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445 · Nov 2017
Gabrielle Nov 2017
today I see my sun
she speaks to me with love
her words bring life to mine
today my mind is free
I choose me
one of my 'good' days
432 · Nov 2017
Gabrielle Nov 2017
I wish I could dance in the rain
I lay in bed
whispering in my own ear
*you won't find the sun today
and you won't find any rainbows either
431 · Dec 2017
Gabrielle Dec 2017
heat escaped from your arm to mine
I needed to feel your warmth one last time
but as the temperature of your body
steadily declined
so did the light
in my eyes
our goodbye
382 · Nov 2017
wish i could have met you
Gabrielle Nov 2017
he didn't seem like the type
to take his own life
always happy
spreading limitless light
gave it all to them
left none for him
an empty house
once the party ends
retreat to his mind
the hell he finally found
a way out of
my mom told me you were a wonderful man
350 · Nov 2017
which is it
Gabrielle Nov 2017
E. all of the above
296 · Nov 2017
Gabrielle Nov 2017
I've felt the gloom
got a little extra room
for yours
don't hold back, let me in
let my shaky voice
guide us to the unknown
who knows
maybe it'll be fun
finding our way home
after never truly having one
promise me you'll stay
I need to keep close
I cant get lost, without you
knowing you're not in sight, I will be blind
to the love, to the world
life will fade into gray
I'll lose my breath
fall into death, whatever that is
just stay here,
we can be lost
I really can't lose you too
294 · Nov 2017
Gabrielle Nov 2017
the few moments I find clarity
she molds effortlessly to doubt
ruthlessly she steals my smile
holds it hostage with my worth

shes the first to say good morning
and the last to say goodnight
clinches harder to my body
when I focus on the light

*She finds her clarity in the moments I lose mine
I mean me
Gabrielle Nov 2017
there is nothing in the world I would rather do
than spill my tragic and triumphant truth
on purpose
writing tricked me into loving me,
let me believe that I am here
right now
*on purpose
and im pretty ******* thankful I've found something so beautiful
287 · Jan 2018
Gabrielle Jan 2018
a period between lives
convinced her
would release her soul
how naive, you see
only death
can possibly free life
264 · Nov 2017
love pt.1
Gabrielle Nov 2017
im running out of patience
waiting for peace of mind
anxiety, selfishness, depression
stuck like glue
lifetimes it feels trapped being blue
except when I'm with you
your arms hold all four of us
unafraid of our shade
you love my demons to death
they look back at me with confusion
they always told me you would leave
you only held tighter
244 · Jun 2019
safe and sound
Gabrielle Jun 2019
safe is the sound of only one set of footsteps walking home

when  your eyes met mine that first time
I felt the weight of you

the future and past met me there in that gaze
and blindly I followed the music my heart shared with my mind

days keep pushing forward
and I will keep trying to push you away from me
242 · Jun 2019
it's love
Gabrielle Jun 2019
"Mommy is a hero
she fights off bad guys with polka dots"

Working with children is rainbow and sunshine

when their light
meets mine

it's love
232 · Nov 2017
Gabrielle Nov 2017
two men greet a young woman
she smiles
they become weak
leap onto her fingertips
and bathe inside her beauty
she wears that beautiful smile like a crown
jewels glisten
she is art
225 · Nov 2017
Gabrielle Nov 2017
my god,
you are magnificent

to think,
I stumbled across your soul,
before I even met mine

let me explain
you see, I spent
so much of my time
so that my friends would float
I lost my tongue
in search of a voice
to call my own

and my god,
is it silly of me to think,
that maybe when I met you
I finally met me
you brought me home
213 · Nov 2017
Gabrielle Nov 2017
First thing in the morning
you ask me why I'm not like you
but you ask it in secret
you don't know what you are asking

there is nothing wrong with you

I wonder if I could ever believe that
I see my reflection every day
and I have to disagree
I am not ok sometimes
a lot of the times
I don't think like you

I'm sorry

I wish that I could

And I wish that your questions didn't have to hurt

But they do.
209 · Jan 2019
Gabrielle Jan 2019
I want to write like Ellen Bass
morphe every word into a memory
your heart feeling mine
the painful past confined
to beautifully written lines
of poetry
to be read, and forgotten,
by us both
207 · Nov 2017
My Bravest One
Gabrielle Nov 2017
you are just as stubborn as your mother
just as beautiful, too
I am here
watching as you grow
my blood flowing through your veins
I know my death brings so much pain
each time you collapse
just know
I am here
watching as you grow
I've loved you more than you'll ever know
remember who you are
this way ill never leave your soul
I told you
that you are
my bravest one
I didn't say you had a choice
I miss you, dad
199 · Oct 2019
Gabrielle Oct 2019
Wow I've been gone

So distracted

Feels like the universe is just sending me distraction after distraction

Just not getting the lesson

Come on Gabby

Don't you see you're not pushing

You're not thriving and I'm watching you

I'm watching as you lose your sense of self

What sense do you think will last forever

It's like you took two steps forward after already knowing it's all going to fall in

