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AiR May 2020
The whole world is in panic
The whole world is in fear!
They don’t know what the truth is
But they are zapped with what they hear

A virus has attacked us!
It is going to wipe out the world!
It is going to **** us all…
Through the media, we are told

Is it a danger, is it real?
Or is this just a myth?
As long as we live in fear
We will never realize the truth

Of course, it has killed thousands
And it’s mainly the old
The young will mostly get away
With a fever, cough and cold

The Coronavirus is a champion
It seems to have a tactic
Though many it appears to infect
But for some, it is asymptomatic

Therefore, we don’t know the numbers
Who are actually killed by the virus
There are many with heart and lung disease
Are they dying because of this?

The whole world is in panic
They think of COVID they will die
They have locked themselves in their houses
Unable to enjoy the sky

Of course, we must take precautions
And stay away from one with a cough
But to shut down the entire world
That is way off!

Fear is the cause of this panic
It is making a mountain of a molehill
Far more than the Coronavirus
It is Fear that will ****

Fear is False Expectations Appearing Real
The mind creates this thought
But once paralyzed by this panic
In anxiety we are caught

Why are we scared, why do we fear?
Why are humans given this gift?
God gave us this instinct for a reason
From real dangers, so we can drift

There are many types of fears
Some even fear a loud sound
Some fear to go up in the sky
Some a lizard on the ground!

Fear often grows into a phobia
An irrational fear of something
Dentophobia is a fear of the dentist
And claustrophobia, a crowd of anything

Some have zoophobia – fear of animals
Some arachnophobia – fear of spiders
With aerophobia, there is fear of flying
And cyberphobia – fear of computers

Finally, the question that matters most
Is fear actually real?
Fear is not a danger, fear doesn’t ****
It’s just an Expectation that Appears Real

But when fear attacks us
And fills our body and mind
The rascal makes us suffer
And makes our life a grind

Fear is not a danger
There is a difference in these two
A danger can attack us
But fear just makes us feel blue

The consequence of fear is tremendous
It can bring our life to a halt
It can stop our intellect from thinking
By just finding fault

What is the cause of fear?
This killer is caused by our mind
It makes us see what is not
In anxiety, makes us blind

But there is a way to overcome it
With courage and with hope
We must wipe out every thought of worry
Then with stress and panic we will cope

But the first step is to wipe out
Ignorance from the mind
To differentiate the mind from the intellect
Both are of a different kind

The intellect can discriminate
It can realize the truth
We must ask questions and investigate
Till we get to the bottom of the root

It is important to flip our life over
From NEP flip to PEP
From negative emotions to positive emotions
From poison to power, step by step

After all, life is a drama
On the earth stage, it’s just a show
We are all actors in this theatre
We come, but we must go

Nobody can escape death
Life is in somebody else’s hand
There is a power we can’t comprehend
That created the sky and land

Because we fear we will die
We live with such panic
We get scared of a virus
That’s truly tragic!

Fear can lock us in prison
Fear can shut life’s door
Fear can frighten us to no end
Drilling into our core

The biggest Fear is that of death
Loss of all that is known
And then a greater Fear still
What is beyond death, unknown

But Fear will make us suffer
Fear will make us sad
We must learn to overcome it
If again we want to be glad

There is a way to overcome
The ignorance caused by Fear
It happens with Realization of the Truth
Not going by what we hear

We must ask and investigate
How real is our Fear
Is it actually a danger
That’s coming very near?

Fear is an illusion
But is powerful and can ****
It can paralyze our entire life
And stop us from doing our will

Today, fear more than ever before
Has made the world come to a stop
In panic, stress, and anxiety
Forced people to shut their shop

Of course, the virus will **** a few
But all of us eventually must die
If not because of this virus
Something else will send us to the sky

So why be in panic of the virus?
We must realize the cause is Fear
False Expectations Appearing Real
Is truly causing us dear

The economic crisis that is being caused
Is far greater than the virus
But Fear is making us blind to the truth
And going in the wrong direction, in stress

Fear is making us blind
We can’t see the truth that is plain,
It’s projecting illusions that are fake
And will cause the world to be slain

Its time to realize what Fear is doing
And **** it before it kills us
The virus will come, and the virus will go
But Fear must not destroy us

If we remain ignorant of our ignorance
And live with Fear and stress
Every such virus that comes in life
Will make our life a mess

-       By AiR
AiR – Atman in Ravi, or Soul in Ravi, is an embodied soul whose only mission in life is to realize the Truth and help people realize the Truth.
AiR Apr 2020
Ask why before you die
Seek answers don’t just cry
Don’t just accept what people say
Resolve to find out the Truth today

Who are you and why are you here?
Why this birth? Who got you here?
Are you just meant to live and die?
Is there a purpose? Find out why

What is death, what is the end?
The body dies, it is just a bend
I never die, I will live on
But where will I go, will I be reborn?

