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Catrina Sparrow Sep 2013
the train whistles lull me to a dusty sleep
     an ancient sleep
primitive and timeless as the sage
          it tastes like rain
          and reads like a folk song

and when the engine songs are gone
the interstate strikes up it's serenade
     flooding my heart valves with gasoline
     and valvoline
     and the smile of what i can only hope to imagine are young lovers
with a fiesty case of wanderlust
and a puppy in the back seat
with a wagging tail

"happy trails" i whisper
and the stars flicker
and i smile

the walls let their secrets slide while they sleep
     all those restless memories they keep for themselves
floating around
and settling in the parlor dust

they trust me just enough
to let me cradle them in my chest
woven between my rebar ribs
and my flat-tire heart
     thud thud thudding as it speeds off into the distance

the dogs rustle the sheets as they rise
     just long enough to sigh
          dance a sleepy circle and a half
and put themselves back to bed

i finally crawl out from inside my noisy head
as the boy nestles up to my neck
and traces my clavical with his humid breath
and ropes me in closer to his chest
     with his big bear arms

his heart sings like a fire alarm
stirring the brave to save me from the shadows
     and chase the ghosts from my gallows
          and he even lets out puppy snores in his sleep
the tune that finally pirouettes me towards my dreams

where the birds sing like drunken sailors in the mango groves
and the rows and rows of lime trees
     my heart and mind innertwined to paint me a scene i've never even seen
          not with my own eyes

it's so nice to think it's within me
and not without me

     for every sound, a source
for dave, and they days when we could stand to inhabit the same space.
Madi Jan 2020
I am from grease,
From Valvoline and mineral oil
I am from green grass surrounded by dead trees
(Heady, damp, somehow always smelling of jasmine and mint)
I am from lilies,
Tempered and beautiful in her rage
I am from perseverance and moxie
From Lyons and Rob
I’m from the never cries and please no secrets
From death is imminent and shrill screams of my name
I’m from losing my faith to an illness, it that stole more than an ***** from me
I’m from chocolate turtles and Smarties, from pixie stick dusk wafting up my nose
From the ghost of my mother in the kitchen cooking, to her ghost that envelopes my soul
The colors cut and healed beneath her skin that I caress carefully,
The ink faded on her wrist as she succumbs to lividity
My grandmother holding her picture as she weeps quietly,
Her voice dichotic in my ears as I watch videos on a screen
Those photos, her headstone, grounding me deeply into my grief, like a needle piercing cracked jewels into my mind
A poem I had to write for school that I ended up really enjoying.
James Floss Dec 2018
Zippy sez:
“Shark repellent Bat Spray!"
“Shark repellent Bat Spray!"
“Shark repellent Bat Spray!"
At least three times a day day

Between lug-nuts and Valvoline
He shows us the in between
Polka-dotted yellow-red muu-muu
Absurdist existentialist
Shows us how to do-do.
Andrew Tinkham Jun 2015
For the love of God
Make yourself easily
Remember Casey.
Call the kid
Heaven forbid
He should get too racey.
These are fun to say again.
Pixie Stix
Simplify understanding.

Jan 4

to imnetbks

GodSent Speaks Observant

Diversity Entries Rephrase”RaCe-Rays”

Evangelical leave behind close weirdness

Shame lucre pusher countless on-air living audiences

Grown miracle generics in generational churches of

Several hundred baptismal “Parade-Preaching” renewal

Fire often HyperIllustrations proven the

HyperAddict-Adds Of God….; Recycling providence subtle

Sustain millions notion influences agreed soulserves service

Technology…; Breakthrough stamina drilling comforts member

Western Europe And- itch growing substantial environ inspired

Reconcillers…’ Potential passionate praying home blueprints

Sharing up…’Advance the believed networth recovery

Peacebrow flurry prevails…’ The  supra-additional guides message

Goodness…’ Transfer dynamics weighing solemnly…’ Breastplate

Hail wake up Creative-enrichPower Career…’ Eyesfeeding indepth

Gospel running acres’ happened…’ Volunteering brings –Loyalty

Reality^Verity*Proof ! Reaffirming#Fountains+Stalk Strength Reigns$ Etiquette breathe fiesta…’ Echo essence QuestQuestions…’







— The End —