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The short-order cook and the dishwasher
argue the relative merits
of Rilke’s Elegies
against Eliot’s Four Quartets,
but the delivery man who brings eggs
suggests they have forgotten Les fleurs
du mal and Baudelaire. The waitress
carrying three plates and a coffee ***
can’t decide whom she loves more—
Rimbaud or Verlaine,
William Blake or William Wordsworth.
She refills the rabbi’s cup
(he’s reading Rumi),
asks what he thinks of Arthur Whaley.
In the booth behind them, a fat woman
feeds a small white poodle in her lap,
with whom she shares her spoon.
"It’s Rexroth’s translations of the Japanese,"
she says, "that one can’t live without:
May those who are born after me
Never travel such roads of love."
The revolving door proffers
a stranger in a long black coat, lost in the madhouse poems of John Clare.
As he waits to be seated,
the woman who owns the place
hands him a menu
in which he finds several handwritten poems
By Hafiz, Gibran, and Rabindranath Tagore.
The lunch hour’s crowded—
the owner wonders
if the stranger might share
my table. As he sits,
I put a finger to my lips,
and with my eyes ask him
to listen with me
to the young boy and the young girl
two tables away
taking turns reading aloud
the love poems of Pablo Neruda.
regina Jan 2016
there’s this invisible gremlin with his hands around my neck and yes, i say HIS because yes, he’s a man, what else would a gremlin be.

he’s got his hands around my neck and he has another set of hands around my arms.  and my eyes are locked with his and i'm entranced.

i wish i could say he was as beautiful as vishnu with his four arms and enchanting mystique.  but i wouldn’t be caught dead praying to this guy.  

he pulls my hair and he grabs at my ankles and don’t get me wrong, there’s a time and a place for that.  but this is always at the most inopportune moment. because while i’m running away, he calls out to me,

“hey!  remember how terrible you are?  remember how you’re actually incapable of doing anything?  remember how literally no one likes you?”  

and i freeze in my tracks and i look around hysterically, begging that no one heard him.  and i open my mouth to say something but he’s throwing pencils at my head like nate in my civics class and what did i ever do to you, nate?  

my brother likes to remind me that he cried on the homecoming court and i wish i could say that i felt vindicated but ever since i felt the eraser hit my temple, i realized i should probably keep my mouth shut because these linoleum halls are run by basketball shorts and beauty queens, not band geeks

nate threw pencils at my head.  he didn’t put his hands around my neck.  he wouldn’t be caught dead touching someone like me.

this invisible gremlin is all over me.  and i’m kind of indifferent because i love any kind of attention.  he bought me so many drinks in college and i thought, for a while, it was a good system.  we’d drink and we’d dance and we’d follow those adult rules of not talking about work or family while having fun.  

and then the next day, he’d hit me in the face as sharp as the wind on wood street.  “remember, you’re in love with someone who doesn't love you.”  “remember, you’re too awkward to get past the job interview.”  

he keeps me up all hours of the night wanting more from me and my muscles are tense but with no touch of intimacy.  

i’ve spent my whole life being the tallest girl in the room but he has his shoe right over my head.  people watch as he brings me to my knees and they STILL ask me why i’m always apologizing.

it took me years and years to end up realizing that i was apologizing for him.  like an exhausted midlifer apologizing for her ******* husband.  but my favorite stories are the ones where she gets a fresh haircut and a new dress and she realizes she’s worth more than Bud Weiser hollering at her from the recliner and then she writes a new ending for herself.

so thanks for the pencil.
i like your landscape
your scenery different
from here, yet we have
queen anne's lace too
yesterday we swept along the new bypass
yet the flowers were gone over though
else where is all rowan berries and rosebay
willow herb

such a day
freedom from driving
mapping the land
pausing in montgomery
go google

the next destination

your road is straight
as was ours
roman up to the castle

today is quiet work
again to see what comes

have you heard about the dam
at whaley bridge?

news on the radio
i have to be careful
how i spell things
Win some, lose some
Leave or stay,  
The world will go on anyway.

No more important than a grain of sand,
Come or go,
The winds will continue to blow.

We are born, and then we die,
Remembered or forgotten,
Time goes on without us.

make friends, lose friends,
real or not,
end the end we are all just someone, someone else forgot.

~Shawna K. Whaley
Sometimes there is no end in sight
We find ourselves faced with an endless night
Waiting for a sun that never shows
The sadness inside us constantly grows

Where are the better days?
Where are the sun's rays?
When will the clouds break?
How much pain can one person take?

