself fade away
My body gets weak
I can't even see anymore
Not sure if it's the tears in my eyes
Or the fact that my body may shut down
I called a suicide hotline
But I just hung up
Nothing matters to me now
Except my dog
This doesn't make sense
But I'm scared to leave my dog
I'm super hazy
Haven't eaten
Took a shot
I have work later
Who knows if I'll be awake to go
I don't want to go
I just want to stay under the covers
If that means dying
Then that's what I'll do
Why should I care
to keep a promise for you
You don't care
You think I'm bad
You think I lie
But all I did was give you my heart
I would rather die
Than live like this
I wiped a tear
And another one came down
And another one
I closed my eyes shut
And a few more poured out
This doesn't even make sense
But I think it's the meds
Taking a long nap
And hope it never ends
Emily Jun 2014
it won't be me that ends up alone forever
it'll be you
i'm emotional
but i'm reasonable
everybody suffers from a tiny bit of neurosis
but i'm not neurotic
i work hard for those that i love
i work diligently to maintain the relationships i have
that's why i actually have friends that love me
and you have none
you are the bad guy of your family
you're the crazy person amongst your tiny group of friends
don't get it mixed up
you are actually mentally ill
look in the mirror, ******
Emily Feb 2014
You singlehandedly changed my life
But not in a good way
You dragged me through
A battlefield of emotions
You made me apologize
When I did no wrong
You made me feel even weaker
When I wasn't feeling so strong
You treated me the opposite way
Of how I treated you
I put you so high on my list of priorities
Ashamed to say you took the number one spot
And now you've left me
Acting as though I don't exist
Or that my existence is unimportant
This happened so many times
But I refused to see the signs
And gave you the benefit of the doubt
But you were always manipulating me
Into thinking everything was my fault
Or that I'm the undeserving one
But truthfully speaking
You're the liar and the one
Who took full advantage of my willingness to love and heal you
I tried to surrender multiple times
And walk away
You wouldn't let me
Always kept me wondering and second guessing
Forcing me to believe you cared about me
But worst of all
Getting me to believe that when you said
"I love you"
You were actually being true
But you weren't
And for that
You are the predator
I am the prey
And it will always be that way
Title comes from the song.

© Willa 2014
Emily Sep 2014
dear the love of my life,

thank you for waltzing into my world
so quickly and so unexpectedly
i think we are nothing more
than the perfect stroke of destiny
we are meant to be
there is a reason we found each other
to cure one another from hopeless days
and finally live through our own cliches
you are my sun, my moon, and my stars
without you i am nothing
but a body full of scars
you cure me from self doubt
you fix me from self hate
make me realize i'm unconditionally loved
make me truly believe in fate
you are my mantra, my muse, my woman
i can't breathe without you
not with the absence of your love, i just couldn't
thank you for being mine
and thank you for giving yourself to me
no amount of time or words
could allow me to ever express that to you adequately
give me your forever
not a day less will do
i will love you until my last breath
and when my spirit thrives after my body has died
you, my soulmate, will always be by my side
i love you, lauren.
Emily Jun 2015
Spending your love on something and it goes unnoticed
You're pushed to the edge and then start to lose focus
You don't know where things might have gone wrong
Because all along you thought you were strong
You try your hardest, you do your best
But all you're left with is pure unrest
You begin to feel worthless
You are ridden with stress
Love seems lost now
So take back your vow
It doesn't mean anything anymore
Emily May 2014
You are a master deceiver
You've been able to fool not a few
But hundreds of people that have the misfortune
Of coming across someone like you
And believe all the words that escape your mouth
You become obsessed with one person
Get them to love you and invest their feelings
And then you move on to the next one
To leave the other one feeling like an idiot
I'm the biggest fool for letting you into my life
I should have known that you would lie to me
Not just once but many other times after that
I should've known you would have everything to hide
I played the fool before but I won't do it again
It's time to say goodbye to you and your deception
This is not so much a poem as it is a vent.
Thanks for reading.

