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Andrew Effertz Nov 2012
Creation stated
all shall be
always unbroken,

breaking off all ways.
Subtract one,
Its divinity fades.

One in addition,
all magic
falls away from view.

Thirteen roots strangle
Our homeland.
Shall we not divide

what, uncowed by us,
all? Cracks, too, recede.
Dexteix Oct 2014
Five years hiding
preparing and binding
reading and writing
Five years bent over old crumbling scrolls
weaving old words into wards
molding spells of fire and lightning

Five years  plotting underground
in an unending round
of clandestine sabotage
with knives and lies

Five years to find men and women,
willing to help him atone
and the tyrant to overthrow
Five years to forge
them the swords and axes
shields and armour
that would crash and crack,
splinter and shatter edge to edge
for the sake of
his soul

Five years to the day,
the bells and trumpets rang
The horns were blown
and drums beaten
The earth was shaken
as the host marched forth

Five years to the day
the banners were flown
and in defiance of the dark king
the white pennants bore a fiery eye

At its head hooded
strode a man with a glowing staff
unbent unbroken and unbowed
proud, determined and uncowed
ready now at last
no evidence the world is bent in shape
a bluish globe with wooly white of cloud
the mountains form a contrast sharp and proud
against the sea we note the golden cape
while in the sky dark birds seem to escape
the planetary force while winds are loud
above the foam and yet we are uncowed
though eyes are open and all mouths agape
there is a reason we have reached this place
and taken stock at the appropriate time
for our authority to be compelled
into new channels and a different space
with better thought and clearer paradigm
now that the party’s over and trial’s held
slight *****, but otherwise... positive pitch
re: without a hitch
the first innoculation approximately
five months prior also nary glitch.

Preemptive needling measure
regarding getting fully
immunized at CVS
(Zieglerville, Pennsylvania)13:08
military time May First
2020 bruised left arm update
status report regarding
preventive measure well worth

suspenseful interlude preliminary
delay imposed wait
while pharmacist at
aforementioned Consumer Value
Store (common everyday Joe)
bided time to cogitate
proactive decision to become

fully immunized against
Chickenpox, an infection
courtesy varicella zoster virus
later in life ditto bugaboo
can cause shingles reactivate
head by whim of ******
zoster the latter occurring late
adult life, neither rhyme,

nor reason weakened immune
system (possibly stress)
suddenly avails blimey candidate
to experience shingles tatted
telltale rash with radiating,
shooting, tingling pain

affecting one side of body decorate
ting once lovely fleshed
bones with red fluid filled blisters
said dry out pustules dry out
and crust over within seven to
ten days, which above
outbreak preceded by fever, chills,

and fever, whereby raised
pimply red Morse code a dash
of dots, (albeit raised) on skin,
and redness not to agitate
impossible mission (more
difficult then threading camel
thru eye of needle) tingling

under skin topping off slate
head symptoms with upset
stomach, no matter physician
(perhaps doctor tending one
after another family member
think Marcus Welby, M.D.,
Doctor Who, Doogie Howser...)

Nope, no cure for shingles,
but treatment can decrease rate
complications arise, postherpetic
neuralgia (condition affects
nerve fibers and skin, causing
burning painful state
lasting long after rash and
blisters of shingles disappear.

Unbeknownst why once
chicken pox runs rampantly askew
said subsequently taking
their furlough into nerve tissue
tinier, yet more mighty then
garden variety/generic bacteria

inexplicably "wake up" and
travel along nerve fibers moo
ving utterly uncowed wreaking
havoc as shingles re: ******
(dizz) zoster relentlessly
assaulting beastie boy/goo
goo doll as rapacious motley crew.

