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Jul 2018 · 246
Acid in my water
yours truly Jul 2018
Acid in my water,
Poisoning me deep.
Living cautiously.
Knowing one day
My life can be taken
So quickly.
Acid in my water,
Yet it taste so familiar.
Like I’ve been drinking
It my whole life.
I’ve been drinking my whole life;
Jul 2018 · 228
yours truly Jul 2018
Loving you is a crazy dream
I can’t get out of.
No matter how bad
I try to wake up.
How bad I try to grasp
You are my new reality
Jul 2018 · 224
yours truly Jul 2018
I make my bed and I lay in it.
I stay in a trance that’s seems to last
I make my bed and I lay in it
And I live in it
And I cry in it
And it all lasts
In a ongoing loop
In a trance of
Of nothingness.
Jul 2018 · 224
yours truly Jul 2018
Sometimes I wanna be in a band
Or a club.
Around people to have
A connection;
With people.
Something that makes me feel apart
Of something
I wanna feel;
Jul 2018 · 185
yours truly Jul 2018
The way they move so happily
The way the lights dance on their skin
I wanna feel like that
I wanna be like that
I want what they have
The girls
In the movies
When they’re happy
When they’re dead.
I’m just posting all my poems that I forgot to post on here sorry
Jul 2018 · 196
yours truly Jul 2018
you in front of me
Makes me wonder
What should I chose?
my life or yours.
my life;
which intersects with yours?
could that matter to me?
to you?
could...we matter;
Jul 2018 · 252
La Luna de los jóvenes
yours truly Jul 2018
the moon is her best friend.
destiny in a glance of the eye
a feeling.
of peace,
of wonder.
A feeling of contentment
With the world.
she could sit for hours.
with her best friend.
parece para siempre
en la juventud
Jul 2018 · 150
The 60s
yours truly Jul 2018
I wish I was born back then.
Beach parties and old cars.
Rock N’ Roll and milkshakes,
Slick hair in all.
But that life ain’t meant for me
Either way.
I woulda been at a protest
Apart of the
black panthers party instead.
I woulda been representin’
The Jazz N’ my fro
Puffy hair and all.
That life meant for me;
In every generation.
Jul 2018 · 145
Purple lights
yours truly Jul 2018
Purple lights dance on my skin
Leave my presence
Leave me
In the moment
In life
Loving it
Feeling it
All at once.
All at one time.
Feeling life all at one time
Jul 2018 · 148
Mind fields
yours truly Jul 2018
Circles in my mind
Love fills my time
Staring blindly
At your love
Round in round in my mind
My heart loops for years
Until a glitch
Until a pattern
Until you stop.
Running circles in my mind.

Mind fields.
Jul 2018 · 138
Soul mates
yours truly Jul 2018
Soul mates are souls.
Not beings
Not parts
Filled with love
Each other’s love.
Soul mates.
Jul 2018 · 119
yours truly Jul 2018
My mouth has patience and persistence
That’ll make you eager or angered.
My words have depthless and
Realness to make
You crumble under your hate
Or float in the brightness of
Your thoughts.
I tell all what I see
What I feel.
you cannot hurt me.
for you need emotion  for that.
for you need my care;
For that.
Jul 2018 · 162
tunes in my head
yours truly Jul 2018
Down the water fountain.
Dying slow
Yet nobody’s watchin.
Life’s a slippery *****
But whos trying?
Life consumes me down
Into madness.
Life is short,
But nobody’s countin.
Kiss me slow
Until I can’t stand it.
Life washes me up
Until drownin.
Dying slow
But hey,
Who’s watchin.
Jul 2018 · 189
dear my love. r.
yours truly Jul 2018
a new world discovers me
loving me dearly.
happily loved.
I am.
he makes me feel again
like I’m
Jul 2018 · 260
Barreling myself
yours truly Jul 2018
Hurt me and break me,
Laugh and betray me;
Then you come back when you’ve realized
What you’ve done.
Hate that you need me,
Mad that I don’t.
Mad you can’t save me and mad
I can’t help.