© Emily 2014
Emily Jan 2015
The feel of your touch
Your soft warm skin
The feel of your kiss
So sweet and passionate
The feel of our bodies together
Are all something I miss
God I miss you
Emily Feb 2014
When you were heartbroken
I showered you with affection
I gave you all of my love
I allowed you to forget about all the bad
And start loving your life again

When you felt worthless
I made you feel confident
I reminded you of your beauty
I got you to feel ****
And start loving yourself again

But what you did to me
Was something much different
You drained me of all my love
Made me feel unwanted by you
My efforts were never truly reciprocated
And you gave me up like I was nothing

You made me hate my life
You made it impossible for me
To wake up in the morning
Much less do anything else
You made me hate myself
© Willa 2014
Emily Jul 2014
My dearest best friend died young
He was the brightest
The shiniest star
He was the most creative and artistic
The one who would've gone far
Twenty years young
Gone much too soon
Even after these past couple years
My dreams are still haunted
We crack jokes
And do the usual things we did for fun
Then all of a sudden, he's gone
I find him dead in the park
I scream, I cry
Banging my fists against the car window
Yelling out why
Why must my dreams remind me so dramatically
I know he is gone
Why must I live through the pain and shock
All over again
I open my eyes to a harsh reality
This earth has been left without him
It feels like a desolate place void of his warmth and insight
He died and it forever changed me
My beautiful friend
Although he'll always live within
I will still always miss him
© Emily 2014
Emily May 2014
Her eyes speak wonders
Her voice is so mysterious
I tremble every time I hear it
The feeling must be love

I watch her sip hot mint tea
She takes a drag from her cigarette
And the smoke is released, escaping passed her lips
I'm jealous of the contact they share

She looks at me with her deep gaze
Whispers how she loves me under her breath
I want to pick her up and take her away
Claim her for me and make her stay

I love just watching her in plain sight
She's so lovely to me that nobody else could suffice
This isn't a phase, no, this is real
She has everything I want, all the appeal

I am captivated at best
She's my ultimate distraction unlike the rest
I tremble every time I see her
The feeling must be love
© Emily 2014
Emily Sep 2014
oh baby
the way you make me feel inside
is unlike anything i've felt in my entire life
you make me feel excited
you make me feel like i am invincible
like i can take on the world
you make me feel like i'm the only girl
in your beautiful, blue eyes
and you're mine
now that i've got you
i'm on cloud nine
with you, there's only yellow
there is no blue
when i miss you
i look up and think of you
you are the sun
the moon
and all the stars
you are my sky
you are my everything
my whole world
our time together is my favorite
i swear, i knew you in another life
there's no way a bond like the one we share
could come out of no where
this is destiny
this is fate
this is something more
you are God given
you came straight from Heaven
i love you with my entire heart
i worship you with my body
i adore you with every fiber of my being
you are my counterpart in this life
oh baby
i love you
Emily Feb 2015
i want to be able to touch you
and feel special
i want to be able to touch you
and feel like i'm the only one
i want to be able to touch you
knowing that your body has been preserved
i want to be able to touch you
knowing that you have saved yourself for the right person
i want to be able to touch you
and feel like my hands were the first hands on you
i want to be able to touch you
and make you feel pleasure that you haven't felt before

*but i guess i can't
i wish
Emily Jan 2015
through all the ups and downs
the joy and the pain
there is no greater happiness
than finding my soul in you
the essence of everything you are
gives me a faith and a belief
that i have never known before
a belief in the good
a faith in a happy future
i've grown to become so attached to you
not by habit or conditioning
but by true commitment
true compatibility
true companionship
i've never seen someone as beautiful as you
with a heart so big
and a love so strong
i'm so blessed to be the one you give yourself to
the one you want to share your life with
i'm so blessed to be on the other end
of the love you extend
you're my everything
my angel
you make my life glow
you give me everything i've ever wanted
i could never want more
with you right by my side
except for one more kiss
one more look
one more embrace
one more soft touch
one more smile
i always want more of you
Emily Mar 2014
Your broad shoulders
Strong cheek bones
Luscious lips
Soft hair
And deep eyes
Make me fall in love with you
More and more
With each look
Never leave my side
I love him so much. He makes my heart race.

