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Ese Jul 2023
I'm not happy.

I'm not sad

I'm not mad

I'm not depressed

My feelings aren't suppressed

I'm not in distress

I don't feel upset or oppressed

I'm not just happy

I'm numb

Numb to life

Numb to love

Numb to pain

Patiently waiting for death to take me away.

When my mind began to cloud, I began thinking out loud.
Ese Mar 2023
Is it bad that I am happy being away from YOU?
Enjoying my loneliness and being in my head.

Deep down, I don’t want to go back, I’m happy here, maybe even happier.

Is that wrong of me?

What does that mean?

How can I escape from YOU?

Maybe I should come home more, I think I need to be away from YOU more – for my own sanity.

When my mind began to cloud, I began thinking out loud.
Ese Oct 2020
He was a boy becoming a man
He was a boy with dreams
He was a boy who had life in him
He was a boy who had love to give.

He was a designer
He was a youth
He was a creative
He was the truth

Oke wanted to live
Oke wanted a good life for his mum
Oke wanted a good life for his brother
Oke wanted a good life for his lover

So much love to give
So many more memories to make
So many creatives to build
So much history he could have made
Oke was a man
A man who died a boy

A handsome boy, we will never know how handsome he would have been as a man.
Oke wanted to take over the world
He was designing his own life with everyone he loves by his side.

Now, where is Oke?
Where is his spirit?
Where is his creativity?
Where are his emotions?
Where is his smile?

He said "Nigeria won't end me"
Nigeria became the end of him.
Gone to the ground, never to be remembered by the world just by those who truly love him.

Where is Oke?

Bury him in Satin
Bury him with the winds
Let his flesh touch the sands and his spirit land in the lord's hands
Let his dreams die
Let his love die
Let his smile die
Let him rest

Where are you, Oke?
Let me come with you
Maybe then I would rest just like you
Let's meet for the first time amongst the sand
Let's shake hands and play in the dark

Where are you, Oke?
A Handsome boy never to be a man
Sleep well Okay? Oke.

When my mind began to cloud
I began thinking out loud.
Ese Apr 2020
I feel empty today. Unloved, broken and beat down. I hate this world, I hate this life, I hate my life. Whenever you’re ready, I surrender.
Ese Dec 2017
Christmas is a time of religion, a time for family
a time for celebration, a time for food
a time for songs, a time to be merry, never be wary
a time for joy.
Christmas this year was rather dull, every bite was sour
every blink got darker, the hustle became harder and the bustle
became realer.
Christmas this year was nothing to remember, throats to dried up to sing, hearts flooded with sorrow to eat, the celebration became an abrasion. Santa got stuck in a fuel station this Christmas, his deer's needed a drink,no gifts nor wishes, everything seems so bleak.
Christmas was just like any other month or day in the year,
I've even seen better days i swear.
Ese Oct 2017
i had my heart broken an hour ago

i cried for 40 minutes

i still feel the burning sensation in my chest

almost chocked on my own tears

love isn't beautiful

love is a tragedy.

It was our anniversary yesterday,

happiest day this year

i had my heart broken an hour ago

This tears would probably never dry up

My chest would probably always hurt,

but this is the end of love for me

this is the end of us.
Ese Sep 2017
Is it wrong to say that i love these tears

hate my fears

and avoid all cares

does it make sense to say that i love you but i cant love you

Im too in love with these tears

Im too terrified of these fears

the warmth of these drops rolling down my cheeks

the warmth of your skin on mine

palm to palm

dusk to dawn.

i don't love you anymore,

My heart is too pure for you

my love is too real for you to reciprocate

my tears fall for you

my heart bleeds for you

but these tears are mine

i'll pack it up and hide it under my bed

these tears are mine

You dont deserve my love

i dont deserve this life.

Take away my fears and leave me with my tears

Give me all my love but take along my cares.

These tears provide my warmth in the coldest nights.

when my mind began to cloud

i began thinking out loud.
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