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 Jul 2017
Shylah S
no, I'm not talking about the ones with big noses
or greasy hair

not the ones with bad breath
or round bellies

no, I just like them raw
a little broken, a little sad

the ones with scars
a story to tell

I sure know how to pick em' you might say
but I'd never give them up any day

a whole adventure in a person like the outdoors
one with canyons and mountains he would let me explore
only ugly guys give themselves all at once
no parts hidden, everything is exposed

vulnerability is thought to be a weakness but in reality it's bold

I like ugly guys.
So go out there and be real, often we hide because we fear getting hurt. But in that fear we miss out on the world, we miss out on living, and worst of all, love. So even if we may get bruised, get to the lowest of the low, you'll one day stumble upon something that embraces you as you are, something that cherishes your ugliness unconditionally, something that inspires you to be better, whether that be a passion, a person, or something as simple as a smile. Is it really worth hiding if you miss on the chance to experience that?

Edit: I am very grateful to everyone who took the time to read my work and am in disbelief a piece of mine chosen as the daily pick for the very first time! This community is amazing :)
 Jul 2017
Walter W Hoelbling
All ideals worth dying for
are certainly worth living for!
Joseph Heller , CATCH-22
 May 2017
Jim Davis
Symbolism, metaphor, similitude
whatever for
Why not just come
right out and say it?
been said before!

©  2017 Jim Davis
 May 2017
Nida Mahmoed
I am sewing a dress
with the thread of strength,
And knots of ambitions,
And when it’s ready,
Then will iron it
with the remission,
I am sewing my broken soul!

By: Nida Mahmoed.
 May 2017
John F McCullagh
Mine eyes have seen the statues being torn down from their plinths
erasing our shared history at the Citizens expense
those who rewrite the past commit a grave offense

when Truth is trampled on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
The Truth is trampled on.

Soon they’ll revise the history books and omit the civil war.
Our Youth won’t have to learn about the “lost cause” anymore                                                                                                                  
To tell the truth about the past will be against the law

then  truth is trampled on.

There was once a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel,
"Six hundred thousand had to die before our land could heal;"
When a Hero, born of woman, crushed Rebellion with his heel
When God was marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
The Truth is trampled on.

I have heard the trumpets echo die; its absence makes me weep
I see Marse Robert join the rest upon the ******* heap
He who was skilled in victory and gracious in defeat-

This history must live on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!

This history must live on.
t is a a sad state of affairs when Lenin is honored  with a statue and Robert E. Lee is dragged down like he was Saddam Hussein. Lee was our countries hero during the Mexican war, he led the Americans who recaptured Harper's ferry from John Brown, a domestic terrorist. He was a worthy adversary in the War between the States and his gracious surrender did much to heal the wounds of war.
These cultural Fascists of the Left do no one any favors. Remember that those who start by burning books end up burning Human beings
 May 2017
Anderson M
I believe that
There are people who’ll
Not believe that faith has
Got teeth, Sharp incisors
And canines that tear into the
Flesh of doubt with razor sharp precision.

It’s got premolars and molars
That crush the bones
Of hardy ignorance.

Mountains too are no match
For one so formidable a foe as faith.
A single monumental hurl
And they’re displaced.

Faith’s a kind friend
Who never forsakes
Sticks around in times of need
And of melody and cheer.

Faith’s faceless and multifaceted
In the same breath and is formless
Maybe that’s why it takes
The space of whatever it’s inhabited in
What convenience?
If faith's not your friend,maybe it's time you sat down a cup of tea in hand
for a  tête-à-tête
 May 2017
Anderson M
I am air
I am everywhere
Human beings and other animals do try to stare
See me they don’t, I am invisible, invincible not susceptible to wear and tear
I am every thing to life, a truth easy to bear
It does feel heavy on my scrawny shoulders though, no one does care
I soldier on day in day out as life is a dare
Its very essence is strife and one has to fare
Well against all odds, what a nightmare.
even air,untouchable by the hand of inconvenience
does feel anxious about it's own existence.
I want to believe in a world
Where ashes do not go back to ashes,
Where dust will not go back to dust,
Or into the bones
Of oblivion.

I want to believe in a world
Where hats would drop off
When the artist speaks,
Or sows together pieces
Of melancholy and precision.

Yes, I want to believe in this perfect world
Where a thought can be bought
For more than a penny,
But for a whole
Golden mine.

This world is both yours and mine,
So please believe in it,
So we can stop beating around the bush
When it comes to you and me
And art.
This is for all the artists out there feeling they are not worth it. Or thinking their art is not good enough. Your art is worth it. This is the kind of world we create, so please believe in it. Believe in your art, as this is the way of making a difference.
is the here and now,
this very precious moment,

Appreciation and gratitude
for this blessing,
should be expressed without postponement!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
All glory to God above!
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