© Willa 2014
Emily Aug 2014
These nights are so lonely without you
It's almost like you don't exist
Time with you is all I ask for
Your love is my only wish
Emily Apr 2014
My thoughts are my own
My creativity is mine to express
I will share with you what I choose
You will not violate me
You will not invade my mind
Do not read my poetry
It is like my diary
If you love me
Respect me
I can't afford a therapist
I'm not comfortable telling everything
To my biased parents
Writing is my release
My poetry is mine
It is the expression
Of my deepest, darkest thoughts
And it is my decision
When I choose to let you know
Everything that I'm thinking
And the feelings I do not show
Do not cross this line again
For next time
I won't tolerate the violation
Just tired of people going out of their way to find my poetry and read it.  

© Emily 2014
Emily Mar 2014
Had to change my name
If only I could do so in real life
© Delia 2014
Emily Feb 2014
Sometimes I write about you
But don't think too highly of yourself
You're just a book that's gathered dust
On the very highest shelf
Nothing is paid attention to
All the way at the top
It's neglected and ignored
Not important, I almost forgot
The space you take up
In the back of my mind
Is deteriorating by the second
You'll disappear with time
Sometimes I write about you
But it doesn't mean jack
I didn't lose you
You were something I never had
And you never had me either
© Willa 2014
Emily Aug 2014
A few days in now
Never will my skin look the same
I'll always be reminded of this pain
I thought I could be strong
But every day I grow weaker
Give in to the urge and grab the blade
Run it across, not feeling any shame
Crying, smiling, laughing, glaring
It's more than just ****** up
I've truly lost myself
I've no idea what I'm doing
The only thing I'm sure of
Is how worthless I feel
And how ugly I look
My wish to disappear
Conflicts with my wish to stay
I tell myself through the flow of years
"I don't want to die,
I just want to be happy for once"
I wonder if this will ever stop
Or if I'm slowly destroying myself
One cut after the other
Emily Aug 2014
I've cut myself four times the past two days
For the first time ever
And I never understood why or how cutters became cutters
I thought it would never be me
But now I understand
When you're in such pain
When you're experiencing depression
You reach such a low point
And the first time you try it
It hurts, it stings
But then you see the blood
And it's like a wave of clarity comes over you
You see the blood and it makes you smile
The first smile you've had on your face in a while
There is something about seeing the blood
And seeing the scar
That makes your pain real
That makes you feel validated
And you cry as you swipe the blade across
But then the cut is made
And suddenly, your eyes dry up
You're able to breathe again
It's addicting
Emily Mar 2017
meeting you
is like breathing
new air

your soul
your passion
your care

my stomach jumps
my heart flutters
my eyes fill with tears

i feel it again

but this time
it is raw

i want you
not only in my head
not only in my heart

but in my soul
in my bed
in my arms

i want to breathe
this new air
Waiting for God to bring me a lover.
Emily Feb 2014
It's amazing how I feel
Such clarity and relief
Simply by changing
The company I keep
© Willa 2014
Emily Mar 2014
When you're not here
I have trouble falling asleep
But when you're next to me
That problem disappears
My eyes close with ease
You are my dream
I dream of you
My everything
My dreams are my reality.

© Willa 2014
Emily Feb 2014
Date night
It feels so right
Being with my man
Fun adventures
With the high class
Makes us feel special
Makes us get out
Of our comfort zone
And try something new and fun
Good eats
Intoxicated by drinks
And drunk off our love
Kisses are the cherry on top
Of this perfection
Nights like this are proof
That this love is never ending
At the 2014 Austin Addy Awards with my main man. Hosted by Parks and Recreation's Nick Offerman! Happy Sunday:)

© Willa 2014
Emily Feb 2014
Day to day obligations
Keep us apart
But when we reunite
In the night
The heat between us
Drives out the cold
Of the winter
I love him.

