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dance with demons,
smile wide,
and show the devils
what hell looks like.
Dreams are special and they
Don't always come true
But the day I dreamt of you
My dreams come true
Last night I fell in love with you..
His Heart ❤️
 Aug 2020 Zack Ripley
Imran Islam
I miss you
Miss your words
I find you
Find your hands.

I know you
Know your heart
I want you
Want your new art.

Do you feel me?
Feel my emotions!
Would you reach me?
Reach my affections!

You look at me
Look at my heart
Do you feel that?...
We aren't so apart!
Don't get me wrong
I still miss you.........
Since I was very young
I write because it makes me feel like someone is listening,

- or am I finally listening to myself...
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