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Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2019
It's always you I run back to
No matter what you put me through
Though you tear me right in two
And leave me broken, black, and blue
Wishing I was someone new
Or that I could forget the person who
I fell in love with and fell into
The first one to feel the same way too
Over the years our love stubbonly grew
But deep down inside I think I always knew
You treated me far too good to be true
Now I'm alone with feelings I brew
Mixed-up and crying tears long overdue
Feeling like a fool for letting you undo
All that we worked for and longed to pursue
Blind to your black magic and wicked voodoo
I'm realizing I liked it better when I had no clue
Of your selfishishness and the way you threw
Us away like trash not worth starting over anew
Our relationship you just wanted to outdo
My happiness but it was forced and askew
You never knew how many boxes of tissue
I went through to get over each issue
Never realized you held me together like glue
Til these organs started turning to goo
My skin transformed to stone much like a statue
Into my sanctuary I carefully withdrew
There I am safe I keep emotions subdued
Walls erected block out anything I could misconstrue
But I admit I'm sad we'll never have the chance to redo
The closest I'll get is deja vu
You're permanently on my heart like a tattoo
I'll never forget each late-night rendevous
Or the nights we wasted determined to argue
Now I wish I had them back so I could review
I wonder how you see it from your point of view?
This lonely heart is confused and I'm not sure what to do
I've tried but can't seem to bid you adieu
Because it's obvious it's pointless to attempt and renew
It hurts just looking at you when we *****
Cause I swear I was meant to be with you
It's always you I run back to
Forever you'll have me whether it's my choice or not. I'm just stuck on you..
Michael Raymond Feb 2017
That rare relationship,for only a father and daughter
But everyone's selfishishness created disorder
She was 12, near thirteen with much senistivity to care
A myriad of things upon her, with all the wrong help there
To this day times need mending ,
a period without ending
and the aloneness consumes,
all i could say is You're a woman, with roses in bloom
But Dad is on the outs, and being a woman is defined
It's not unusual, all dads and daughters experience this in time,
But this got big in everyone's life
others rally cry became a crime, with never-ending strife
No bandwagon was going to stop what was taken to extreme,
and distance became hate and the wife now used it as steam
Making up for her reminders, and inability to cope,
a mutual hatred aligned against him became her scope
Everythings grown but the feeling that ensued
a daughter and dad, an ending so rude
injustices piled on, and everyone sad,
the years have gone by and all still so mad
damage beyond belief for one loving Dad
but nobody cares about the extremes he had
All the problems created has him to blame
and all the love he gave, all just a shame
Jailtime, incarceration, his career destroyed,
Bowled over by all he trusted
only lawyers employed
Pain frozen in time, no chance to be worked through
No father and daughter Just lies pursued
No father and daughter how precious it once was
Only the pictures and peddles survived the Dad's cause
His heart always heavy through each injustice endured
Art, love and dance saved him
and the actual truth for more
But no days can replace the ones that were lost
To extemes it was taken, at everyone's cost.
But the love is forever no matter what anyone does
The friends, family, the law still with no cause
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry to not stop the wars
I Love You my Daughter
No wrong can re-arrange.
I Love you my daughter
One thing that's never subject to change
We grow, we grow, and feel unfinished inside
Need to fix what's Frozen
Need to fix the lies.

— The End —