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Ellenah Jun 2014
"Shut up."
I can't stop myself
From repeating those words
He hurts me
So much
But he is so kind.
God, I love him.
Shut up.
Shut up.
And maybe I will.
JY Lim Jun 2013
Up in my flat,
it sounds like people getting
screaming and laughing and
car alarms going off downstairs.
I imagine it smells like food,
like barbeque, and smoke.
Maybe it smells like boys, that
intoxicating scent of dopamine
before you lose your head
and do something stupid
It probably smells like
the alcohol I haven’t tasted
except in my mother’s wine chicken
since I was fifteen.

My friend, J-Han,
said to me, once,
am I sure this is
what I want to do,
don't you want to live,
are you not

No, I am
born old,
and my daddy agrees,
and everyone says,
that fools live happier lives,
so why are you so serious —
you need to loosen up —
you need to let things go —
don't think so much —
— shut up,


I am lonely
in my flat
but in this large complex
they built, everybody
stands in the lifts
and nobody talks,
and we are all strangers,
and I am
someone who comes and goes
between school
and locks up
before leaving on Fridays
and repeating it on Sunday.
allie Apr 2017
a swarm of thoughts
as i read
as i write

1. sitting at a desk. i'm not alright.
2. seven birds hover.
3. can i escape the past?
4. is my life all that bad... i'm alright now.
5. bats that circle and block the sun
6. the ruler whipping down on my hands, my feet, my everything
7. souls gather and gather
8. oh the abuse i have suffered from you
9. lists and lists and lists and lists
10. my death. painful or peace?
11. shutupshutupshutup
12. unnecessary dreams and cliches
13. the wooden stick sits by you as i stare
14. the angry yelling words
15. tomanytomany
16. the end.
If you don't understand, look closer at my list. It's not as it seems; some are memories, some are just thoughts.
allie Apr 2017
they ask and they ask
i slur my words so they can't ask anymore.

Chin up. Nose up.
Use good grammar. Use good everything.


That's not me.

— The End —