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r Oct 2014
Under the I-20 bridge
over the Chatta-
'hoochee suits me
fine as fishin' line

- I've been retried
and found
I ain't wanted

nothing but a winter coat -
my sweet mutt Woof
- an old six string Martin
and a 'frigerator carton

for sleeping in the winter wind
when the sun don't shine -

I don't have a bone to pick
- my fingers ain't quiet as quick
and nimble on a riff - my back is stiff
- but my voice is still whiskey

smooth and my words turn
water into thunderbird - wine

retried suits me just fine
- jailhouse jeans
and salvation army boots -
refried beans and cheap cheroots
- sitting on an old truck tire
around an open fire

I've been  retried and trued
but I ain't yet retired -

somebody's got
to feed my dog -
sing some songs
- catch these fish
and start the fire -
drink a little *****

- 'neath the I-20 bridge
over the Chattahoochee


r ~ 10/16/14
  |     Chattahoochee River
/ \
Barnaby Harrison Sep 2015
I am the last duchess portrayed in colour and mortar
Flirtatious I was and thus the gardens rest now my being. My being
Rather mauled guarded still by an overhead warning to
The outer lands that surround this palace of corrupted souls. Souls that
Dance and feast upon nights such as now; Oblivious to
Reality and the threats that lie within rather than outside as I lay lost
And unheard to the outside world. Wonder I do if âTwas
The dainty hands of Fra Pandolf; Never a gentler soul
Though deceitful he may not seem he is more than the cover of manuscript
May show. Tis this same scroll though encrypted with ancient
Texts of lost love that tells trued stories of misconception in relation to
The floral talents of the master sculptor who, though
Faulted, has the innocent heart that only future beings will come to accept.
For Tis only this beating wonder though now so blackened
With the plague of dark deceit and dismal lies that embraces the heart of thee
And absorbs the greatest of woes. Try I did but shadowed
I was by the reputable artist that was master Pandolf who though so shy
Entered into the family name; his christened title inscribed
So deeply into the now dirt cast flag that before was written âbout by the greatest
Of laureates. These same laureates now bathe in the
Scandalous material so readily provided by a well seduced feminine figure
Who gave away money and a roof for the so seemed
Loving arms of inspiration. I ask now for the forgiveness of thy master:
The same titled being as that who scribed his
Shadow-cast name into my muscular ***** that now no longer pulsates in the
Same rhythmic tempo as the now lost lover
I used to so easily trust, under the false belief of a returned favour I was so
Quickly promised. Maybe Twas the sight
Of thee that provoked this audacious incident that now hangs over the same
Man that I became ignorant towards. Though
An arrogant human, tis him who I vowed my heart to; the same ***** that
Tis now eaten away by the feeders that have
Been placed inside this case I lie in. Many queries I have but say I cannot as
These dreaded feeders have taken away that
Same privilege that I once had. Why tis me that has to hold this great weighted
Burden? Why tis me that fell yet again
For the seductive methods of man? Answers will not be a given though as my pleas
Are not heard; I am the unknown backyard mistake
That has now destroyed the class a family such as my married one had worked
So hard to produce with intention to keep.
Tis this class that has now crashed to the same ground in which I writhe and though
Faulted, I want justice served upon that monster
Whose handsome looks created such a stir in my mental crevasse
I forgot the importance of appreciation:
And swapped all I had for the pleasures of pretentious love, whose creation has now
Caused the greatest of upsets not only for myself,
But for all that are joyed by the presence of the grand towers that overlook the city
In which I used to strut and sleep in:
The same city which is still plagued by the rodent that tis
Fra Pandolf.
Please read Robert Brownings 'My Last Duchess' for the context behind this poem.
OneCorn Jun 2012
You lit a match
You let it burn
You watched

