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Nicole Ann Dec 2023
from my rented burdens
with no Earth
I rot alone in this cloud, sunken bed
ungfited & ungrieved
the sleep talking ****** curses withdraws
the sea of agony
blow ash in my eyes
for the dreaming skull is never asleep when the moon
echoes for the lost wanderer's calling
to guide it's tired eyes to drift
to slumber
the heaven dreamt is disguised in despair
the dread of death
Matt Geary Aug 2011
I remember that it was snowing
and I was falling in love.
Her name was still Paige then, I think.
Yes. Raking my fingers through the ash that's left
I find her.
A sooty inconsistency among the stones.
From the cinders I re-assemble a skeleton of hallowed bones and
Here's Paige, standing in the front door, tip-toeing back to me.
As though from a dead sleep, her voice rises in a lazy plea.
"No" slips the empty voice from my tongue. "You cannot love this lifeless thing"
And I trust him. I trust myself.
A moment passes, and her name is Regina by now, surely.
And what we are is absolutely nothing that we seem to be.
What is this black thing that moves and dances in my hand?
"No" again. A voice exhausted and parched.
"What do you hope to find while digging through the sand?"
And I find that the answer is...that I never really knew.
As I let her fall I realize that these fingers have not changed.
They have burned and blown these ashes to glass.
Whatever else she may be...
Whoever else she may be...
She is is my girl of glass, forever transparent.
A delicate frame, built up and unfulfilled, but never ungrieved.
I pick her up.
I place her on my shelf.
I lie down.
I fall asleep, dreaming only of her.
Oh, do the angels cry in the dark?
in a world without love
made by a God with a loveless heart
Oh, I look upon the dark
and sad things of this world
a blind girl
sings a lovely song
a motherless child
cries over her mother's grave
all the starving and lonely people
who shiver in the cold
Oh, My heart is broken in two
and sings a sad song
a song of hopelessness  
for a world made by a God
with a loveless heart
Oh, but with one kiss from You
upon My heavy brow
the world is transformed
hope is born in the world anew
and I know
no angel ever cried in the dark
in a world bereft of a father's love
your love has brought the dead
and withered rose back to life
Your love is a fire
that warms the earth
and makes the flowers grow
Oh, my darling
from Me hide not your love
for then the world
is but a dead and dying thing
that was better left unmade
by a cruel and unloving God
who loves the dark and hates the light
and I am doomed to die
a cold and cruel
and heartless death
as the angels cry in the dark
and the impossible yearning to kiss Your lips
so lovely as the first dawn of creation
is as bitter and cold
as a northern icy wind
and a poison to My soul
and I die unloved and ungrieved
by Your loveless heart
and a creator who loves the dark
and hates the light
and a cold loveless wind
blows across My grave
as the angels cry in the dark
Marshall Gass Apr 2014
Just gone into the blue sky cascading
down below into oblivion where
the water is cold, yet ready to douse the fireball
spiralling downwards to outstretched arms.

Think. Before you board.
You. With the warped vision
of life and death and agony.

Nothing will save you from the hell
you have created taking your own brother
and sister into your short circuit
of  idealisms bent and bruised
in the cunning radicalism
of your masters mania.

Just as the stars burn for ever
You too will burn in that endless dynamo
of time unmourned , ungrieved, forgotten quickly.

The waters will not wash away your sins.
You have been baptised in a cauldron of hate.
Go alone. Leave others.
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
Collapsible lungs
Bendable fingers
Removable teeth
But the pain still lingers
It feels like we weren't made long for this world.

Pluckable eyes
Breakable jaws
If we look past the lies
We know it's because
We know we weren't made long for this world

Carve up your pound of flesh
Take from me my last breath
Cause I'm a stitched up limping mess
And only you can cure my death

Inflatable pride
Debatable truth
Preferable lies
Reimbursable youth
I know I'm not made long for this world.

Surrendered pride
Rendered truth
We rended light
Cause the darkness is cool
I know you weren't long for this world

I Carved up your pound of flesh
Stole from you your last breath
You were a limping bleeding mess
And you carried off my death

The transaction was made
But no one but me
Could say fair trade
And walk away ungrieved
I don't deserve to be long for his world
I don't deserve to be long for his world
Devon Brock Aug 2021
I tell myself one life
must yield to another:
fly to spider,
spider to bird,
bird to birdshot.

I tell myself one life
must, in the full course
of a day relinquish itself
to another savage dawn,
fall as each unbidden

yesterday fell, bleak
and ungrieved, twisted
on a rack of tomorrows
no more certain than a silk
spooled about a winch.

— The End —