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Edna Sweetlove Mar 2015
Oh Joy, Oh Great Heavens Above,
How I like to lingeringly slaver o'er
The fartleberries hanging humunguously
Out of your **** cleft like bunches of mouldering grapes,
And to gaze upon the lusciously stale shitstains
Decorating your hirsute ****-cheeks!
You so rarely wash and your dumps are omnipotent
And you are too mean to buy any **** wipes.

You moan quite loudly in colonic ecstacy
As I plumb the Stygian depths of your sit-upon place,
My nose diving daintily like a woodpecker's beak
Smeared with poo-bits, seeking Nirvana
In your ****** paradise, brown love-tunnel
Serenaded by the poets since Time began!
Nowhere in all the Hershey Universe can there be
A pongier rimmee than you, O unshaven beauty of mine!

My probing tongue is covered with nutty brown paste,
Your sweet excremental delight makes me drool
In joy, as I personhandle myself "down there";
Ignoring the most elemental rules of hygiene.
But sadly there is a fly in the ointment
Indeed a whole ******* barrelful of them:
Not only will I get a very nasty E-coli infection
But I'll have bad breath tomorrow at chapel.
Much can happen
In the space
Between the marks
Of the seconds
On a clock

The world could turn
Into a murky brown puddle
Of **** and shitstains
That dirties the boots
Of all the people
On the way to work
Or home to the wife
And twelve kids

The room with white walls
Slowly but surely
Turns to one with black walls
That sweat dark pearls
That melt the doorknob,
Block the windows,
And cover the door

The bubbles in the bath
Burst and leave clear water
That hold your floating filth
In microscopic specks
And the flickering light
Flirts with you
To dip your head and fall asleep
In the fading warmth
Based on some lines of The Crunch by Charles Bukowski
matt nobrains Aug 2011
american culture is
a sanctimonious gutterfuck

the credentials of superiority complex
include ignorance and bloodthirsty rage
there's people out there
who think they're better than others
honest to god kings
among a sea of pitiful shitstains
i wanna burn it down
i wanna ******* raze the land,
and overthrow the crown
i wanna ****** my boot into
a gutted pile of ******* *****
make an *** of ourselves
instead of an *** of it all
In 100 days
I'll be 100% alive
When I die
And you'll be
Hell's shitstains
Tessa Aug 2020
Can't fight your battles
Kara da khunt is your
Try using soap
It will wash those shitstains
On your face
From kissing so much ***
One could never fathom
A chick who looks just like
A dude
But Hawlee proved that theory
Lame excuse her **** never grew
It's called moobs
Man *****
So ****
Dudes hole up in motel 5 days
Staying inside
Too embarrassed to be seen
With you
Oh how adoring
Oh how she tried
She's a *******
No big surprise
And here we are looking down a ***** bowl shitstains streaking a carnivore's sticky trail from someone who couldn't be bothered to add sufficient fiber to their diet or at least give a ******* courtesy scrub convinced it was somehow too Marxist or too woke And we were doing so good at the gluten free Fitting really I guess

— The End —