You saw me
You thought I'd run when I saw
But thats not who I am

For I know fires
They consume all
Just burning until theres nothing left

I saw it was wrong
Foolishly believing I could stop it
Instead I burned

I felt the pain
every flame burning my skin
ash filling my lungs

I'm not an idiot
I knew it was wrong
I tried to help

But you couldn't let me
You couldn't trust me
Not now I'd tell everyone

You knew you had hurt me
You thought I was petty like you
So you acted like you didn't see

You ignored me as I burned
In the fire you started
Than convinced yourself it was my fault

This must be my fault
For you lit the match
But I believed I could stop the fire

Than when the fire burned out
I did the impossible
I came back

I was covered in scars
That only you could see
You trued to looked away

I could still see the fear in your eyes
She'll tell everyone is all you could think
Though in reality

As you feared my every word
I did something you can't even understand
I forgave you

For I know for the rest of your life
You'll be starting fires
Until your fire has consumed everything

I just wish you had let me help
But how can you trust me
Because you can't trust yourself
Jessica Jones Aug 2014
I will remind you that you're in love with me.

In the way you say my name like a prayer,  whispering it to yourself as you wish for me to be near you.

As days go on in a dazed state missing me once you trued to stay away. I know you read our old conversations. I know you miss the way I laugh at you.
Miss the way we'd,
               laugh together.

I will remind you that you're in love with me.

Whenever you see something beautiful, thinking of me and how we shared our adoration of finer things. How lovely a flower, to the sweet giggles of a child. We could have had our own.

I will remind you that you're in love with me.

As old nicknames of being the stars that light your night sky, to the moon that watches you sleep, to the sun that shines and either brightens your day...or burns your skin. Blinding your eyes..

I will remind you that once I meant everything.

And I will not let you forget.
wehttam May 2014
The fret removed
from music,
the takamine rouge.
I had to pull the frets
remove them from
the bass.  A fretless bass
from top to bottom,
a very note trued.  
But the weight
its gone
from the tune.  
Hours upon hours
spent on 50 cents in
silver.  I said fretless
bass and they left
Oh, the tether
do they hang.  
As St. Jude proclaims...
"There! Shame!"
All of it do I play,
as do winged instruments
of this very day.
To due, I had too.
Say, his majestic melancoly.  
On two Harvard Squares,
I say,...
I had too.
Corbin Major Feb 2014
I hate everything that the world's become
Whizz, flash, bang, and nobody's interested.
Bore me with banter, **** me with complaints,
Trap me in timelines, and wrap me in restraints.

Nobody ponders anymore, when it's done for them.
Nobody wonders anymore where things come from.
Accept what you expect, and leave,
Respect what you detest, and believe.

Why must it be that what's in front of you is more real than what is far away?

Emotions have no motions,
Opinions cause commotions,
Just wake up, follow the line, and end up where you think you should be.


On the off chance you feel a askewed,
that the true you hold dear has been yet to be trued,
On the hope that there might be some more,
On the whim that we're not keeping score,
Who's to say what is true and what is false?

Is a collective answer automatically right?
But what about what lies out of sight?
The objects hidden far from light,
That make us believe we're not in the right?

When deep enough down, you'll find the truth,
That that is the truth, no need of the proof.
You'll realize that from dusk until dawn,
the world is written on the life that you've drawn.

The picture you make is as true as it gets
And the past is ghost that swallows regrets
And Your body is an empty shell of scars,
That decomposes and returns to the stars.
But you are different,
You are unique,
You give the blind sight,
And the mute, you let speak.
You are anything but an empty well of wishes you promised to fulfill,
A pit, a grave, an overflowing landfill.
You are a consciousness,
and to that you are different,
and to that you are unique.

If you relax and let it flow through you,
Let it pass as if they all knew you,
You'll feel the oneness,
and not the numbness,
And you'll understand that there is no death, no fear of death
there's no hope, no pain of one's last breath.

We've always been one thing, one person, one entity, one consciousness.
Judgement was created by those who too harshly judge themselves.