Please to report, I experience(d)
minimal adverse reactions such as,
redness, no swelling at the injection site,
yes muscle pain, tiredness, but
no headache, shivering, fever,
nor upset stomach plagued me
lovely skeletal musculature,
albeit generic healthy male.
Graff1980 Feb 2018
Once I was
a carefree breed
uncowed you see
by my society,

but I as I gained
sweet security
measured by
materiel wealth’s
so called maturity

the fear of losing
what little I had
confounded and
controlled me.

Once, I would have
given my last dollar
to any stranger
who was hungry,

I would have stopped
to comfort with kind words
anyone who seemed

and whether going to
or coming home from work
I would have stopped
to help a stranded stranger.

Now, even though,
I know
these people
pose no danger
I do not stop
nor part
with any pennies.

Instead, I rush to work
and to the gym
to make money
and muscles
in hopes of
fitting in
by looking
buff but still
working towards
that **** thin.

Nose to the grindstone
focused on the job
and all the stresses
like keeping well dressed
and keeping my car running,

the once
kind carefree fellow
I used to be
becomes corrupt
by my insecurity
in the pursuit of
Sajeev Jul 2018
Spare me
Sharp needles
Splintering my skin
Glistening knives
Trailing rosebuds
In their path
Mute bottles
Snaking potions
Into my weary blood!

Wouldn’t you rather
Remember me

Aeons ago
A rose-petalled bed
Safe in your arms
I will love you
Long after I die!

I believed
It then
Can you please
Believe it now?
Cynthia Oct 2023
Beneath the endless, velvet shroud,
A soul enthralled in shadows' spell,
She yearned for night, her heart uncowed,
In starry tales, her love did dwell.

Each eve, she'd gaze with longing eyes,
To where the cosmos, vast and high,
Would twinkle in their dark disguise,
Her heart's beloved, the night sky.

With brushes dipped in midnight's ink,
She painted swirls of cosmic rhyme,
Stars and moonlight, stars that wink,
And whispered secrets lost in time.

Her canvas filled with dreams and night,
She danced with shadows, kissed the air,
In each brushstroke, she took flight,
Closer to her love, the sky so rare.

Each constellation told a tale,
Of love that spanned both time and space,
In every stroke, she'd set her sail,
To reach her night sky's warm embrace.

She wore the universe as her cloak,
Stars and moonlight in her eyes,
With every stroke, her love bespoke,
A love that soared in moonlit skies.

In the deep of night, she found her muse,
Her passion burning, her heart a flame,
Her paintings, dreams, and midnight hues,
Her true love's essence, her soul's sweet name.

For in the canvas of the dark,
She'd found a love that would not die,
Her heart entwined with every spark,
In love with the night sky, her endless sigh.
Yenson Mar 2023
Decent cultured quiet
aren't qualities of weakness
reserved hardworking aspirational
aren't qualities of weakness
independent and self-possessed
aren't qualities of weakness
Law-abiding honest and honorable
aren't qualities of weakness
empathic caring and reasonableness
aren't qualities of weakness
being astute to garner comfortability
isn't a sign of privilege
to the Mcafferty Criminal Family
raised on Gangsterism and crime
these predatory Extortionists
saw all these qualities as weaknesses
they are going to put the squeeze on
make the offer one can't refuse
or else
Well they got the biggest shock
I refused
I stood up to them and called them out
You're a walking dead they screamed
Do your worst I screamed back at them
No I am not afraid
They have since been very busy
recruiting and running Training Courses
on Prison Culture, Extortion Intimidation and Bullying
Lying, Gaslighting, Fudging and odious Manipulating
crash Course in ***** dealing and Foul play
I hear the Courses are over-suscribed
their punters are all on offers they dare not refuse
mugs and cowards are two to a dime
and so readily willing to be used
fooled and hoodwinked
Yet we see One Man still standing
Unafraid unbowed uncowed
one man
laughing at them all still
I am free
they are not...
Can you truly say anyone of you is free when criminals rule you by fear, intimidation, blackmail and threats. Do you honestly believe you live in a civilised society when you are scared of sticking your necks out.

— The End —