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People are loopy
People ain't right
Inside of their heads
Out of their minds

People are nutty
Loco coco bean
Imaginary buddies
Putty for brains

People are batty
Fruit loops that fly
Come in different colors
Confetti minds

People are special
They say with a wink
Jumped the train trestle
Over the brink

Pick one or the other
No answer is wrong
It's all the above
When people are off
This may not sound quite right
But I find I've made up my mind
After all of this time
To say goodbye to goodbye

Goodbye only makes me sad
When losing the friends that I have
When it's their turn to come up to bat
When they have no time left

Goodbye is too cruel a word
Goodbye is best if it's left unheard
Being that there is no cure
When goodbye occurs

And that is exactly why
After all of this time I find
I've made up my mind
To say goodbye to goodbye
 Nov 2018 Caroline Grace
And like that
my voice has been stolen away
Anxiety barricades like invisible steel walls
Trapped, I’m left banging with clenched fists
A prisoner within my own head
My brain a chemically imbalanced warden
My mind in solitary confinement
i've been denied bail | h.t
 May 2018 Caroline Grace
 May 2018 Caroline Grace
i have so much to say to you,

but i'll never say it,

so instead,

i post it here.
for m
What if you tried suicide
And by mistake you up and died
Would the demons laugh while God cried
If you were to take your own life

If you think, things aren't running right for me
Do you need to step out that drastically
Wouldn't it be better if you could keep
From doing  harm to the one you call me

Doesn't tomorrow bring another day
A chance to better the come what may
A chance to act a chance to say
There's more to life that I can make

Suicide is not a step that's light
It's the short end of the rope, the snake that bites
The loss of the string on the kite of life
The mistake you make you make too late to find

It's the cowardly way in which to say
I can't make it through another day
Come what will, come what may
You need to live this life before it's too late

Because what you find with suicide
It's also the ones you leave behind that die
Where the demons laugh and God cries
When you can't take anymore and you take your life
 Oct 2017 Caroline Grace
Dear Daddy,
Do you know what these men say to me?

With their
eyes and their mouths
when I walk on the street.

With a grin and a nod
and a look up and down.
A wink and a kiss
and a cat call heard from downtown.

With my skirt short
and my top
It’s a cold world daddy
and no
doesn’t mean no.

Daddy do you know
how these men look at me?

Like I’m a piece of meat
strutting down the street?
With my head buds in
and my favorite song on.

I’m asking for it Daddy,
I’m in the wrong.

Do you know how it feels
not to wear what I like?

To walk a little faster
when I’m alone at night?

Daddy the world is my predator
and I am it's doe,
Daddy what happens
when I can’t say no?
You who goes by "Lonely"
Yes you, who reads these rhymes
Please pause here for a moment
I won't take much of your time

You see my friend, I'm lonely too
In the dark with paper and pen
So I'm writing you this poem
and signing it "Your Friend"

Though I'll prob'ly never see you
nor ever know your name
I do not need to see your face
nor know your cash and fame

I do not care what color you are
how short or tall or fat
I'm weary of all these parties and creeds
So, for a moment, forget all of that

Yes you, dear friend, forget with me
Inhale this moment serene
where we are not opinions or castes
Just two humans with two glowing screens

Be human with me, simple and pure
For a moment breathe deep and feel free
then should you have the time, and a halfway good rhyme
Perhaps write a poem for me.

Your Friend
This one isn't great, but I don't really care. I would normally throw something like this away, but the afterimage of hope made me wonder if maybe it would strike a chord with someone somewhere.  I promise to post more polished verse in the future, but all the same, thank you for reading. -ES
Antibiotics may be the greatest discovery of human kind.
Lord knows its saved our soul many of times!
Its halo can be seen in a petri dish.
In the smiles of children on hospital wards.

But antibiotics aren't just drugs, or are you my drug?

Because your halo is keeping bad things away from me, my petri dish is clean!
Yet, the goodness is seeping from my bones and I get weaker with every day that I'm in love with you.

To my antibiotic, resistance is futile but finishing the course might **** me.
Paul and Sara and their sparkling defiance
They are unharmed by society’s avalanche
A dazzling and rebellious love
Parental attacks meet soft victories
 Oct 2017 Caroline Grace
The mountains arise
With courage she strides

When obstacles appear
she doesn't shed a tear

Her head's held up high
for this is her life

She weaves her own path
against the world's wrath

Before dawn's first light
she's up for the fight
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