Put your problems on someone’s back and leave.
Walk away.
And that’s just that.
Mad that I’m not here to take all your crap.
Mad that I won’t put up with your ****.
Mad I can’t play therapist.
Mad you don’t have no run to run to
Because you push them away.
You push me away.
Jul 2018 · 190
yours truly Jul 2018
Don’t understand the risks that you make
For me...
I don’t want to understand the
Pain you deal with me.
Don’t let me know.
I don’t wanna know.
I can’t deal with letting you down
I can’t manage
I don’t wanna know
The disappointment I ring to you.
To everyone
To anyone.
Jul 2018 · 485
yours truly Jul 2018
The way I feel is nothing compared
To how you feel.
At least that’s what you tell me.
I shouldn’t feel this way
‘ I’m fine’
That’s what I hear.
So what do I feel?
Do I feel?
My loss of reality. death?
Jun 2018 · 192
beg to live.
yours truly Jun 2018
i cry for you.
i cry for my life to be mine.
i cry for happiness.
i want that.
for myself, for others.
i want to live happy, i want to write.
i don't want to go to the army.
i don't want to work hard for things that wont help me,
be happy.
i want to live.
i cry and beg to live;
Jun 2018 · 178
yours truly Jun 2018
What have I become?      
Blank stares and a blank mine.                                                            ­         
 Doubtful of any happiness to come of me.       
 Sad.                                                 ­                  
 Feeling lonely.                                                 
 Doubtin­g the ‘love’ you have for me.                  
Am I wrong? It’s not like you show it.                
So am I wrong?
I feel alone like if no one knows it.                                                          
But you do.  
You know it.
This is about everyone who doesn’t like me talking about my depression bc it messes up ghere mood. I’m alone. At least that’s what I feel.
Jun 2018 · 192
Confused love
yours truly Jun 2018
What is there without you here?
I’m here empty.
Why must you hurt...
Is it my fault?
Has to be.
Your perfect.
You deserve better than me.
I am at fault.
I wrote this about a girl who can’t notice here worth, she thinks she’s the problem all the time. Live and confusion is all she has.
Jun 2018 · 274
yours truly Jun 2018
Drowning in your presence.
Filling my lungs with false thoughts,
And hope.
I try to grasp reality but your pulling my legs down with you.
With you all.
The sea of strangers.
Of the hopeless, of the ones stuck.
Not going anywhere but down.
Into the abyss.
Jun 2018 · 283
My bad habit
yours truly Jun 2018
A circle never ends or stops going.
Endless, forever and ever.
Leaving seems to be your strong suit.
Never great at returning.
But you do, you always do.
I imagine that I’m supposed to wait now.
For you to return. To come to your senses.
A horrible cycle like a snake eating its tail.
Til someone stops it Till someone breaks it.
But a circle never ends, or stops going.
Endless, forever and ever.
Jun 2018 · 181
yours truly Jun 2018
No one ever see's the pain they cause.
The beauty of a soul they turned dim,
empty with only dreams of fillness.
maybe you didn't mean to.
But no one ever see's the pain they cause.
Jun 2018 · 166
yours truly Jun 2018
What is there without you
What is there without me
The wind and the grass
The hollowness inside me?
The emptiness yet peacefulness
Of nothing.
What is there without you
What is there without me?
What is there without any of us.
Jun 2018 · 504
“reverse racism!”
yours truly Jun 2018
You live off of hate
Off of the joy of oppression to others
Off the way you think others should live
Because you believe they deserve it

You hate the feeling of being unwelcome in a place where your people have made a mark on
A BIG mark on
A horrible mark
You don’t like how people are trying to erase that mark
“Racism” you think
You don’t like the way people treat you now,
Even though you treat people like this everyday.
Jun 2018 · 167
yours truly Jun 2018
Happiness doesn’t always mean peace and syrenity

The joy you get hurting me
Your laugh taunts me
Your happiness is my pain

Happiness doesn’t always mean peace and syrenity

He hurts you yet you go back to him
You hate him but cannot stop
Your in pain but somewhere deep inside your happy he’s still in your life

Happiness doesn’t always mean peace and syrenity.
