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Primrose Clare Sep 2013
His body lost temperature as he pressed himself against the chest of hers, seducing her with his love.
With his sleepy **** voice, he hums her romantic morning lullabies.
The gray walls of the room soon embosomed with gleaming hearts of their beauteous lust and speedy soft breaths, leaving nothing more but powder blushes of crimson on her flowery cheeks in the springtime dawn.

The honeyed lust in the veins lit the bodies of two lovers like candles into eternal flames of romance.

Under the chocolate brown duvets,
Milky fragrances of the tea dances along the bare hands of two lovers,
while he serves breakfast on bed to her in an old-fashioned way.
Bleak morning mist tango around the vitreous skins of scratched windows,
as fat hummingbirds' tinkling giggles paint beyond the nature's smiley meadows,
sending a major abundance of lovable freedom and glee to the people.

In the bathtub,
Velvety calyx of dreamlover rose flows smoothly through the silk water.
They shower each other and let warmth grasp their naked body.
He kissed her dancing soul of chasms out
and tie uncountable amount of butterfly knots to her pancake stomach.
His abilities of heart possessions had captured the universe's breath.

Nothing has changed since day number one, everything is iridescent.
Everything is swimming in a magical pool of scarred perfections.

As the sun sets to the west,
The undarkened nightfall sings lulling melodies and let its harmonic fire burn the skies.
The shadows of their love whirl out unstoppable romance that vanished away void hopes and pain.
The lover's spirits echo and echo into spring gorges and dashing rivers,
Feeding darkness with lucent fragments of light.

Oh they were only two humans in love...
Or only a size of two negligible lovedust in the mystical galaxies...

But their endless love never fails to deluge the world with drizzling tears.
A facile spark of romance can be an amazing set of fireworks that creates indiscernible fruitful happiness.

Who in the world could resist this unpredictable power of their spingtime love?
Jessie Nov 2013
Whenever I taste your sweet menthol on my lips,
I inhale the desirable into my lungs,
And I exhale the tragic out of my soul.
But in reality, I breathe in death disastrously,
Filling myself with chances of possibility,
Artful ideas of being successful and extraordinary,
Forgetting any remnants of how I feel honestly,
With wishes to destroy every lightweight dandelion seed
I planted within myself, easily whisked away by a breathless wind,
Pushing my inner horizon farther and farther down the skyline.
Every minty swirl of hazy exhaustion I release
Finds me additional pieces to my jigsaw masterpiece
Countless shapes and sizes available for me to lease
But only one is correct and allows me to cease
My everlasting journey to find what I need.
A finger flick on a flame lights up my brain,
Igniting passionate affection for creativity,
For building up my future full of sovereign devotion
To assurance and indisputable positivity undarkened,
A clear-cut, twinkling vision of self-affirmative action,
Establishing a reality only seen in my dreams, me, chosen.
I always view the future haphazardly,
If I’m not a scientist what the hell will I be?
I just want to do is create and inspire and explain me
Looking through scopes and writing down numbers is not enticing
And I need some sort of stimulus to keep my body sane and happy.
My whole life I’ve wanted to make an impact, a change
Just now I know how that’s going to make way,
I want to write, express, let others know they’re not alone,
And if that is unsettling, I’ll just let your mind be blown.
My ever-expansive appetite craves for adventure,
I yearn for travel, for maps, for experience, new cultures
The globe is my home and I want to unlock every door
So my thirst will be unsatisfied until you give me the key for more.
Now I’m not trying to move mountains, stop war,
I just ask for a peaceful border, for safe travel and legal cigars.
Our society is mesmerized with beauty and love
But we lack the propensity to settle down and be content with ourselves
And if we can’t covet ourselves, who are we to judge?
She’s a little sad, he doesn’t curse,
Who is anyone to say that they aren’t worth a poetic verse?
Without a simple change to the way we perceive, we’re held back –
We, ourselves, block the borders to love and to peace,
Gunning down possibility,
Wearing away the concept of wholeheartedly,
Only accepting work done effortlessly,
Forgetting the importance of personality,
Living systematically,
We need change.
Escape the man-made Inferno of what we call society,
Climbing up the ladder of knowledge and inquiry and creation
Until we reach the omniscient sun and the moon,
To the stars and beyond.
Ember Evanescent Oct 2014
The hushed twilight steals away
The breath of those who look upon
The final moment of undarkened beauty
Hours before the whispering glow of dawn
The glimmering starlight bathes a child
In a store bought princess dress
Plastic magic wand in hand
She feels the warm evening wind’s caress
She’s crept out of her bedroom tonight
To make her secret wish
The way they do in fairy tales
But hers is so beautifully unselfish
Her tragic yearning she keeps inside
Is for someone other than herself she wishes she could save
She begs the twinkling night crystal
To bring her daddy back to life from the grave

Repost if you know someone or are someone who has lost a parent.
Please comment! I love to read interpretations of my poetry or your thoughts on my work or on poetry itself as an art! :)
Repost if you know someone or are someone who has lost a parent.
Please comment! I love to read interpretations of my poetry or your thoughts on my work or on poetry itself as an art! :)

"In the beginning.."

Life sprouts, life blossoms
In the Manual of Life
You breathe unto the dust
And so bodies took shapes
And were crafted with Your embrace.

You rescued us, brought restoration
Your uttered promises,
Always kept.
We learned to trust,
To value the beginning
But there it is,
An unending ending.

"It is finished.."

Your blood was the colour of our soul,
Hearts undarkened, DNA shared.
Our sinful spirit, You cast out
And so the story has just begun.

Our parchment, we not know
Even the curves or the linear,
We've never drawn
But the art of your unmoody grace
Now an artifact of entire being.


Who we are is greater than who we were
And what I am is greater than what I was
To look with "Your Past"
Is to envision "Our future"
And so sin lose its power,
It cast no butterfly effect.

Tell us the stories You've wrote
Engrave in us Your pure heart and soul
Heaven calls as Your voice do so,
And so we **answered back.
Chris Oct 2019
Turn the Tides of Time..
To when I was so young
Travel life back to remind this soul of home
When I was the truth of my Nature..

Before I was wayward and anywhere-bound..

When this heart had not yet traveled the Waters of Nature to the Shores of Time..

When the world was less understood
When life shined kind and good..
Before I had to seek running light..
Every night..

Before the world came rushing in..
Before love and pain were alike
Akin to perfection were those years of life

Until Father Time took out his knife..

Until Mother Nature was darkened under the weight of the very sky I dreamed to touch..

Until I was only this normal human..
Until smiles and laughter became defense and hollow..

Mother Nature, I wanted to know you..
Father Time, I can't understand you..

But I can flow with these tides.. I can be resistant to your knives..

Oh, what horrors you have done to our lives..

But, Father Time..
Your shores will never beach this man..

I will survive..
I will find my sky..
A sky of hope.. Undarkened..

By you..

— The End —