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LDuler May 2013
The way I speak
In the car in the morning, or under trees
Is swathed in darkness
My words build walls and facades
And cunning passages, contrived corridors
Deceit, whispered ambitions
I'm dispensing my secrets
But dispensing too soon, or too late
Into weak hands
Or disbelief or indifference
Or until their refusal to look me in the eyes propagates a fear
That no amount of courage on my part could ever dissipate
I'm covered in locks
Inside and out
But no one has the keys
And I am not beautiful enough
For anyone to bother trying
Gabriel Bonney Aug 2018
She wished

                                                  to speak


                                                    it's hard to find the words.
                             words don't really describe how you feel,

     She tried              but couldn't.

     "I'm fine. Really, I am."
tetemae | Japanese | (n.) the behavior and opinions displayed in public to satisfy society's demands
Always thought you were 'one who leads a crowd.

Now i see that you only lead when you're sure everyone will follow.
(n.) what a person pretends to believe; the behaviour and opinions one must display to satisfy society's demands.
Zaira Sade Jul 2017
I'd bend rules for you;
merge my morals and
desires in a plate,
tremors surfing
down my spine,
wishing I could
choose the
comfort of
righteousness over the
way your eyes flicker,
stardust down your cheeks.

I'd set off forest fires,
down whole cities,
as I come on steadier
and heavier into your home,
greet your fireplace
with my
embrace and
watch the light
I made
play itself on the walls,
as we
consumed more
than fire for
a night.

I wish you were
A constant, unwavering
silhouette of a future
I could run
to, with certainty
that after I make
it to the end of the
tunnel, you'd be
there with your
hands, reaching
for me, telling me, that
this is
all there is to it;
some people travel
around cities under
different names
and swim deeper
down trenches
to find this
but we
are absolute,
right now,
right here.

I look at the mahogany
and the
crystals lining
your table,
as I think that
we are perhaps,
a crack
in the roof of a house,
that only
and shields
against snow.

— The End —