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E C Vadnais Apr 2017
Young girls, there were two, in boots, pink and blue,
     standing near the cold, angry sea,
Shouting over the wind,
     giggling at the sea and the world of us,
     and dreaming of life to come.
And for all that surrounded them
     they were all that was good and precious and worthy
     to be held as shining.
And though we will fail them and they us
     we should not forget them, diminish them
     for they were all we will ever be on that day
When the cold, green Atlantic raged before their play.

© E. C. Vadnais
time memory innocence change ocean/sea
E C Vadnais Apr 2017
A ship passed to sea
in sunlight on cloudless water
though ruffled sea-foam trailed behind,
and by chance I saw it before it was no more
forevermore gone to the open sea
away from me
who made it be
by observing it
pass through the sea.

© E. C. Vadnais
lyrical ocean/sea miracle time
E C Vadnais Aug 2016
The sky hangs close in a shade quit blue,
And below the boys ride the waves,
And the surf crashes and rolls,
And someone laughs,
And someone yells – in joy,
And the young strut,
And the old remember,
And I observe,
Do be aware.

© E. C. Vadnais 2016
The poet can be instructive, entertaining, and should we not forget informative. of what we do.

— The End —