Where is God and who is He?
Is it he or is it she?
I want to find where is heaven and hell
I am seeking answers, who will tell!

Am I the body, mind or Soul?
What is it that makes me whole?
Am I the ego, who says I?
I want to find out who am I

What is this thing called life?
So much joy and so much strife
Is it real or just a show?
Where we come and then we go?

Who created this earth, who created the sky?
Was it just a bang, oh my!
How could all this just come about?
There must be a Creator, there is no doubt!

Is there a law that keeps a track?
Whatever we do, it will come back
Or will we escape from all our sins?
And have no rewards for all our wins

What causes us to be happy and to be sad?
Is it true that desires are bad?
Can we be happy with joy and peace?
Removing cravings, the big disease

Is our mind our friend or foe?
Will it help us cross the shore?
Is it a monkey that makes us blink?
And does it make us in ignorance sink?

What exactly is the Soul?
Where is it, what is its role?
It is the energy that gives us breath
Without it, there would be death

Why should we ask so many questions?
Is it necessary to take all these lessons?
Or should we just laugh and have fun?
And spend our days till life is done

If we don’t find the real Truth
If we don’t get to the bottom of the root
If we don’t answer before we die
Then we will suffer and we will cry

Yes there are questions that we all must ask
Before we die this is one task
Though we know still we must find
That’s our life-purpose, the Truth to unwind.
AiR – Atman in Ravi is Spiritual philosopher, mentor and author.
AiR is an embodied soul, whose only mission in life is to help people Realize the Truth and God.

AiR seeks to make a difference in people's lives by triggering them to Ask questions and Investigate, and in turn Realize the Self and God.
AiR Apr 2020
We all want to be Happy
We pray to God for bliss
But where does God truly live
This point we sadly miss

God is not on a distant planet
In heaven above the skies
The power within that makes our heartbeat
Is where God truly lies

When there is a problem that we cannot solve
We go to God and cry
Make me Happy, my dear Lord!
We beg as we question why

We know that God can do anything
He made Heaven and earth
He is the giver of Happiness
The one who gave us birth

But still, we look for Happiness
Desiring this and wanting that
Sometimes our wishes are fulfilled
Otherwise, we become sad

And so do we live until we die
Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cry
We miss to discover a simple secret
God is the source of Joy

Instead of seeking God within
We are searching for Happiness!
Of course, we become happy at times
But the source of Joy we miss

If only we change our search for God
And look for Him within
We will have everlasting Joy and Peace
And a Blissful life will begin

But we don't know who God truly is
In fear, we bow our head
Instead of loving the Lord within
We suffer until we are dead

We don't discover this Truth
That GOD = Happiness
We are looking for joy in so many places
But within ourselves we miss

We are not body, we are not mind
This Truth we must realize
We are in fact God energy
To this Truth we must rise

Once we are conscious that God lives within
We will suffer no more
The giver of Happiness is part of us
This Truth will make us glow

Instead of seeking Happiness
It's God we must search and find
And once we realize the Truth, behold
There will be joy and peace in our mind

But we don't know who God truly is
We all believe in the myth
We don't discover that God lives within
We fail to reach the zenith

'God = Happiness' is a secret
We must discern and know
Then we will discover true bliss and joy
As our bond with God will grow

If you want to be truly Happy
Then don't seek joy and bliss
Realize and find God within
For that's where is Happiness
AiR – Atman in Ravi is Spiritual philosopher, mentor and author.
AiR is an embodied soul, whose only mission in life is to help people Realize the Truth and God.

AiR seeks to make a difference in people's lives by triggering them to Ask questions and Investigate, and in turn Realize the Self and God.
AiR Apr 2020
If Success was Happiness
Then achievers would be glad
But look around and you will find
That many of them are sad

Of course, Achievement gives joy
And excitement, oh boy!
But when our need becomes our greed
To misery, this will lead

The whole world is chasing Success
Everyone wants achievement
Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose
There is no Contentment

Why do people want to succeed?
Why is everyone in a race?
The Truth is that we want to win
So that there is a smile on our face

But though we win, we are not glad
We have money, why are we sad?
Happiness is not money, the sages said
It's sleeping soundly when you are in bed

We hear of suicides in the homes of the rich
If they were Happy, then why this glitch?
Although they are achievers, this fact we know
They are not Happy, their face has no glow

If successful, but unhappy, what is the use?
Winning or smiling, what would you choose?
The purpose of Success is for us to be glad
What is the use of winning, if it makes us sad?