Love, it seems was too easy to ignore,
When love's the answer we've been looking for.
why keep it to ourselves,
A mind of twisted hells?
why boast of our prophets,
of golden rain droplets,
why boast of those who we  hold most dear?
Let them consume us with fear?
Eat our soft skin with their yellow teeth,
rip our muscles from bone,
and tear into the white frame to find our marrow peaceful with no barriers to protect it.

We become them until they are us,
Our oxygen turns their gleam to rust,
We envelope and become, the pulsating light,
that pushes through all on a sightless flight.

Our being dragged along, leaving behind just our shell,
Through time and space, not heaven and hell.
Each turn is a question, each pause is a worry,
Our reception is fine, but the picture is blurry.
Each hole that we've filled is with another hole's dirt,

The line in the sand has been redistricted,
"Everything left loose has been restricted,"
said the **** to the *****,
"When it all falls away, let's watch them squirm."
And it all takes shape, in some other form,
Rough, flat, and salted, soft yet firm.

The earth will allow you to sink into it forever,
Until you become a pool of dirt and minerals,
And realize that light and darkness are the same,
Be it a shadow, be it a flame.

When instead of a part, you feel as a whole,
You'll finally know that you're out of control.
Mike Hauser Oct 2016
I'm trying to decide
Which words best rhyme
With the way I feel about you

They must be just right
These words that I find
Ringing with the truth

Like that of fine dining
Or the perfect timing
No other words will do

Then I alight
On the well trued and tried
The perfection of I Love You
You rode my ******-tube into womanhood with fancy, big-boy talk,
that made me **** more gaily than a homosexlessly-gay ankle sock
Amazing what difference
riel (real) money (not Fake)
in the Citizens Bank checking account
(thank you social security disability -
monthly dollop transient

peaceful easy feeling doth make),
I savor bliss courtesy
cache buffer affords,
cuz psyche temporarily
ceases to quake
analogous with cerebral

colliding tectonic plates
invariably colliding crashing
racket noggin make
kith to unbearable, intolerable,
execrable, abominable ache
I ardently welcome Ragnarok,

(final destruction of the world -
conflict between the Aesir and
powers of Hel led by Loki —
called also Twilight
of the Gods).

As ye correctly
surmise and conclude
lack of legal tender
(think unpaid bills)
finds yours truly

agonizingly to brood
fearing absolute, when
zero moolah triggers
potential impending homelessness

of one garden variety generic
gluten free, NON
GMO poetic dude,
and the misses,
which I cannot exclude

(yoked for life,
though she does prepare
exquisitely scrumptious food
for myself and boyz

zen (Barry) in the hood
to save face going
incognito donning lewd

wig trumpetting van
nitty, while Beethoven
rolls over in no playful mood
Nadia even aroused by ****
lady, yea possibly
demeanor logically misconstrued,

cuz yours truly haint *****
nor *** addicted fiend,
oh by the way please excuse rude
or inapropro material (see
previous poem Irrelevant boyhood

arcane flotsam and jetsam...) trued
toward tipping point quasi crude,
especially... nah to embarrassed
best for reading between lines viewed
courtesy regular unleaded followers.

Words to the wise
advantageous to relish
(don't forget) ******
mint and exercise
unfettered joie de vivre

as priceless prize
letting giddiness rise
within corporeal essence
exuding worry free guise.
writingtree Nov 2017
styles of coffee glill
glare of the moment
the fever pearl
then nutmeg or stirring the coffee
like hurricane girl
down with commercial news
but the glare beans the little shop
trued to the vessel
soon glating the
time wheels
chock full of th
enemy surprise
from an unpublished book titled "trip to china town"
BTW Aug 2022
10 August 2022.

To die bitter old men, yoeman’s mate,
Stare at the gate. unsaved.

Perils, future plans dangle.
Unloved darkened grave waits.  

Stone etched, trued fate and sign.
Take what I have. ‘‘Twas never mine”.
My new truthfulness is truly trued by hurtfully-true truth that slopes
truthward when I'm spitting broken teeth in a hit-&-miss tooth spurt

— The End —