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Helen Dec 2013
Before you start reading this I feel I must tell you, this is long and very possibly, very very boring but, so very important to me and hopefully to my dedicated*

I sat back upon cracked heels
that represented, simply,
just a good place to sit
Somewhere close to the ground
where I could trail fingertips
in the dirt, drawing pictures
of deserted castles
and skeleton butterflies
with wings of fractutured glass
and fairies
with silken headdresses
of thorns
and Unicorns,
missing their horns
and other creatures
of similar ilk

Staring at the fence,
Fifty million years high
I sigh
because beyond the fence
in a babble of voices
they whisper of
The underlying sentiment
of precocious antic dotes
spilling precious needs upon
any slight breeze
drifting like glowing dust motes
fills me with a resentment
that is voraciously ferocious
because they
spoke to each other
while all I had was dirt
beneath my fingernails
and partially deformed nightmares
that blew away
on the slightest exhale

As I cleaned the slate
with a flick of my wrist
Rain turned to mist
my dust board of memories
became a mud pile
I couldn't smile
I could hardly even frown
I was still as close as I could ever be
to the ground
I was now no longer kneeling
I was laying with one cheek
against my impression of Calliope,
who is carvorting silently
with rucked up skirts and lute in hand
but not longer in motion
just a muddied mess of dirt and tears
capturing all my naked fears
erased beneath a spirit
that hides in the dirt
on the other side of the fence

This is where he found me
All ragged and breathing stale air
All gasping for solace
trying to wrap myself in warmth
of the voices
from the other side of the fence
It was not blanket sized
more just a crocheted square
enough to cover my heart
which needed the warmth
I swear, I went cold so often
that the dirt that remained
under my fingernails
was the only thing
that kept my fingers warm

He crouched beside me
and said softly
What have we here?
Oh baby bird with broken wing
but whose song I did hear sing
Little Callista, mute from your screams
Broken from your nightmares
that started as dreams...
I saw you through the fence

As I stared into tapestry eyes
and followed the outstretched hand
that didn't try to touch me
sensing my fragility
He pointed to a pinprick space
devoid of concrete and mortar
Just inches from my dirtied face
in the Fifty million year high fence
he graced me with a weary look
I heard you ask once
while chasing skeleton butterflies
if they came from over fence...
Would you like a look?

He stood up over ten feet tall,
simply clasped his hand together
With eyebrow raised
and a twitch to lips
he invited me to stand
with a nod of his head
and a flick of eyes to the fence
I simply unwove all my dreams
and delicious unfantasies
stood, put a hand on his shoulder
a ***** foot in his palms
and he hoisted me

What I saw over the fence was
Magical, Mystical
a complete break to my reality

A simple garden of verdant green
the sublime shade of an unspoken tree
a single little girl
with ten thousand voices
spilling from her lips
from her I caught
just a small crocheted square
on the other side
but it still made no sense
what I saw,
hanging from the fence
until I looked back down
into taperstry eyes
that smiled
with a knowledge of Soloman
having pulled apart
and put back together
a struggling humanity
He simply grinned at me
and trumpeted
She is you, she writes Poetry
You are her and I, We, believe
in both of you.
As you can clearly see
there is nothing beyond the fence
that you cannot be

And he simply bent his knees
and lifted his hands
to the Sun
and toppled me over the fence
so I could, again
become one
I don't know if I said anything as I sailed over the fence to land the right way down but, thanks for the leg up :)
sinandpoems Nov 2011
Your words are a runaway train
Cart after cart
Of regret
And disappointment

You can’t stop explaining
And justifying
The reasons and the choices and the decisions
And why this and why not that

Your tremor
Holds back the true, paramount fear
Of living a life empty and unfulfilled
Dried up oasis
Of what was and never was

We always forget that we are going to die

I wish I could tell you that it’s okay

I love you and your golden brown eyes
I love touching your hand
And having something to love
When my heart gets down to its lowest point
And I need someone so desperately to hang onto
So my panic
And my emptiness
And all those people
Don’t close in on me
With intentions to violently consume me
Dragging me
Into their cold irreparable pit
Spitting me back out

Sometimes I forget that I need you so much

And if Death suddenly snatched you away
Took you apart
Unwove you

Through my eyes
The world would stop spinning
The sun would stop shining
Every flower would rot
Every building would fall to the floor

Because you may have felt nothing while here
But you are everything to me
And without you
The world isn’t a bearable wasteland
It’s just a million broken pieces
Cutting into me
As I wander aimlessly
Disillusioned and hungry for what no longer exists

And I’ll never be lulled into a comfortable slumber ever again

You don’t love me
I want to be hard and impenetrable
I never want to feel wanted
Your fingertips
Tracing themselves over my arms
In perfect unison
“I do love you”
“I do love you”
“I do…”
Until my eyes give in to your hypnotic reassurance

Forever and always
Miss Ohio Oct 2020
It was
A beautiful unfolding,
The way his
All the intricate knots
That held together
The pieces of
My tender heart.

— The End —