Happiness is something different, we learn
Not just money that we earn and burn
Happiness is built on a foundation of peace
Then we are blissful like waves in the seas

Look around at the people who are glad
They live in the moment, they are never sad
They don't swing from the future to the past
They are the ones whose Happiness lasts

Happiness has no price tag, know this my friend
It's a state of mind where nothing can offend
It's being able to smile, and able to laugh
Not just trying to raise our Success graph

We can't measure joy in dollar and pound
Happy is he who peace has found
Though we may fly the world around
We may be miserable on the ground

Success is not Happiness, this Truth we must know
We may have everything, what's the use of this show?
The truly successful one is he
Who lives with smile, laughter, and glee

If one is Happy, then one has achieved all
One doesn't have to be rich and in fame be tall
One can have little, but if content is he
Then he can live joyously

Achievement gives Happiness, this fact we know
But with Fulfilment and Contentment, does Happiness grow
One who is Happy, doesn't need to win
He has Peace and Joy without committing sin

Joy doesn't need a foundation of cash
One doesn't have to be rich, to enjoy life's bash
Happiness is a simple state of the mind
It comes from being loving, it comes from being Kind

Happiness is Success. It is achieving life's goal
It is being Happy in the heart, Peaceful in the Soul
True Happiness is eternal, not just a moment of joy
It last's forever, it can’t be destroyed

Success is a journey of valleys and peaks
Life is a see-saw, there are laughs and squeaks
Success, unlike Happiness, doesn't last for long
But the truly Happy ones always sing a Happy song

So, Success is not Happiness, Happiness is Success
You may be an achiever, whose heart is not at rest
But though not successful, if Happy you are
Then you are an achiever, you are the very best
AiR Apr 2020
Do you know that there is a Ladder to Heaven?
For all to climb, be it man or woman
But we mustn't stop at step seven or eleven
We must go on till we reach our heaven

Many of us want to go to God
But we don't know the truth about our Lord
We just go to a temple, mosque, and church
Instead of going on a quest to search

The first step to God is Belief
For those who don't believe, how can they achieve?
There are some who are atheist or agnostic
A life without faith, they choose to pick

But the ones who believe, they take their first step
The Ladder to Heaven they start to inspect
They know without doubt that God exists
They believe and pray and their belief persists

There is not a day that they don't Pray
With folded hands they go to God and say
Not only to the Lord everything they tell
They also listen to Him, not just ring the bell

The third step on the Ladder is Faith
Without this one cannot reach heaven's gate
Faith is Full Assurance In The Heart
Our journey to God, it helps to start

The fourth step on the Ladder is Hope
Without Hope, how can anyone cope?
Those who believe in God they find
He is there when you reach the end of the rope

And then, the believers in God, they Trust
It is Trust that forms their journey’s ******
Trust is unconditional surrender to God
And always accepting the will of the Lord

After Belief, Prayer, Faith, Hope & Trust
What is it that stands out first?
It is Enthusiasm, that is step six
'Entheos', 'In God,' that gets our problems fixed

Then comes step seven, it's Love for God
We make it a priority, the Love for our Lord
To us, God is not someone who lives far away
Every moment that we live, with us He does stay

It is this Love that makes us seek
Our passion for God makes us climb the peak
Because we want God, we Go on a Quest
And whatever we believed, we put it to test

In our search for God we Contemplate
We spend time in Silence and for God we wait
We don't accept what the scriptures tell
And we find the truth about heaven and hell

Importance of a Guru comes before step eleven
For without a Guru, how can we discover heaven?
A Guru takes us from darkness to light
And to overcome ignorance, he makes us fight

As we Overcome Ignorance and discover the myth
We climb step eleven to realize the truth
We realize that we are not the ego, body, and mind
We are the Divine Soul, on realization we find

Of course, there is Karma and we must do good
As we sow, so shall we reap, that will be our food
But step twelve on the Ladder is not to live after we die
But to learn how to God our Soul must fly

Realization is not the end of the game
There is a War Within that can make us lame
We must transcend our enemy – ME
From Mind and Ego, we must be free

Step fifteen on the Ladder is Liberation
Liberation only comes after Realization
Liberation, when alive, is from suffering being free
And from rebirth, to escape and with our Lord to be

The final step on the Ladder to Heaven
Comes after climbing sixteen steps, we reckon
It is Unication of the Divine and our Soul
Which is our life's Ultimate Goal
AiR Apr 2020
True Love is bliss, it's not just a kiss
It's sad this truth in life we miss
We sing and we dance
And we enjoy the romance
But the bliss and the peace of True Love we miss

What is Love, seems a strange question to ask
Falling in Love is a very easy task
When somebody makes your heart dance
And you feel the romance  
Life becomes beautiful and you live in that trance              

Haven't you seen kids loving their mom and dad?
Friendship too is Love, it's not just a fad
When there is Love, there is bliss
Love is not just a passionate kiss
There are many different types of Love in fact

