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Lawrence Hall Feb 2021
Lawrence Hall

                                     Transacting Genres

A plucky heroine library spy
Paris during the German occupation
Who falls in love with a mysterious soul
In search of life’s meaning that winter in Madrid

An empowering iconic game-changer
Must-read that weaves a trail-blazing tapestry
As passion explodes across the pages
In a forbidden path of something or other

And like reviewers, while all of Europe is ablaze
She sells shop-soiled literary cliches
A poem is itself.
Whilst in bed, thou knowest not at
All what about thee is transacting more
In life, for thou altogether therein art
Oblivious even to thine own existence core.

And all thy earthly goods thou wilt
Never remember--not even a pin in your
Possessions--as you shut eye on thy quilt
Or on thy sack, dreaming with a snore.

Thy soul, in sleep, is at ease from angst--
Worrying nay itself over the Dow Jones swinging.
Thou art in a subconscious mode and canst
Tell nought of what in the world's happening.

Save for stertorous breathing--the
Sign of life, sleep is simply as death!
And in both man is hapless verily,
Whether he lieth in bed or in a casket.
Marshal Gebbie Jan 2023
It was with considerable sadness to learn of the recent passing of Bass local, Wally Marks.

For many years Wally operated plant-stalls at South Gippsland markets...including Wonthaggi and Grantville. He specialised in the bargain-basement bush business.

He was pushing 90, near deaf, failing eyesight, and could barely stay upright in a stiff breeze. In his lifetime he had the smarts and energy to make a bob or two. So, grafting-away at his advanced age was purely optional. It obviously gave his life real meaning. He enjoyed meeting people, having a chat, dispensing advice, and transacting. It was his opportunity to socially-connect on his terms. Moreover, he was very driven in his endeavours  – perhaps the legacy of a pretty tough childhood back in England.

Inside his living room there was a dust-laden photo of a remarkably handsome pair on their wedding day. His better-half had died long before. Muttering under his breath he once declared this had coincided with the time ‘everything started to go wrong’. However, he was the most stoic of individuals, and not prone to self-pity. His therapy was to busy himself out of his often self-induced loneliness. This was all the more remarkable given significant physical disabilities.

Outdoors, he staggered around like a cat on hot coals. When the weather improved he went native, un-self-consciously sporting nothing more than an unflattering, oversized pair of underpants. Sometimes even less. This gave the rather surreal impression of being in the presence of a venerable Indian mystic. Hobbling along, he would grasp at every approaching physical support within arms length. He would seed, plant and propagate, by which time there was no remaining energy or inclination for the more mundane task of tidying up the accumulating crap. Or perhaps he simply confined it to his peripheral vision.

Consistent with his exceptional stubbornness and independence, any attempt to assist him clear the mounting backlog was met with the most emphatic refusal. He liked it just the way it was, and didn't give a hoot what others thought.

He did not ask for any favours, nor shy away from speaking his mind. Ordinarily, compromise was not the subject of negotiation. Conversely, he was very forthcoming and helpful with advice to his customers. There was a soft side to him, but it could be eclipsed by his exceptional mental toughness, independence and defiance.

Somehow, he would load up his van every weekend and drive to the market de-jour. One expects he was sweating on the advent of driverless vehicles to enable him to continue for all eternity.

Wally had no compelling need to endure all this, and in reality no longer had the physical capacity to do so. However, he purposefully and courageously willed his way through the process until the day his spirit was snatched away. Snatched, but by no means meekly surrendered. His life therefore was one of purposeful struggle. Which made it full of meaning, or conversely as meaningless as those drawn to the fervent building of elaborate sand castles at low tide. Take your pick.

It may be argued his life could have been more comfortably spent. But comfort was not in his lexicon. He was not your born-again Ikea man, and clearly did not treat his home as a pristine retreat from the minor calamity outdoors. Indeed, his inside and outside worlds were indistinguishable, even for his beloved four-legged friends Curly and cat. Socially, this was obviously problematic, but it did not seem to bother him in the least.

If cleanliness is next to Godliness, Wally was certainly not currying favour with Him upstairs for more advantageous treatment in the next life. He could have received any amount of more earthly assistance, but he steadfastly refused. Indoors, he gave the rather melancholy impression of a man defiantly protecting the spirit of his dearly-departed from the unwanted incursions of latter-day intruders. If she was not there to manage it, then  no-one would, not even Wally himself. In so doing, he forged an eerie symmetry between the slow decline in his physical state and his chosen surroundings.