May 2018 · 146
yours truly May 2018
The lights bright up the darkness,
The darkness i had gotten used to,
the darkness i was once scared of.
"Things aren't always bad if you give it a chance,
live with it for a moment; have a little faith".
i listen to that.
I wonder deeper into the dark not knowing where im going,
but it gets peaceful, quiet.
I hear a boom of sound in my ears,
a light follows.. as do I.
i realize i seem to fly in the sight of the light.
I was falling before;
i fly now.
May 2018 · 1.2k
Daily Life in Generation Z
yours truly May 2018
Wake up to the AA, never a day without.
look to the news, schools out?
Its only April.
Another protest i cant make,
another protest
another protest,
yet no change.
My youth being killed everyday unjustified because of people's hatred.
A threat he was
12 he was, 14 he was,15,16,19,40,36,32.....he was a threat.
17 killed today because of "bulling" i suppose, he was just ill an broken,
poor him right? right.
1000 more suicide a 1000 more hate crimes at its lowest this month.
more murders than anything against the people who just want to love; who want to live the way they want.
My friends heartbroken
families being ripped apart, wondering if they'll be the next to go.
Our leaders are full of hatred, making fun of the ill, no respect for the women.
because of that i no longer have rights to my body, not like i had them really anyway.
No means No,
but your distracting the staff ma'am that's against school dress code,
go home and cover up your collar bone.
I'm 14.
You'r making it hard for the adult staff... ya'know
The ****'s we hired to teach you, the ones that make YOU uncomfortable.
cover up,
that'a all we ask. ;)
                                                   yours truly,
                                                          ­          . . .
i tried to touch base on what women, LBTQP, people of color go through
May 2018 · 568
Which Cell.
yours truly May 2018
The eyes that pierce me,
with threats beyond words.
I cant help what im going through.
I can't have it; no not at all.
Can't live without me,
but i dont want it inside me.
I can't have it... I can't.
It's my choice;
isn't it?
I cry and I cry.
But they don't care bout my pain,
They care about the cell who cant even ******* breath yet.
The cell that can't let me breath yet.
The cell that was forced upon me, the cell that hurts me
when i even try to think about it.
That's the cell they care about....
not me.
                                               yours truly,
                                                          ­     . . .
i wrote this about the women who are being threatened and having there rights taken from them due to these new abortion laws.
May 2018 · 170
Dear my hollow heart,
yours truly May 2018
my dear hollow heart,
why dont you fill?
why are you so cold,
so stiff?
why cant they make you smile?
why must you bed like this?
i know,i know but that was a long time ago.
it wont happen again;
i think.
just stop judging,
stop crying,
stop hurting.
stop beating.
May 2018 · 177
one step at a time.
yours truly May 2018
Change starts from within,
but what is there?
A bunch of junk;
Thoughts that have no meaning,
Demons i cant let go,
love i don't know how to give.
The world defeats  me with everything it has.
Hurt, Pain, Anger, Violence.
I want to fall and cry for those
who are trapped in this poverty of hell.
But i can not,
i will not.
I will change this world,
while i change myself in it.
Apr 2018 · 158
My love did you ever?
yours truly Apr 2018
My love did you ever want to be mine?
Did you want my problems?
Or did you fall in love with my exterior.
The way my body curves;
Maybe the way my hair curls?
Did my eyes deceive you?
Or was it my lies?
Did you ever want to be mine?
Deal with the problems I face every night?
Or did you want a good time?
A little foreign in the bed.
On and off
Yet I don’t linger in you head ;
Like you do in mine.
You suspected everything was fine.
But I lie.
                                   Yours truly,
                                                     . . .
Apr 2018 · 155
Are you ok?
yours truly Apr 2018
I laugh yet I don’t know what you said.
I catch myself staring at nothing
While you echo in my ear softly.
“ are you ok?”
I reply with a smile and a chuckle that I practice every night.
“ yes” “ daydreaming”
But I lie.
I lie all the time.
