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Trinity Apr 2018
I would have trusted his heartbroken smile
And his forgiving eyes.
Maybe this scarred skin will smooth over
When I forgive her lost hopes.
Maybe those eyes full of galaxies would sparkle with stars,
For maybe their light is the only one I need.
But these are in the past,
And reaching into this forbidden jar of regrets
Will only hurt more
Trinity Apr 2018
Add 1 moment of laughter
3 rings of defeat
Mix it with 15 years of happiness
Cool it down with 1 month of depression.
Sprinkle 3 best friends on top
And bake with the fallen tears of your past.

Every piece is perfect
The recipe for you
Never needs to change.
Every day, it is made in perfection.
Trinity Apr 2018
Her tears held stars
Her eyes were the galaxies that cried.
All it takes is a smile
An invitation
To return the stars to their glory
For hers is the only light they need.
Trinity Apr 2018
ashes fall like snow
every fleck a piece of my love.
you brought yourself to this ruin
so make your ash-angels
and pray to the god who deemed your moves perfect.
let me live the one chance I get
and make the only memories I will get.
ashes fall like snow
every fleck a piece of my love.
Trinity Apr 2018
hidden in shadows
it is the light
that you stole
to fix yourself
and destroy me.
don’t worry
it worked
Trinity Apr 2018
Spiteful words directed
Towards my bodacious life.
Why should I apologize
For all of your strife?
I will help
And try to make it better.
Fix the bent
And wipe away the tears.
I will contribute
I will be audacious in my moves.
Every willing, daring play
Towards your happiness.
My heart is yours to take,
My mind is yours to use.
The souls inside you use as bandages,
But do not insult me for my happiness.
Do not push and shove and take
Only to want more.
I am here to help
To love
To repair.
But I can do so much
Only if you let me.
Do not deceive
Into victimizing yourself.
You are not broken,
Just a little bent.
Do not bend me too,
Because I will contribute everything
Towards your cause.
Let me love you.
Let me hold you
And finally....
Let me give everything to you.
Trinity Apr 2018
Save my life
Fill me with oceans, no, galaxies of hope and happiness and Emotion
Heal my scars, end the Voices
Hello, dear Poetry
It’s me again.
She has twisted her words into a vicious knife
Stabbing it into my fragile skin again
Fix me, and I will grant you new words
I will heal your thirst
Hello, dear Poetry
I’m here.
Let me coax you into a beautiful picture
Let me caress your gentle fingers into painting a mural
So that you may fix the blows that landed upon my bruise ridden skin
And in return, I will pour my heart
Hello, dear Poetry
I’m back.
Our relationship heals one another
Our love is unbreakable
We are one and the same
You heal my eyes from being hidden
My soul is sound in paradise
And your soothing voice has made my scars beautiful.
Hello, dear Poetry
I thank you
For all the times your palace has given me shelter
And the times when you have held me close,
Rocked me gently and sang a free lullaby into my mind
Goodbye, dear Poetry.
Until we meet again.
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