© Willa 2014
Emily Jun 2014
i know what it's like to have to get over someone
it's awful
and the only way to truly do it is to cut off communication
i respect when people need to make that decision
the mature and proper way to do it is to meet with the person you've engaged in a relationship with
tell them to their face that you need to be alone in order to do what's best for you
you don't tell them to go **** themselves
especially when you've known them for many years
you've lost all my respect
Emily Feb 2014
A part of me always wanted to believe
That one day we could be friends
The good kind
When we'd talk on the phone
Go on lunch dates to chat about nothing
Help each other when we were in need
It's unfortunate
And crazy
How much one can be so wrong about a person
I was incorrect about you
We can't ever be friends
Your motives always seem to be rooted in something
That most certainly is not love
© Willa 2014
Emily Jul 2014
Scorching heat casted upon me
Squinted eyes and drops of sweat
The cold pool, a pleasant shock
Oozing confidence in my bikini
Tan skin, mermaid hair
Behold, this is not my life
I'm not that girl
I hate the summertime
© Emily 2014
Emily Mar 2014
You always said
That you were a horrible person
And I never understood
What you meant
But now I do
20 words.

© Willa 2014
Emily Apr 2014
I wish I knew an older man
One that wouldn't be afraid to hold my hand
He'd be mature and wise
The very best of all the guys
For once, I would be taken care of
And there would be nothing else above
We'd love each other and communicate
Leave no room for grudges and hate
An older man would have all the experience
He would want nothing but to be serious
We'd go out on special dates
Sometimes stay home and stay up late
It'd be a functioning relationship
Something normal yet attached to the hip
I wish I knew an older man
One that wouldn't be afraid to hold my hand
© Emily 2014
Emily Sep 2014
My body is weak
My eyes wish to close
My limbs feel sore
My desire to sleep forever
Outweighs anything else
I had in mind for my life
If only I could stop the madness inside my head
If only I could have one moment of peace
Then maybe I would get the rest I need
My body battles my brain
Tossing and turning
Wishing it would just shut up
"Stop, please ******* stop"
Sleepless nights and thoughts of rage
It's like I'm stuck in a cage
And someone threw away the key
I'm left alone with only me
Insanity strikes
I'm starting to think things that don't make sense
I've become this unrecognizable being
Who am I
What am I doing here
What is my purpose
Once a girl so sure of herself
Now all I think about is death
Emily Mar 2014
She is like a flower
One that begins to blossom
At the commencement of spring
I want to love her
Shower her with affection
Nurture her with laughter
Make her shine like the sun
She is the most beautiful
As she blooms in the midst
Of our love
She is so graceful
The way she opens her heart up to me
As if she were flower petals
Soaking up every bit
Of every spring day
She is like a flower
Yet she is something different entirely
Something more
Something like I've never seen before
Her beauty goes unrivaled
Her authenticity and her passion
Are of something I've never witnessed before
She's the greatest I've known
Her love is something I cherish
Her soul, her heart, is like a bouquet of perfection and beauty
One of a kind
I'm so happy she's mine
Woke up to the sweetest message from her.

© Willa 2014
Emily Feb 2014
There's an image that keeps replaying
Over and over again in my head
That one time we were on the couch
But made our way to the bed

It started off with small kisses
But then it grew in passion
Our lips frantic with want
Kissing in a crazy fashion

Like a fiend for your love
I can't get enough
Addicted to the balance
Between the sweet and the rough

I replay that image
On a loop in my mind
But actually it's reality
Because we do that all the time
© Willa 2014
Emily Nov 2014
these night are lonely without you, my love
but i possess no fear
i know my life will be full of nights with you
the nights where we stay up for hours talking
the nights that lead their way into dawn
when the sun begins to come up
peaking through our window
as i tenderly kiss you
as we softly fall asleep
lying in each other's warm embrace
the nights full of passion and excitement
the eagerness to please one another
the deep kisses, the stares full of longing
the moans, the breaths
the ultimate pleasure in our hands
where nothing could possibly stop our love from blossoming
and the nights that we call early
the nights where we are too tired to even speak
but never too tired to softly kiss
subtly caress each other
admire each other with just our hands and lips
the nights where we fall asleep within moments
only because we are at such peace with each other
next to the one we love
for eternity
for always
thank you, my love
for a future full of endless nights
tonight i look forward to you
to them
to forever
thank you all for the reception my last poem received. i hope this one reaches you all in the same way.
Emily Feb 2014
I made you scream
When we were in bed
The passion was so extreme
No one else could give you
The satisfaction you need
It's why you always came back for more
And why when you touch yourself at night
You think of all the things I did to you
Because I'm sure right now
Your *** life is a bore
I'm the best at your pleasure
No one else does it like me
My passion was so extreme
It's too bad you lost me
© Willa 2014
Emily Jul 2014
The sweet pineapple
I can taste upon her tongue
Not as sweet as what's below
15 words.