It's sad that people think *** is Love
Even without *** you can be hand in glove
With True Love, two become one
Yes, True Love is a lot of fun
It's happiness that takes you far above

When we speak of True Love, what exactly is meant?
In ignorance of True Love, our life is spent
True Love is really magic
That we miss it, is tragic
True Love is a gift that is God sent

Love is Love, but True Love is bliss
It is not just ***, it is not just a kiss True Love is something great
But it is not everybody's fate
It is sad though we live, this treasure we miss

True Love is not just of body and mind
True Love is not something which the heart can find
What is our Goal?
Find True Love in the Soul
Then in True Love you will find two Souls will bind

With True Love you find that two become one
There are no disagreements and life becomes fun
When 'you' and 'me' become 'us'
Then there is no more fuss
And the treasure of True Love in life is won

The Greeks called Eros, the Love of passion
But Agape was True Love that was their mission
True Love was not just physical
And neither intellectual or emotional
True Love was to make Godly Love the obsession

If Love is so beautiful then why do we cry?
Why do lovers fight  and then question why?
Because there is Love
But there is no True Love
The beauty of Love very soon does die

What makes you think that Love is a kiss?
What makes you believe that romance is bliss?
When you give away your heart
And you see it's torn apart
Then you realize that you made a miss

When you realize True Love in the Soul
There is peace in the Heart, and joy is whole
And you see beyond the skin
And you Love the one within
Then you have found True Love, your very life goal

In True Love, you are compassionate and kind, you give
True Love is such that you always forgive
True Love makes one free
And you live joyously
It is with True Love that one can truly live

True Love is a Divine Rainbow with Colours Seven
Colours that burst from White and make you feel you are in Heaven
It is the Love of Body and Mind
The Love of Heart and Soul
True Love is Divine, it takes you to Cloud Eleven

It's time to stop and True Love to find
To go beyond body and to go beyond mind
True Love is in the Soul
What is the ultimate goal?
To discover True Love and to put everything behind

True Love is Spiritual, True Love is Divine
True Love is more ******* than *** and wine
True Love transcends the heart
And goes deep within the Soul
True Love is loving God and making life whole

When you discover True Love, you smile all the while
For you see the Divine, everywhere, all the time
You see beyond body, you see beyond mind
When True Love in every Soul you find
True Love makes life blissful, True Love we must find
AiR – Atman in Ravi is Spiritual philosopher, mentor and author.
AiR is an embodied soul, whose only mission in life is to help people Realize the Truth and God.

AiR seeks to make a difference in people's lives by triggering them to Ask questions and Investigate, and in turn Realize the Self and God.
AiR Dec 2018
One day when life was full of peace
My mentor told me something to tease
Who are you? Why are you here?
What’s your purpose in life, my dear?
Are you going to float till you die?
Or are you going to find out why?
Are you the body? Are you the mind?
Go on a quest the truth to find.

Questions made me start my search
I went to a temple, mosque and church
Who was God and where was he?
Where could heaven and hell be?
How was I born? What caused this I?
What will happen after I die?
I started my quest to find the truth
I would not stop till I get to the root

Every religion said the truth is mine
Each scripture boasted that its version was fine
Don’t ******, don’t steal, don’t have wine
Rituals were plenty to live and dine
But nobody talking of the truth
Nobody had found out the real brute
The enemy was none else than our mind
Where it is you cannot find

Although you know, you do not know
Whatever you see, you cannot see
The truth is staring at your face
But you are busy in the world’s race
Who am I, you do not know
The ego seems to steal the show
We are slaves of desire and lust
What is the myth, we do not bust

We live, we die, don’t find out why
And we just cry when we see someone die
Who made this earth? Who made this sky?
Who made you and them and I?
We believe in the lie
We don’t ask why
Whatever we are told
We just buy
We fret and fume through life and sigh
The truth passes us by, we let it fly

We come and go but we don’t know
The world is nothing but a cosmic show
With empty hands, we all come
And nothing is ours when all is done
But still, we live and die and cry
We don’t ask questions, who and why
Ignorance fills our life’s sky
And instead of laughing we just cry

Those who realize the whole truth
Those who get to the bottom root
Those who put everything to test
Those who go on a search and quest
Those who question who and why
Those who know they will never die
They are the ones who live in bliss,
Joy and peace, they do not miss

What is the purpose of life on earth?
Why do we die and why this birth?
Who made this earth, who made this sky?
Who causes things to walk and fly?
If you don’t find out who am I
And you just cry until you die
Then you’ll just run, you won’t have fun
And in a flash life will be done.
Ever wondered who you are, why you here or what the purpose of life really is? Well, read on for some eye-opening answers.
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