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 Apr 2017 gray rain
janice chinn

I miss you every day and even when I think I don’t
You’re still an ache deep in my heart
We sorted all your clothes and shoes
Put them into black bags for charity shop
The ones that you would choose

It was hard, not the physical lifting of bags of once you
But the emotional side of putting your once you things
Away forever from our view
I got loads of your personal things in my spare room
Old specs, purses, jewellery boxes and more
I’ll keep them along with the memories I store

I found a small tapestry bag and peeked inside
There inside were your little rollers and comb
You were so fussy about your hair
I held it to my heart and cried

Then I found your makeup bag
The one you used each day
Foundation, mascara, two favourite lipsticks
And I cried…
Still can’t get around that you’re no longer here
And that one simple thought can bring on a tear

Took your identical twin sister home yesterday
She lives in a lovely little place in Kent
We had tea and chatted about this and that
A lovely time and really well spent

We drove to Broadstairs and went to the beach
Had a portion of chips and a mug of tea
Took off our shoes and straddled our feet
The sand was so soft underfoot
It was a well welcomed treat

Then it was time to say goodbye
I hate that moment it’s hard to deny
We hugged and said farewell
And I tried hard not to cry
Just moved to the car with a quiet sigh

I smiled as I waved to hide the sadness inside
As I looked briefly back to see  
The reflection of mum slowly closing the door
And knew mum would live on in our hearts evermore

                                        by Janice chinn 2017 ©
You cannot ****
which is already dead!
Your toxic bullet
went straight through her heart;
so, it's useless
pointing another one  
at her messed up

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
 Mar 2017 gray rain
Never sure which,
flows in my veins,
think it may be blood,

but there's no colour when it spills.*

 Mar 2017 gray rain
Ryan Hoysan
Shall I compare thee to a summers day?
     I think not, for the day's end soon approaches as does Summer's demise.
     Shall I compare them to a sparkling diamond?
     Again, I think not, for many diamonds are cut apart to gain their beauty.
     Shall I compare thee to a crescendo of song, reaching its peak?
     Still, I think not, for each and every note may yet still go sour.
     While some may profess these things as perfection, you are indeed perfection in my eyes.
     Now and forever.
Not sure how I feel with it overall, I mean I like it, but it could be better.
 Mar 2017 gray rain
I've been waiting years now
But it won't be too long
Before I can turn to those grade school ******
And tell them they were wrong

Boys chased me and jailed me 'neath the slide
And chipped one of my teeth
Now I can run down halls in heels
And hike twenty miles through trees

Kids ran from me like a monster for a whole year
They told me I was spoiled cheese
Later I learned that I was not so rancid
And that it's okay to be a bit of a beast

Classmates would tell me I was ugly
By rewriting lyrics of Bruno Mars
I'm not a model, but I can pull off
As many styles as the stars

I once had two boys kick me off monkey bars
They told me I was on their hit list
It was terrifying to me then
Now it's hilarious how wildly they missed

I remember that boy who taunted me
And how I flipped over his desk
Since then, I've learned of subtlety
And how not to leave a mess

I knew a girl in first grade, she sat across from me
And made sure I knew I was weird
I know I'm an oddball for a fact now
Why change the way I'm geared?

I'm still not over all of those words
From people who said "kids are mean"
"Sticks and stones will break my bones"
Now I overthink what my words mean

In the back of my mind, when I'm talking
To an acquaintance or friend
A part of me keeps popping up, asking
"Why do they like me, again?"

But at the end of all those days
It's been five years since I've been gone
Looking at the girl I am now, I'd say
I've been pretty good at moving on
Inspired by this vid and my own life:
 Mar 2017 gray rain
Oskar Erikson
i was always scared
that each day would be the
and the next day was always
worst than the
but now all i hope
is somehow this borrowed beguiled friendship will

   I'm here for as long as you want.
I promise.
 Mar 2017 gray rain
Oskar Erikson
I am thankful for these tears
as they politely obscure
all of my
one-sided fears*
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