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My heart finally healed but it's once again shattered
I showed my true self but it didn't even matter.
I thought I'd found love but instead I found sadness,
the butterflies are dead now my mind is all madness.
Women have rights,
Right to life and right to speech
Rights to love and be loved

Feelings and emotions running wild,
Right to vote and be voted for
Feelings of happiness running high

Not to be harassed or blackmailed,
Not to be abused and relegated
Women think too
Respect the girl child,
And tender her
Give her the right words
And build her ego

if a man can lead the world,
A woman can heal the world

Professor Marylyn-dolly©
On gender issues
Sequel to my poem A Mourner's tale

Her days turned darkness, as evil taunted her soul
Shattered she stood as the night fought her
Harrowing it was when time stood still
Fearful it were when he held her down
as he took away her reason to smile again
In a journey of ten minutes he took away her dreams alongside her innocence

There was no morning too bright to elude this darkest plight
There was no one to hold her again
No reason to smile
No light too bright

And then

I say

It was blinding how the sun pierced into her damaged soul
And when night came, she could not feel,
She could not see

It was shattering
It was shattering how pieces of her couldn't be mended again
And how these pieces spread beyond her life
It was shocking

It was shocking how her own mind questioned her existence
And how she lived through life, existing, but not living
It was monstrous*

It was monstrous how men could damage a flower so pure and beautiful
And how they go on damaging more flowers,
Crushing them and eluding them all of their innocence
It was blackening
Copyright professor Marylyn-Dolly
All rights reserved.
Constantly searching for an inner serenade to bring us hope
Finding words in such burning silence
Fighting the desires of lust and passion
Waiting for a lover to come
Waiting for a lover to arise
Amidst the sea of self
There is a calling
That everyone should accept
A calling to find our path
A calling within these rushing seas
These rushing seas that gushes like madness
Like feelings that moves
That moves with the tidings of life
Seas that keep searching amongst us, within us... Flooding the depths of the mind,
These seas of self that constantly search for us, beckoning us to find our way


*Evna-Luna© 2016, August
In these seas of self, you may find your way
They say the limit is the sky,
But for a girl who's shy,
The mind is the limit.
Everything happens in it.
Nothing leaves except a few lucky thoughts,
Papers hear her scream in dots,
And they embrace her words
Because its only on the pages that she let's them free like birds.
She hears her heart beating when she stands in a crowd,
Wishing she lived in a cloud,
All alone with the stars in the night,
But her mind is right when it thinks her future is bright*.
How my skin remains cold, I do not know.
My dry, cracked hands reach for yours,
But my reach is not met with warmth,
Merely a gust of bad memories.
My crinkling lungs only release dust
And my tired eyes haven't seen light in days
But I remain, still,
Reaching for your hand.
And with tears running down my cheeks,
Accompanied by a hopeful smile,
I pretend your gaze would meet mine
If I could simply open my eyes.
If I would simply come back to life.

— The End —