Why are we here again

Crossroads of love

You just can't get enough of them
195 · Jan 2019
No Hard Feelings
Gabrielle Jan 2019
my heart is full this new years eve
at any moment
my heart can be ripped to pieces
this ticking bomb
no longer looms in my shadow
has stolen pieces of my soul
left me bare
to question my own identity
despite the cruel nature of the clock
I accept and thank you
for your ruthless love

It is love that moves time forward
193 · Dec 2017
pt. 3
Gabrielle Dec 2017
keep me together
my mind plays these tricks
holds back the truth
and underlines the lies
it's so easy for me
to remind myself, I'm not ok
you don't know what to say
nothing you say can help
I tell you
you're not worth my time
I tell you
I'm not worth my time
you hold me tighter
because 4 years later
you have learned these words aren't mine
you know I am here hiding behind my pride
still, you kiss her ugly frame
god how did I get this lucky
to love and be loved
by a man who loves
both sides of me
actually its more like 4 sides, but you get it
188 · Jan 2019
stolen car
Gabrielle Jan 2019
do you steal because you have to
or because you want more
more money
more possessions
more status
survival is hard already
this will only make it harder on you

walk a straight path and doors will open
fall into traps of crime and greed and all the darkness will soon
overcome the light
I know you won't see these words
but I need them out into the universe
stealing will not help you live happier
the money will not alleviate any burden on your soul
please find it in yourself to seek forgiveness from this life
because I truly hope you find it
from experience, I know karma can really sneak up on you
and I just hope you and your loved ones
dont have to hurt
185 · Aug 2019
Why are you like this
Gabrielle Aug 2019
Waiting for you is wasted breath

Your love a treasure never meant for me to find

Or maybe the treasure is just a myth not even you attempt to see

A faded riddle too hidden for eyes to meet
180 · Dec 2017
Gabrielle Dec 2017
hungry eyes
lock mine
ravenous smile
shapeshifting tongue
only seconds pass but
I know those eyes
I warn I have a lover
that smile slowly fades
and as you start to walk away
I learn those eyes don't leave when you do
it makes me wonder
if you have ever
even seen
wish I never had to see them again
175 · Oct 2018
Monarch Butterfly
Gabrielle Oct 2018
I am a monarch butterfly
one look at me
will have you questioning
your understanding of reality

I'm in awe every day
of how I move without direction
knowing full well that I am trusting an invisible truth
still, I reach out into the world
for anything I can hold onto
doubting that I understand direction at all
letting the rain wipe out the light I know is there
the light that I helped create

full of doubt
full of fear
falling slowly

I will rise again
I have a place that I belong
a place I have never seen
it holds a space for my body
for my soul, for me
and I will get there one of these days
just you watch
174 · Nov 2017
Penguin and Bear
Gabrielle Nov 2017
uninhabitable love
brown fur
is not to roam
among white snow
our eyes meet
let's find a way
why not
spend our lives defeating doubts
our love is worth
every goodbye
168 · Feb 2018
love of a sun
Gabrielle Feb 2018
don't you see
the rays drip golden crystals
a beauty to make any man weep
wind chasing leaves and ringing chimes
each moment just waiting to be heard
and the sun
she dances all throughout the day
waiting for her love
to lift the weight of the world
off your shaky bones
let her give you peace
166 · Jan 2018
before & after
Gabrielle Jan 2018
my home was a vacant lot at 3 am
the walls blank and floors dusty
retreated to my thoughts
forever lost
you held my hand
walked me to my own front door
led me to my soul
took my breath away
brought me to my home
showed me, my own love
my light
my home
my life
I love you
164 · Nov 2017
Gabrielle Nov 2017
you tell me
is it really as simple as a yes or a no
doesn't seem that way  when I look into the iris of your soul
you promised me a lifetime
now look at the shattered truth of our reality
you left me in a puddle of my blood
waiting for your promises to come true
159 · Oct 2018
Gabrielle Oct 2018
I keep falling behind
then forgetting to catch up

my heart overflowing
blood so cold
makes my skin
match the temperature of yours

mind is frozen
body numb
life moves on
can I stay here?

why do we merge
time with movement
and claim that life is our own

life is
too cruel and beautiful
to be owned
158 · Dec 2017
he said
Gabrielle Dec 2017
I want your love
just you
and all of you
nothing more
nothing less
just you
that would be plenty for me...

