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What thought
could have wrought
all this despair?
Yielding aught;
toxifying the air
suffocating adolescents,
atop their chairs.
Now they feel time
intertwining with their fears,
and I feel their tears sear into my mind
So now I hope to find;
a way to make all of their burdens
First post in awhile criticism is appreciated but be gentle lol
Sam Temple Apr 2016
it pounds with the fervor
of 100 million idiots
screaming in unison
make America great again…
as if greatness
were so trivial
as to be allowed reentry
into the fattest nation
globally –
making America great again
like in the 1950’s
when racism and bigotry
were right as rain
where white is might
and Jesus stood with the nation….
for shame
make America great again
like when industry had children
working 15 hour days
for pennies
while toxifying the land, air, and rivers
beating the poor into submission
with clubs
and immigrating based on skin color
for shame….
make America great
like slavery?
manifest destiny?
corporate empire?
world police?
Like Donald Trump as President?

making America great starts by accepting
each other
as equals.
Margaret Feb 2014
Don't know what I'm searching for anymore,
That seems so important to go on..

What Is life without purpose?
Just another rotting sac.

But I've found my Self,
Found my Soul, Left my body and Found some Bliss.

But here I sit,
No passion, No good emotion, No feeling for anything else.

Why did I get lost?
At what point did my heart get lost?

Why is my soul so empty?
There is so much more than this..

A collection of souls on this strange flying Planet,
A collection of lost souls all seeking for the same feeling, I'm sure.

Empathy, Compassion, Love, and  Understanding;
This is what we need to rid the Evil Greed of Power toxifying us all.

My emotionless will create a wall,
Socializing is obsolete and I don't want to tolerate anything.

My passion is gone.
I feel empty wherever I go.

Who I sit with will feel the same emptiness,
I probably drown them as well.

I don't like to be like this,
I don't like it at all.

There's so much more I can come up with,
But it feels like I'm stuck to the ground.

My soul feels black and empty
encompassing dread, yet nothingness for all.

If I understand,
then why can't my head get out from this underground?

My heart feels stuffed with negativity,
A curse, chemical imbalance, or just another spoiled ugly brat?

Fighting silently for my well being and no one cares,
Yell out of rage, and suddenly everyone seems to notice.

I'm forever an ugly beast, so much for thinking I found change...
Sleepz Nov 2017
Traveling through the narrow path,
the three follow the black wolf.

He is the lead that will take them out of the darkness,
the pain of the forest,
the feeling of defeat.

The taste of hopelessness,
they wish they had not experienced such misery.

The one says, "Woe is me, so sad you see, on one knee, no tree to climb, no dime to spend, no friend to stay till the end, tend to them they said, how could I if we are all dead."

The two says, "To be true is to accept the new, yet no one knew the few will be of the crew out of twelve only three survived with a dive or risk and a splash of damage that comes with the flop, into the water we go suffer no more, indeed it hits the core but we will see what we have in store."

The three says, "All we need, is to follow the lead, it will take us to the light at the end of the tunnel into the funnel of strawberry covered pancakes where the days are good, and sophisticated. Back to our lives where the skies are blue, we'll wipe our foreheads and say 'woo' that was a long journey and be glad it is done."

The first speaks the worst sadness.
The second speaks of acceptance of fate.
The third speaks of potential positivity.

The wolf leads the herd of three.

Legs shaking bones breaking,
is the ground quaking?
Eyes burning, heads hurting,
What is all that noise?
Teeth grinding, fists clenches, brace yourselves,
at least that's what happens when you live life in this world.

It will take you down, try to destroy your spirit.
Weaken you through nonsense we believe may be true.
Our mind recognizes not the emperical,
yet it believes the delusional thought and see's the face
of betrayal when betrayal may not be present.
The mind allows such betrayal of the person,
the belief that leads us all to suffer.

There are many beliefs,
but neither are correct.

Science says there is no God,
we can't prove he's real therefore he is not.

God's "people" say,
Science is not fully real it's based on many theories.

Equal rights activists say,
People need to learn to be better people.

Media says you can do whatever you want,
dress indecent,
speak indecent,
be who "you" are even though it isn't really.

Young people say the older ones think what we have to say
is not important.

Old people say these kids are a bunch of rebels with no discipline, the generations keep getting worse and worse.

Parents say be whatever gender you want to be and we will support you during your time of confusion - at 6 years of age by not taking the time to fully understand what is going on.

The ignorant say, you made this comment. Therefore I hate you.

The wise stay quiet.
The stupid keep speaking.
Because of this the world worsens,
because of that we are a corrupt generation,
because of this fact we walk a path of confusion and pain,
a path that is lead by the black wolf,
that represents evil yet we perceive is good.
We put our hopes on anything,
we follow anything we think may work.
We no longer stand for what we believe,
but we stand for the beliefs of others and influences
that have been brought upon us as we were young that we
no longer are able to understand the root of or intention.

We are dying, without knowing what it is to love our neighbor.
We believe that with love comes *** yet this idea is toxifying
and destroys us inwardly.
We no longer understand what caring for one another is,
because in the eyes of the many it is an expression of weakness.

The weak is pushed around and tossed.
The strong believe they are at the top yet, the tower of Babylon will fall eventually.
Crumbling and destroying everything in its path as it did
while it was being built.
Neither the strong understand one another,
and the strong fight with the strong.

And this ladies and gentleman,
is our world of pain.
Where people hurt,
and its looked down upon to give a shoulder to cry on.

People cannot ask for help because it is said to leave them vulnerable,
this is your world of pain.
But who can we blame?
My neighbor hurts me,
but my neighbor does not know better.
Nothing that doesn't promote us to get money
is worth learning.
This is the wolf.
This is our World Made of Pain.
Yenson Mar 2022
They are still mixing concrete in their cereals
its the daily diet for the hard-ups
nothing like the improper
for the mprobables
Odin is angry
You keep producing your trash
Calling it candy
Parasitic gnats
Too many of you
******* up O2
Mindless generators
Of useless waste
Polluting the environment
Toxifying the atmosphere
Suffocating the noble
With your ***** pampers
Thus you are thieves
And guilty to please
Committed the crime
Doubled down on your grime
Compounding your sentence
Torturing innocents
Blaming the blameless
Soon you'll be armless
You shouldn't have taken
From the clean and good
Nor named them ugly
Or left them without wood
Stone walled by the minds inability
to grasp reality.
Sigh, life has always been some what difficult.
At least it's comical, its strange.
Looking back I miss the security of being a child.
My mother used to beat me for anything
and that was all i had to worry about.
She'd take a fist full of hair and drive her palm into my face with force from both ends.
And I'd tense up
and my endorphines would flow.
Toxifying my young mind.
Slowly pain became pleasure
and the euphoric feeling from getting my *** beat by a woman twice my size was relaxing.
After she was done, I would crawl away to my bedroom.
I would laugh hysterically at myself because there was
no reason
to cry.
I had cried so many times
why waste another moment
*** beatings.
**** it up butter cup
no one loves you so love yourself.
life moves on.
first lesson learned.
Its harder now, to love myself, that I don't have too.
Or maybe sometimes I just can't.

— The End —