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Aaron Barden Nov 2019
You’re smile is enough to lift;
All of this off my shoulders;
I live for these moments; I long for them.
Watching you grow; Watching you become;
Something more; watch you grow to where you belong;
I watch my faith grow in your heart;
I watch the truth glow and I see the start;
Of a beautiful thing; of this relationship
Aaron Barden Nov 2019
At first just a crack;
A glimpse inside, I’ve lowered them;
Just for your viewing;
What will you do once included?
Will you play the same?
The women before you the game?
Where you tear at my soul;
Where you taste another?
Will you leave me broken and foul?
I hope not, I wish not, I want so bad;
For you to be the one;
The one I’ve waited for; the one to heal
And so with loose hands I hold you;
I wait, I choke, and I hope.
Please be the one; Please be for me;
I won’t so bad to watch them crumble
Aaron Barden Nov 2019
It’s dark here now;
Where am I? Who am I?
There’s pain in the dark;
So much pain...
You left, took the light, and never said goodbye.
How? How has this become all that I am?
There was happiness I remember it;
It’s faint now; like the memory of the lips
of a lover long forgotten;
Why didn’t it last? What did I do wrong?
I can barely remember in the beginning
I can barely remember anything good at all.
All I know now is the dark;
There’s pain in the dark;
Have I become the dark?
Aaron Barden Nov 2019
There are givers and there are takers in this world;
Every relationship must be symbiotic;
Each gives and each takes from the other;
Too much giving and you will wind up empty and dead inside;
Too much taking and you will destroy your partner and be alone;
Beware that you do not fall in the rut of over giving or over taking;
Share a balance with your partner, build one another or alone you will find yourselves replaced with others
Aaron Barden Nov 2019
I’m at the edge of your sciences and religions;
Full of flaws;
When first I’m discovered;
I’m sharp and raw;
With age I grow dull and weak;
All but forgot;
But if fought for I’m all you’ve ever sought.
I can make you stand taller than the highest bar;
Make you brighter than any star.
I am love and I am yours.

— The End —