© Emily 2014
Emily Jul 2014
Straddle me in your pink robe
Lean down to kiss me
As I pull the strings
The sides fall away
Exposing you to me
My hands wrap around your warm skin
And feel your perfect body
As my lips feel your kisses
Soft at first
Passionately growing
You're my muse
You're so fantastic
This life is nothing without you
© Emily 2014
Emily Feb 2014
Trusting too much
Having confidence in things that are faulty
Is almost as lethal as rat poison
First, the betrayal of trust
Causes an internal battle in the mind
Regret torments us
How could we have been so stupid
As to have faith in something that wasn't real
This pain is much like when the body
Bleeds internally
After the poison
Has settled in our system
Next comes a never ending feeling
Of pure exhaustion
We metaphorically collapse
Mimicking a rodent
We can no longer perform
Our day to day needs
Instead, we become so tired of life
It feels as though we are dead on the inside
But we never truly die
And in all honesty
I'd rather ingest poison
Than be betrayed again
I guess this is really negative but it was written in a moment when I was feeling pretty ******.

© Willa 2014
Emily Feb 2014
You think you're so original
You think you're so unique
But all you do is jump on the bandwagon
And more times than not, you're late

You like bands that are supposedly cool
You take up fads just for show
It's hilarious to watch you do these things
It shows how much you don't even know

You've even copied me a time or two
Actually, more than that
Can't you think of anything on your own?
Then again, you're not fully intact

You're so back and forth
Here and there, it's such a shame
Try thinking on your own for once
Maybe then you wouldn't seem so mundane

It's like an oxymoron
It's really shocking to see
How predictable you are
Your next move is always foretold
You're shockingly predictable
© Willa 2014
Emily May 2016
there is a chemical connection
between our souls
i can feel the passion
when you say my name
i can sense the potency
in your urge for me
i can feel the desire in my gut
i've never felt this way
it's you i want
i imagine us
i imagine you
being mine
being true
the things you say
the words you use
how has it taken me
this long to find you
where have you been
and why have you gone
didn't you feel
what i felt all along
i can be the one to show you
what a real woman is
i can be the one to commit to you
and make you feel bliss
i will take the moon from the dark sky
and put it in your hands
you have the power over me
it's this space i can't stand
come back
i will show you the way
you are the alpha
i am the omega
you have all the power
i am yours to keep
we don't know where we end
or begin
we only know that we belong
Emily Nov 2014
the love i have for her
is unlike anything i've ever felt
i care more for her than i even do myself
she is so fragile, so weak
yet at the same time
her strength is inspiring
her face is a wonder
her eyes a beautiful, blue hue
i could stare into them forever
for there is no competing view
i love the way her voice sounds
it's so sweet and pure
when she tells me she loves me
when she calls me baby
it is my undoing
i fall in love with her all over again
kissing her soft and supple lips
is my most favorite task
they're plump and pink
her tongue is so sweet
there is something so precious
about her very essence
i can't quite pinpoint what it is
but the more i am with her
the more that i see her
i realize it is because
being precious is inherently part of her
there is no other way for her to be
that's just how she is naturally
i can't believe that she is mine
she is sweeter than the finest dessert wine
if i am completely deserving
i do not know
but i will fight for her always
i will never let her go
sorry i haven't written in a while. i have been busy and haven't believed in my writing like i used to. but i thought i would post this. my girlfriend deserves more poetry written about her. hope y'all like it.
Emily Feb 2014
I'm as happy as a clam
Replaying my favorite track
Feeling high
From the flowers I smoked
Just took a small ****
To loosen myself up
I feel like a whole new me
Totally free
From pain and anguish
And anxiety
I relish these precious moments
They don't last forever
But they come along
Because my life is getting better
And soon enough
As my soul replenishes itself
From all the damage that's been done
I'll feel this perfect bliss
Every single day
I'll thank the heavens
For my recovery
The smile on my face
Will become permanent again
© Willa 2014
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