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Dec 2015 · 309
Death Is Near
You have 30 days left to live what do you do
Do you decide to fly
You might ask who
Who wants to fly, so you go get high
Perhaps your afraid to die
So you go and try to preserve yourself
Will you finally build that shelf?
You feel death’s breath on the back of your neck
You look like a wreck
Will you fix yourself up
Will you get a present for your son
Give him a pup
Look at the sun
For the last time
See the starlight shine
30 days left and you can’t decide what to do
Who am I to say who
Who will do what
I don’t want to die
Do you want to die?
Dec 2015 · 646
One last Chance
I wish I had one last chance
To hold you in my arms
To see you smile
The thought of you being gone defiles
The memories we shared together
I wish I had one last chance
To hear you laugh
To listen to every paragrah that you spoke
To laugh together at one last joke
To have a war of pokes
Now that your gone I feel deaths fingers on my neck
I begin to choke
I wish I had one last chance
To roleplay with you
To exchange crazy ideas
To have an ideal party
To  hear you say I’m not smart as I call you a smarty
To smell your scent
To know your listening as I vent
To see your eyes shine
To know your mine
To sip on wine
Your gone and I’m having trouble living
I wish I had one last chance
To listen as you educate
To go an skate
To get away from the harsh world
To watch you unfurl a flag
To play tag
You left me all alone
It hurts inside to know
That you didn’t think you could talk to me
I wish I had one last chance
To be with you
SYOTOS(See you on the other side)
Do you want to stay with me until we’re a 109, baby that’s the number that comes to my mind when I think of all the years I wanna spend with you.
Your love is my drug more addicting than **** and more intoxicating than any alcohol. I crave your acceptance I thirst for your love, I want you all to myself, I don’t want to share, baby you’re my air, I need you to live, I need you to breath, Ohh I need you, I need you, Ohh I need you, I need you.
Your body is prettier than any jewelry, more valuable to me than diamonds or gold. Your beautiful, your beautiful, its true. I crave your acceptance I thirst for your love, I want you all to myself, I don’t want to share, baby you’re my air, I need you to live, I need you to breath, Ohh I need you, I need you, Ohh I need you, I need you.
Baby you can be my hope, a reason to change, my own god, an angel, my personal savior. Release me of my bonds. Take these chains off of me, & set me free, free ,I’m free, finally free. I crave your acceptance I thirst for your love, I want you all to myself, I don’t want to share, baby you’re my air, I need you to live, I need you to breath, Ohh I need you, I need you, Ohh I need you, I need you.
Oh you’re a block I can’t seem to move on, I can’t seem to find away around you, you’re my world, I’m stuck on you, stuck on you, stuck on you.
Craving your acceptance and thirsting for your love.
This is a little bit different version of In the Shadows
Dec 2015 · 403
In the shadows
I crave your acceptance
I thirst for your love
I don’t want to share
Baby you’re my air
I need you to live
I need you to breath
You never see how much I struggle
To make you see the trouble
I go through to have you look at me
I feel these emotions flow through me like the sea
Will you please just notice me
Take a second to talk to me
Will you set these terrible thoughts free
I can’t hold them in anymore
It’s emotional war
Love ***** sometimes :/
Dec 2015 · 393
Good & Bad love
My love for her runs deep
like a vast ocean it's bigger than the eye can see
It has its ups and downs
it may tumble,it might pull you down or leave you stranded.It might crash down on you.
No matter what though its always there,it will never fade never cease to exist.
For your life time and mine
it will always be there,it can be relyed on to hold each other up.
Like the dying embers of a fire
its subtle enough to get close too
still heated enough to warm you up.
Get to close and it might burn you, I don't want to hurt you, but I've been treated like dirt before you.
Like cold water on a hot day.
It can be refreshing or brighten your day.
To much though and it might freeze you or sting you. It can be expensive sometimes or cheap others. It can be ahrd to find or seem like its not there.
Like hot chocolate on a cold day.
It can bring a smile to your face
heat you up and make your day.
Another poem made for Oshen Spaulding
Dec 2015 · 319
There For Me
You've always been my friend
Time and time again
you've always been there to pull me in
Although I'm not perfect
You take my sins and disinfect
I feel like I'm coming back from the dead
You're using powers on me to resurrect my life
Now all has been said
Except these last words
I love you
So continue to be true.
This is a poem made for Oshen Spaulding

— The End —