I don’t dream not even at night, the thoughts keep me up.
But how could you know; how on earth would I even be able to talk to you.
It’s ok.
I’m strong,
I’ll be fine.
                                  Yours truly,
                                                    . . .
This is how my depression feels , I’m not able to talk to some ppl because they will not understand. But I’m getting better in my eyes
Apr 2018 · 151
yours truly Apr 2018
A love like ours they say is hard to come by.
A love like ours.
The outside looks
Yet the inside hides; in plain sight.
No know asks or dares to think other wise.
We’re happy.
Yes .
Is what I have to say.
Mar 2018 · 177
No quiero saber
yours truly Mar 2018
En mi mente te veo allí ( te veo allí)
No puedo dormír,
No puedo comer ;
sin ti aquí,
sin ti aquí.
no quiero saber
que ha sucedido;
no quiero saber.
recuerdas ese día cuando solíamos divertirnos?
cuando soliamos tener amor.
solias sostenerme,
solias sonreir;
pero ahora no haces.
y solo me pregunto;  
quien es ella.
y por quē ella se ha llvevado mi amor ,
como puedes dejarla tomo
nuestro amor.
no quiero saber.

                                                yours truly,
                                                                 . . .
This is mostly for my Spanish speakers I was writing a poem/ song idk how to feel about it yet but here y’all go...
Mar 2018 · 718
Miss me.
yours truly Mar 2018
The person you think I am was never here
You think you know me when u don’t.
People assume,
People just don’t care at all.
And I guess that’s why I feel lonely.
The people who think they know me don’t;
And the people closest to me don’t care at all.
I’m stuck with feeling that no one really cares.
And I guess that’s okay
Because they all care when I’m gone.
When they realize what they didn’t do.
                Yours truly,            
                                   . . .
I haven’t been active because I’ve been struggling till I realized that poetry is the only thing really helping me .
Feb 2018 · 219
The eye of a Stranger.
yours truly Feb 2018
Writing for yourself is hard,
Writing for others i find easier.
All you need is there name and their eyes
and can imagine everything they hide inside.
For me i feel its harder, because i know what I'M hiding,
i know what scares me ,
I know what brings me to tears.
But someone else... someone else,
I can imagine anything,
i can see bright futures
and i can see hope,
All in the eyes of the being.
                                                           yours truly,
                                                                            . . .
i need to be inspired
Jan 2018 · 252
The Girl who tries to hard.
yours truly Jan 2018
She  types and types,
trying to make a simple story.
She loves and loves,
trying to make a love story.
She pretends and pretends,
to be so deep.
When all she really needs to be
is unique.
You see she doesn't think she is,
she doesn't do anything.
She sits she thinks and sometimes she tries things.
But she tries the wrong things,
she wants to have that thing.
The "thing" everybody else has,
that makes them special in a way.
But she doesn't have that 'thing';
because she doesn't seem to realize that,
she is that "thing".
                                                        yours truly,
                                                                       . . .
Jan 2018 · 216
The Silent Boy
yours truly Jan 2018
His hair twirls in such a pattern,
his mole so small;
stands out to me.
His eyes so big and brown...
his heart so empty and sad.
He doesn't speak , only looks.
Someone had taken that happiness from his heart
so he keeps it locked up.
He tries and he tries
but never says a thing,
waiting for happiness to be that "thing"
in his heart again.
                                               yours truly,
                                                                  . . .
love is weird and sad sometimes.
Jan 2018 · 645
Truth is...
yours truly Jan 2018
Truth is it *****,
truth is its hard.
Never knowing if you going live through today or not.
Losing hope of mind,
losing friends one at a time.
Trying to stay strong
because you know how hard you work,
Trying to live good,
trying to be stress free;
trying to accept things and just let them be
but truth is its hard.
Truth is it's hard.
                                             yours truly,
                                                             . . .
lmaoo im going through some ****
Jan 2018 · 365
Carry on
yours truly Jan 2018
Carry on,
just carry on.
No one pays attention so we all just carry on,
living in the stillness but we all just carry on.
