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vanessa ann Feb 2018
brown-eyed boy,
you haunt my dream
with your golden gleam

brown-eyed boy,
i wonder if your touch is as soft
as the way you lay your eyes upon me
       [like i was fragile glass,
        and a simple whisper
        is enough to shatter me]

brown-eyed boy,
you’re neither the blues
of the deep abyss
or the viridescence
of oak leaves

brown-eyed boy,
you’re the soil nourishing me
all the riches of this earth
the oxygen i breathe

and brown-eyed boy?
loving you is like
overindulging in
       [for you're so sweet
        and who am i to resist?]

because there aren't enough poems in this world about brown-eyed boys, whose honey sweet eyes bore into your soul
Thuc Anh Dec 2013
she was soaking in the crimson red bath

and it wasn’t water

it wasn’t champagne either

rewinding to the day

he went running in the wood with his son

laughing, joking they were

the sky turns rouge

just like the color of her cheek

blushing from the heat of the oven

waiting for them at home


It all happened so fast

If his mind is like the black box on the aeroplane

then they found

a flash of an animal

startled by his car headlights

frozen to the spot

then what once lucid became the color of her hair

snow white’s jet-black.

fast forward to the day

two old couples sitting side by side

no words were uttered

it’s the most beautiful time of the year

outside was a celebration of color

lights flickering yellow

Christmas trees viridescence

the child’s cherry colored pom pom

but all that got a shade brighter

thanks to heaps and heaps of snow

not ivory but transparent

like those droplets

running from the corner of the dad’s eyes.
atlas Nov 2019
a mouse
spiraling through the complex maze
in search of freedom

a lab rat
left behind

the silken-haired mouse
rewarded with fine cheese
for every accomplishment

the course rat
with meagre scraps

a vibrant mouse
pushing onward
pleasing the scientists

a dull lab rat
Emily Mary Apr 2014
Ever since I was a child I would hear the wind whisper my name

Let the music of the heavens utter the tune of my youth

I wanted the cool breeze to swiftly flow over the delicate tiger lily that sleeps in the loam of my mothers garden bed

Let yellow flecks of it's sweet nectar disembark upon my rose flushed cheeks

My bare feet trot through the abundant marshy terrain

Jumping into the untouched sapphire water, watching the ripple in the waves empower the subtle pond

I want to live in green.

Because green is more than just a color, it's a way of life

Green is the leaves that produce us air in which we inhale giving us viability

Green is the sky which reflects onto the sun thus creating eternal being

Green is the tranquility of everyday life bringing us closer as individuals verses grouping us in pointless classifications

Green is not only a color, she is a person

She is the creator of Earths viridescence

Founder of all things beautiful,

Producer of all sounds wholesome

All this time I found out, she has been whispering my name.
David R Apr 2021
when first i peeked from the ground,
clothed and swathed in viridescence
chlorophyll succulence all around
reflecting sunlight's iridescence

as ballerina's pirouette
as ice skater's loop and twirl
as fiery sphere in dark sunset
as spinning top's whirl 'n swirl

as emanating baby's head
as spirit rising from the dead
as crystal gem in golden set
as sacred dome of white lunette

i emerged with head clasped tight
with green fingers as stalagmite
loom'd from earth in silver wonder
as lightening strikes in silent thunder

as sun bequeaths its golden treasure
as peacock sprays its blue-green feathers,
I shyly let my flower grow,
my lemon crown, with spokes that flow

shameless as a clown's false grin,
painted crimson on plaster'd chin,
sparkling like a whiskied gin
'fore the room starts to spin

swaying in the woodland breeze,
amongst green rifles set at ease,
move in unison as waves of seas,
as strokes of paint on artist's frieze

then, one night, as i lay still,
beheld a change in moonlight chill,
as halcyon petals withered and died
white fibres midday opened wide

crystal spheres of ghost alabaster
speckled as sugar and salt in caster,
of pearl 'n ivory, ball o' moonstone,
as pail of milk, as polished bone

clocks of flying feathers and fluff,
fairies' parachutes, children's puff,
seed in seat of air balloon,
to plant in dune my nature's boon

— The End —