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GGRamone Jun 2015
My memory is damaged and short lived
But when you're scent became a drift
I looked out my window
Hoping you would be there
Your scent so powerful
It revived our last call to my mind
You told me it would be fine
I told you it was going to be like the movies
And that I would be your beauty
The rain has stopped
The pain is real
I missed your kiss
Where has my beast disappeared
As I look out my window
It begins again.
I hear the dance
Like the sound of a clock
The rain has come back
For a second chance
I'm a theater person, so I am reading this a certain way. I'm sure others can read it differently than I imagine it to be read and still like it. But thats why it is split up into three sections
Go ahead...
   taunt Me
     I no longer matter in the
        doings of Your day to day
Go ahead
   distance Me
     seperated by hurts
       which seep into Our tomorrow

Go ahead
   keep moving
     I can no longer catch up to
       Your love so far away

Go ahead
   painful, this place
     of isolation and dispare
       In hopes that you might care

Go ahead
    As I waited
      You chose a different way
         A path not ment for us to share
Go ahead
   I need to fathom
      This loneliness that
         I can no longer bear

Go ahead
   without Me
      I am no longer safe
         In the Company of Your Heart

~MoonFlower~Fluer de Luna~
Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
  May 2015 GGRamone
Taylor Shelton
I try to touch your breathe with my lips
Holding on to your heart
I want you to touch the curves of my hips
But you are tearing me apart

One more kiss just for the road
Come on, please don't go
if it's just  lust then why am I breaking?
I need more memories of your soul
My heart's now turning to the color of coal
GGRamone May 2015
Kiss her in the rain
Before she leaves for her plane
Just like a movie, but with more pain
You better hurry she's going east
She is your true beauty, to your depressed beast
Wipe those tears away, its making your vision...
Shhh blurry
This shouldn't be a hard decision
no wonder why your chest is so heavy
Will you stay the night and make amends
Will you become more than friend
Will you go now before it all ends.
lovelostlust returninglove
GGRamone May 2015
I have handed you the scissors.
So you can cut free.
So please don't pull the trigger and leave .
She's pulling your strings, leading you on
dance puppet dance its been a show all along
How can I help my puppet?
Realize that she is gone...
Oh my little Pinocchio
You do belong
You're not her toy, you're a real life boy.
About a friend, that has no idea that I've been chasing after him for all along.
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