"The Drawn Ones
Not the chosen ones."
"Let's go... thru Melodic Existence
Into Hypnotizing Non-Existence..."
You can say it
However you want so
But things, come
and go.
Passing by
All Beginningless Time,
The River of
Never-Ending Lifetimes...
Sinous Word flow
Of Ever Rhyming
Saying So's;
So you can say...
Since Beginningless Time
Yet it could Never Be...
And so goes on to Culminate
Paradoxically United...
Becoming Defined
In You Looking back at it
Once Again....
....But otherwise,
A Prison of The Mind
Lost in the
Illusory Tide...
...And with each Passing Facade
Forms Begin to take Shape...
And So The Soul
Begins to Focal-Point,
Preluding a Flowing
Of Coming and Goings...
....Thru Melodic Existence
....Into Hypnotizing Non-Existence
....So it will go;
The Push and Pull
The Ebb and Flow
The Ying and Yang
A look into the Universe thru the lens of my wonderfully driven mad soul.