You keep on travelling for years
Moving in one single direction
With your other two siblings
Who keep running faster than you
But what do I see?
After so many years of walking
You are still not much far from -
The point, you started your journey
The same situation applies to -
Both of your siblings also
Who are energetic than you
Even they are taller than you
But why it Happened this Way?
I Guess, It was because
A part of yours is tied together
With the Point of the Origin
O my hour-hand of the Clock
I know, you always showed
The correct hour of day and night
Since years and years rolling on
But do you know? You are cursed
To keep on walking and walking
Reaching almost nowhere
Even after travelling for so many years
Do you love this? I feel, You do not
I think, I really feel your pain
I keep on thinking why time is -
Measured in circular motion
Whether time really repeats itself
Or we just assume like that
Just for our own convenience
Who knows? Do You?
I accept my ignorance. What about you?