No one changes, no one creates,
we all just carry on.
Carry on.
Get through it,
And try to carry on.
Don't just carry on.
                                                  yours truly,
                                                                    . . .
Jan 2018 · 244
Night skies
yours truly Jan 2018
Your like the night skies,
beautiful but scary.
I don't know what lingers in the dark,
whats going on with you inside.
But you give off a gleam of beauty,
of stillness;
of hope.
                                            yours truly,
                                                              . . .
Jan 2018 · 271
Beautiful days
yours truly Jan 2018
Finding your way, enjoying the days
everything is led up to these beautiful days.
everything is going good,
everything is going great;
when your stuck never finding out
what day ill soon take.
when i wrote this i was watching the mind of a serial killer im not crazy i promise. lol just wanted to sound like one of them
Jan 2018 · 421
yours truly Jan 2018
Always on the run,
running from everything.
Never pleased, never happy,
just lost in your own way.
Can't sleep, cant breath;
everything is pushing in.
Everything seems to be gone while your
stuck in the wind.
Stuck in your own mind.
Jan 2018 · 249
yours truly Jan 2018
I don't always need to go out
i cant even think of how it would be.
conversating with other when they have no room to think;
no room to think about the most important things in life,
only room to think "hey, do you think i can get that guy?"
No i cant do it, not at all;
to busy stuck communicating with the people in the wall.
There more open minded,
more wise... more alive.
                                                       yours truly,
                                                          ­           . . .
i dont know what this is tbh.
Jan 2018 · 250
Dry eyed boy.
yours truly Jan 2018
She played me like a game
And i was so oblivious.
I let her lead me in time;
thinking i was the only patient.
my eyes cry more than they ever did before
i wait for her to see me, but she noticed all along.
they say heartbreak takes time to get over;
but i'm running out of time,
i though she was a fallen angel needing me to guide.
But instead i fall in the trap she set in my mind.
my eyes are dried no more tears to come out,
now i just sit in this drought caused by emotions.
                                                       yours truly,
                                                                       . . .
i tried to make  it seem like one of the boys perspectives in the other poem i wrote #boytears. i wanted it all to connect.
Jan 2018 · 267
It wasn't all just a dream.
yours truly Jan 2018
The hearts of their old souls beat fast
His breath taken from him.
An optical illusion to some eyes
yet simple to mine.
         She dances in the moonlight rays,
        He prays to see her again someday.
        She dances her way off the stage;
        into the dark abyss.
He cries at the thought of seeing her again,
Forever wishing to have just one last glimpse one last kiss again.
He cries and weeps,
like a faucet in a sink;
            While they all fell bad for there love story,
            such a short story.
He wakes up astonished;
looking in a gaze; proud to see another day.
Just to realize
His love was taken yesterday.
                                                      ­     yours truly,
                                                          ­                . . .
Jan 2018 · 232
"Isn't she"
yours truly Jan 2018
Shes a work of art they say
"A miserable young thing isn't she?"
They don't understand her mind and thoughts
But me; i see whats behind the curtains
What shes been trying to show us
She's a work of art
Isn't she?
                          yours truly,
                                           . . .
Jan 2018 · 353
The System.
yours truly Jan 2018
He don't know what to do
She need the medical
And he need some food for his people
They still ain't call him back and he worried now
She getting sicker and sicker
While the man getting richer and richer
He never wanted to do it, never wanted to go out this way
She needed help; and they needed some food.
He had to do it, it was the only way to get some money...
"****. "    car pulls up
" Mane i'm sorry ill have it for you in the morning"
The End
                                              yours truly,
                                                          ­     . . .
Jan 2018 · 461
The day after Christmas
yours truly Jan 2018
The day after Christmas and all thru the house
No one seems to be up because today isn’t special, not like the other
Not like the one when we pretend to be happy;
when we pretend to be christian
When we pretend to care
Everyone wants the perfect gift
And to show it off on they're social
But all i want is to have the comfort to wake up again
To see her again
But she’s having a great Christmas i hope
In the sky above.
                                         Your truly,
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