Smile through the hurt to hide the pain
Hide your tears by standing in the rain
Dry your eyes so they can't see
let them think that you are filled with glee

~Shawna K. Whaley
I sit alone on this silent night,
thinking about my life gone past,
the things I did wrong, and should have done right.
I never realized that life would go by so fast.

In my mind is chaos, confusion, and fear,
I see myself spinning, spiraling down,
I feel helpless inside, I wipe away a tear.
In my own anguish, soon I will drown.

Someone please help me, please hold my hand,
I'm afraid of the thoughts inside my own head,
I need someone near me, by my side please stay,
This is my silent plea, every night before bed.

Shawna K. Whaley
Someone you can count on,
Through thick and thin, they will always be there.
Someone who can count on you,
No matter what, you will always care.

Someone you can talk to,
Tell your secrets, admit your fears.
Someone who can talk to you,
Always listening, with open ears.

Someone you can trust,
Keep your secrets, look out for you.
Someone who can trust you,
Keep their secrets, look out for them too.

Someone who is loyal,
Forgetting risks, they won't turn on you.
Someone you can be loyal to,
through it all, you remain true.

This is what friendship means to me,
The only way it should be.
For without these eight simple things,
How can it be a true friendship?

Shawna K. Whaley
On the outside looking in, what a way to live
It's got its ups and definitely has its downs
No one to bother you, you've been left alone
No one to talk to you, you're own your own
On the outside, looking in. That's where I am
Most of my life, that's how it's been

They might open a window, might open a door
Let me hear they love me and feel they care
Then like the cold, I'd get shut out
Left to feel the hurt, the tears that follow
In my own little world, that's where I dwell
looking in on a world, as if through a window

Ignored and abandoned, all of my life
Except through a window, a window that's locked
Shut out of their world, shut up in my heart
Never to be accepted, never to be loved
On the outside, looking in. I bet you would know
Has more downs than ups, or so it does show

Shawna K. Whaley
It starts small, and then grow stronger
First a little sadness, then a small tear

Soon I am weeping, can hold back no longer
The thoughts come, I'm paralyzed with fear

Feeling unloved, unwanted and more
Trying to fight it, they say they care

Yet deep down inside, my heart has been torn
Trying to hold on, becomes hard to bare

Feelings of loneliness, like no one is there
Rage deep inside me, I'm feeling so lost

The true thoughts inside me, I cannot share
I want to let go, though I cannot pay the cost

Shawna K Whaley
Will I be forgiven, if my life I take?
Will God Forgive me, for the choice that I might make?
If I ask before, will He accept my plea?

Will I be forgiven, by friends and family?
I'm running out of reasons, to keep myself alive.
They say there are many, but I just don't see,
I fear that I am losing control, for my sanity I strive.

Will I be forgiven, by the ones that matter most?
Will they see it as my only choice?
Will they understand, understand that I feel lost?
Can they hear it, hear the pain in my voice?

Will I be forgiven, if my life I take?
Will God forgive me, for the choice that I might make?
If I ask before, will He accept my plea?

Shawna K. Whaley
I’ve been lonely before, I will be again
The tears have been shed, I’ve dried my eyes.
The pain has diminished, I can finally see.
I thought I wanted you, I really wanted love.

I picked you out of the crowd, set my sights on you,
Decided you were the one for me, though I wasn’t for you
If only I had waited, if only I had seen.
I never should have told you, now it is too late.

I’ve made things change, they will never go back
Your friendship is all I want, too late now I see
The laws of nature are the cause, the reason for my ways.

What I wanted, I could not have
Human Nature demands it, no one is immune
What I want now, I fear I have lost
That is my only regret, to lose your friendship

Shawna K. Whaley

As I drift away into my own thoughts

Voices get farther away

Once more trapped within my own mind

Unaware of my surroundings

The world around goes on without me

As conversations continue unhindered by my absence

In my head is nothing but silence

Then my thoughts begin to penetrate the fog

In my mind I am alone

Don't try to talk to me 'cause I won't hear you

I'm somewhere else now even if you still see me

Lost within myself

Consumed by my own thoughts

So far away

Only half aware when you say my name

I'm daydreaming yet it's unclear

As I sit here thinking

I'm here, but I'm not here

~Shawna K. Whaley

— The End —