and I think
what in the world did I do to deserve you?
158 · Dec 2017
note to self
Gabrielle Dec 2017
I'd rather be alone
than lonely
among those who don't accept me as I am
funny how
finding friends
is harder than finding me
and that **** took me decades
153 · Dec 2021
Gabrielle Dec 2021
Its truly amazing how lost one can get
In the presence of others
151 · Nov 2017
Gabrielle Nov 2017
eyes open a bit more each time I wake
mind savors the extra space
don't let it end
it's so nice to see the colors of the world
please this time let it stay
150 · Feb 2019
yes or no
Gabrielle Feb 2019
I sit in traffic
with a text from you
"yes or no?"
my mind recreates the night in both scenarios
the question isn't hard to answer
except that my mind doesn't stop there
it explodes imagining two separate realities
two realities with one choice
just one word
with the power to alter everything
150 · Feb 2018
Gabrielle Feb 2018
I knew you once
before you changed
but who am I to question
a person I no longer know
I thought I loved you once,
and god I'm so glad I was wrong
149 · Nov 2017
Gabrielle Nov 2017
I have a huge test today
instead of studying I just repeat
I don't want to take these classes
I don't ******* care for this degree
but here I am
sitting quietly in my seat
waiting until the day
my soul screams loud enough for me to listen
student loans will probably be louder
145 · Dec 2018
Half Person
Gabrielle Dec 2018
I am damaged
Self-inflicted wounds
And right now, that is all I ever will be
There is no point in pretending I'm not broken
Half Shame
143 · Nov 2017
Gabrielle Nov 2017
each time I wake
and remember
my dreams
are not
real memories

I lay in bed
tears in my eyes
I decide
I'd give anything
to live
in the dreams
I have with you
where did you go
139 · Jan 2019
A lifetime
Gabrielle Jan 2019
Why is it so difficult to be seen
I crave the glimmer of understanding
The Ray of light
That is your eyes
When you say my name
Your voice a tender Melody of acceptance

Thank you for seeing me
I can only hope to meet more humans like you
In my lifetime
139 · Jul 2019
Gabrielle Jul 2019
Fooled me twice
So I guess that's shame on me

Second laptop stolen from my own backseat

That is on me
so I can't even be mad

Instead I get to reminisce
When times didn't seem
This bad
****** Gabby
139 · Jan 2019
Gabrielle Jan 2019
I am breaking apart once more
feels like this never ends
when will I feel whole again?
138 · Feb 2018
what now
Gabrielle Feb 2018
I am an empty glass of wine
what once was luminous
turned to grime
one time I tried to forget what it was to be alive
the aching love
the painful scars
but my mind wouldn't let any of them go
holding on to each breath I can remember

to be alive
you must accept the grotesque as graciously
as you accept beauty
and so it is painful to be alive
but just wait for the day
you feel love pumping through your veins
wait for the moment you finally see
you are not just this body
you are not just the memories you cling to
Just wait for the day that love is enough

that day
you won't need any other answer
talking to myself
137 · Dec 2017
self inflicted
Gabrielle Dec 2017
my soul leaks crimson red
my demons parade inside my head
my hands grab hair to punish pain
my heart aches as I stare coldly at my eyes
my eyes are empty
I have nothing left to see
136 · Oct 2018
Gabrielle Oct 2018
my dreams force me to face
this unhealed reality
I'd call them nightmares
if it surprised me
123 · Jan 2019
Gabrielle Jan 2019
i am more love than doubt
a reality i have never known
something wonderful has shifted
led me to this moment
to this garden
i am free because i am me
nothing more
nothing less
my own eyes giving me life

your beauty is beyond skin and bones
look into my eyes as i search within yours
are we less hidden each new time?
are there ways to hide even when you want only
to be seen?
and be seen by you...
ive lived my life
back turned on my own home
i surely belonged to someone....
frantic, hungry, cold
making "home" any door that would open

theres enough time left to never go back
to cherish the home ive made myself
the one where my heart has taken root
grown taller than i ever even looked
neck cranked towards the sun
no matter where i am
or who is around me
i will never be lost
i am home

my home is me
123 · Oct 2018
Scary Movie
Gabrielle Oct 2018
I broke
some time ago
watch as my light fades into fear
watch these eyes fight the friction of my mind
watch as my life falls to pieces  once more
I will be right next to you
I told you I hate scary movies
121 · Oct 2018
Gabrielle Oct 2018
2 pills to keep me moving
3 pills to fall asleep
makes me wonder
if my dreams are more real than reality
121 · Mar 2019
Gabrielle Mar 2019
She comes only when she feels welcome
Beyond the doubts and fears that float at the surface of my mind
She says we can do and be anything
As long as we have each other
As long as this heart still has a beat

The world hasn't seen eyes like mine

But they will she reminds me
And the world will never be the same
119 · Mar 2019
Watch as I Fall Apart
Gabrielle Mar 2019
I remember the day I knew I found the person I could die happy having loved

his gentle heart calling my rigid thoughts and showing them that life is beautiful

his eyes do lie but they could do no wrong to mine

I want you to take a good look at this pile of burning rubble
watch as it dwindles down to the last few pieces of fuel

watch as my life loses the light with which he shared
watch as my soul mourns the pieces of me that will die the day it ends

please watch
because I can't be the only person in the world to witness a love like this one

I told myself this love was my story
its strength was where I found mine

watch me
113 · Jan 2019
Gabrielle Jan 2019
Death happens to you
You're not a failure if you're scared
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