Wally was a man who ran his own race. Unlike most, he was not in the least shaped by the whims and expectations of others. If the measure of a man were the lasting impressions left in the memories of his contemporaries, whether favourable or otherwise, then Wally’s life was a significant triumph.

RIP Walter.  

Pete Granger DDA, Tenby Point, Victoria, Australia
A colourful account of the passing of a local legend.
Written with a high degree of passion by an old ****** Agricultural College colleague of mine, a Brother of 57 years standing, Peter (Piddles) Granger.
Piddles and I spent two years locked together as 24 hour classmates in house. We ate together, studied together, played Australian Rules football together, chased the girls, laughed together, cried together....and we graduated together.
Zac Shawhan Dec 2019
Thinking about the One brings peace,
yet in hard times we often cease.
Worldly troubles make our thoughts flee,
from the Highest Good who does see,
all the suffering we endure.
But how can He see when so pure?
Can the Ultimate really care?
Dare He look upon our affairs?
For to look/care would bring Him down.
Would He really give up His crown?
If done would He still be The One,
and His light now less than our sun?
Or is there somehow He could stay
purest light and yet look this way?
It seems the problem then is plain.
If He is to care while He reigns,
then He cannot let us remain.
He must for us become the slain —
Transacting His goodness away,
saving those He loves from decay.
This price will cost Him everything,
still He goes like the eagles wing.
Will His loved ones appreciate,
Or accuse Him of being late?
To worldly troubles that distract
their minds and thoughts from His great act.
We, who possess keener wits than nits possess, throw not epic fits
confident that diarrheal maladies can be transformed to proper *****
& assured that surgeons will amputate exclusively agreed-upon bits
Afraid I've always been of bodies on V.W. frames ordered from kits
Mortified I appear to a woman who cares not where her fat *** sits
Upon the breakfast plate what wriggles & squirms surely ain't grits
Today I pray that I'll never be “lesbianized” in a lezzy's lezzy mitts
As I've no real preference for purple, pink, brown, or bloodshot ****
The Last Man on Earth consigned dead zombies to local, fiery pits
When transacting business with lesbians one must retain one's wits
Of course the same holds true for ****-divers, drag queens & flits
Lyndon Johnson's murderous record tied him to eight political hits
Wretch Ratch Wallace at 66 crapped out sans fuzzy, legalistic writs
His poly-lingual nature precluded Urdu, Farsi & lenguas Sanskrits
His argumentative bend roped him into ******, gynecological snits
Stunts in mining his woman's umbilicus gave wake to navel stints
Colored wheels of India shades ridges and stains with roguish tints
By Jennifersoter Ezewi

As a child, I saw people being criticized because of their various endeavours: the society sees lawyers, doctors and certain white-collar jobs as the only dignified jobs.

Although some lawyers and professors could barely feed then but respected in their professions.

Most youths didn't help matters but thank God, their eyes are open to the beautiful reality. They have gone ahead to garnish most of the jobs they detest to suit themselves, thereby showcasing it with style.

A certain woman called me recently and asked: "what do you do for a living now?" I replied, "I am a sales representative." She started hooting like a shunting trailer. I asked myself one thing, so some people still has this mentality of looking down on people because of their endeavours?

I started representing reputable foreign companies from teenagehood. Travelling from state to state, showcasing some brands wherein business owners welcomes me with open arms. I wasn't doing it for the money then but for the fact that I make great sales for my company even when the products are new. It was fun for me.

Business minded, don't care how some people look at me until I went back to school. As a diploma student, you can hardly catch me in class if the lecturer is not there but nearby, transacting from one company to the other. Until I decided to focus fully at a certain level in my degree days.

I wonder why anyone should be ashamed of his or her endeavour. I also wonder why anyone should mock someone because of his or her endeavour. Success could be very mysterious. The endeavour one left behind today could break another through, tomorrow.

If you are a mechanic, tailor, carpenter, Barrister, doctor, teacher, engineer, contractor, trader, sales representative and etcetera. Be proud of what you do.
Dennis Willis Aug 2019
Scratching at time
Cantankerous to us
enamoured with dust
crust, rust and mussed

Tousled older constantly
I kick the river red
Transacting moments
Hound and scrabble

this plain road is unadorned
with our lives
laughing at everything we are
it takes some just some for now

I read out the history
of its beating tonight
in sighs and indulgence
how time pays the rent

— The End —