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 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Emily Tyler
I shattered today.

Shards of love
And splashes of blood
Scattered to the tips of
My fingers

We were in Starbucks
And I drank coffee
And you didn't
And seven months of
Surprise kisses
24/7 text messages
Ended abruptly
Like a cliff.

The funny thing is,
I broke up with you.
It was still me
Who spent the last hour
Listening to our song
And bleeding emotion
Riding on tears
Into the sock monkey
That I named after you
Because I loved the middle name

You were over it,
And I was not.
You showed up
With the bite of coffee
Crawling up your nose
Expecting to

I'm not exactly happy that we think alike anymore.
Seven months and two days. We had a good run. I still love you, Wade Ryan. I still do.
 Feb 2014 y i k e s
your mind is a forest, and i
want to carve my initials
onto every tree
 Feb 2014 y i k e s
Deep Crimson cheek
Face burned heat


You blush

All because he said hi
And, oh my
How you've fallen hard
He's the best thing you think about, by far

Night by night you wish
One amazing kiss
                From those lips
                             To be his

He is perfection
Your sweet confection
Of a man

Whose hands
You wish to have all over your body

"Why me?"
 Feb 2014 y i k e s
Liz Stevens
No matter how many clouds I see
Because of you, I still believe in sunshine
When the past looms over me and shadows cloud my vision
Because of you, I trust the one with clear sight

When cynicism filled my heart
You showed me that happy endings are still possible
When I could not see the good in myself
You helped show me that beauty was still there

When fear stopped me in my tracks
You taught me to have the courage to keep walking
When my hope in society diminished to nothing
You taught me to be the key that unlocked the good

Because of you
I am me
A little messed up
But thanks to you, loaded with promise
To my mother, the most inspirational woman I've ever met. I hope that when I am her age, I can be half the woman that she is. I love you. Happy Birthday!
 Feb 2014 y i k e s
I think that
if she's
what you're into
then you should go ahead
and **** her
and love her
and keep her
as happy as you'd once
made me,
you don't need to stay any longer.
you haven't made me happy
in as long as we had said
we'd stay together,
even if it's our forever
 Feb 2014 y i k e s
 Feb 2014 y i k e s
You try to breathe
As the pain suffocates you
And you cover your face
With shame and guilt
You cradle yourself
And say soothing words
To give yourself fake assurance
That it will be better
The intellect of man is forced to choose
perfection of the life, or of the work,
And if it take the second must refuse
A heavenly mansion, raging in the dark.
When all that story's finished, what's the news?
In luck or out the toil has left its mark:
That old perplexity an empty purse,
Or the day's vanity, the night's remorse.
Alienated from this world,
It's as though I'm invisible.
Its like... I'm a ghost.

Perhaps I'm dead – or more like an undead.
Consciously breathing,
Yet unconsciously living.

Unachievable demands too plentiful
For bare shoulders (to bear).
Words carelessly strewn
Cuts into the soul
leaving a void.

Countless wanderings,
Trying to find a home.
Yet left stranded alone;
Always on the toe, ready to go.

I need a complimentary ticket
to depart from the mundane
to the destination – into the moment.
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