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Gangothrii Jan 2021
We sought to see the world so wide,
To blaze a trail that was oh, so bright..
Our dreams bore wings so feather light,
And we let them soar up the clear blue skies..

Thought paths we chose were so apart,
We clutched and held all that was dear.
Time that stole through the memories held,
Faded  but seived all that we felt.

You held my hand at time so hard,
Bent double over the laughter riots we shared..
It ripped us when the other was sad,
And chimed in together when absolutely mad!!

A friend , A foe, my sister or soul,
I know not what you mean anymore.
Vow I do for what it's worth,
not a day goes by, that I miss you the most.
For a friend who means more than life.
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2017
mit herz allein, und verstand verlassen.

of those who once lived by heart alone,
to be told to now live
by mind alone -
              if there be no greater sorrow,
this sorrow comes first.

are we to say that the mind is superior
to the heart?
  that what the heart wrote,
while the mind has only begun writing
is to give us the grand usurp?

how the mind has made the heart
so fickle, so tantamount in
                       seeking non-existing
shores or abides by laws of
   "******" nonetheless healthy mentalities
of unsaid genesis.

we have a spawn of history in our reach,
within a day we can catalogue
a century of years,
  with the crucifix 2000 years,
within a single day
we can be "reminded"
   of the ultimate genesis,
the foundation, the cowering stone
of homage...
          and yet, next tuesday,
we'll be sipping coffee in a cafe
bewildered by our infantile
and if not infantile, when insect-like
         of re-arranging furniture
to suit our *feng shui
                          if only for the love
of music would our souls dare to breathe
their last composition of a sigh...
by my word,
   i'd leverage the remains of the hyper-psyche
of a woman's worth into the depths
of tartarus...
  so that the titans might grapple with it,
while hades, remaining hidden,
entertains nothing but song...
       and praises no god,
other than the golden ratio of harmonies!
so much distance between
   a da               &      the    sein...
       why not congratulate myself to succumb
to the inverse potency of the original,
and simply state:                jetztsein...
now, i am...
                                   jetzt, ich bin:
a colander through which imagination
is seived, but keeps memory intact...
that forevermore hidden cinema
                     that breathes a gust of
historical subjectivity into
              an ever-objective present,
toward no objectified past,
toward no objective that resounds
                       within the word: future.

oh how we once lived by heart alone,
   to have this char-smog-tar worth of
a heart evenly beating a rhythm
but no rhyme...
               how poetry devolved into
prose, and how prose aspires to poetry...
how we once lived by heart alone,
and mastered all those forthcoming pains...
to now live by mind alone...
    where the only place for a heart
to still be guiding, is to guide us toward
the most irritable path,
  the only path it now would seem
is welcoming our treading feet...
    and to think, we lived, some time ago,
by heart alone;
             i keep finding the need to live
my mind alone
   a harsh dictum -
               the brain inside a pickle jar...
         what heart remains,
has receeded to the confines of sporting
         a collectivism...
                    a football chant...
            what sad events are to come
and prosper from such changes!
to think, we once lived by heart alone,
with whatever agony, with whatever
gnaw of bone & limbs, and lived!

                       where there was once a heart,
there was beauty,
                 but where now there is nought
but mind, what rigidity,
                what little comfort
other than in the ease of menial toils,
what little comfort in a sleepless night...
what of life, if life be purely the domain
of the mind... and the agonising death of
both heart, and soul.
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2018
in that the metaphor is
an immediate,
in that the metaphor
is experienced immediately,
in that metaphor is
what is immediately
conceived while pushing
a cube prism through a Δ
           which is nothing more
than the judeo tetragrammaton
construct seived through
        the diabolical trinity...
          shapes to conform to...
and the difference between
a pun & a pundit?
                 propably a bet...
but if poetics has its
metaphor, equivalent to
                   the philosophical
              -phor becomes -phren,
a mind, coordinates to
mind the gap, when stepping
off the tube at bank station,
due to the curve, you see,
      less than a minute
seperates liverpool st. and bank
          ****** english,
and its bloodied
               acronym riddled
               american counterpart....
           lol just doesn't cut it...
short-script, curtailed analysis...
                     but when
poetry has its metaphor,
     philosophy has its metaphysics...
               teaching a. i.,
                  no greater fanning
the flames than preaching to a.i.
with intent on infamy...
the other benzene ring tactics...
          at hand... what english is
delusional about, as a tongue,
but not as a people...
                     the ortho-
   baby, there ain't not study of
orthography, is there,
              if there is no diacritical
                i already told you:
cut the two-headed hydra of
     i            j,       i.e.                 ι     ȷ
it's called momentum:
              governed by reiteration;
mort, the fascination of
the study of vivo...
                   esp. in rather than on,
the canvas of vitro...
        ah (prolonged, inclusive
of a sigh, or a wet sock)...
you want english to apply a study of
orthography? you want to play
by the rules of existing orthography?
        no problem...
just let me give you a head start,
by cutting the siamese heads off
so you can receive a blank canvas...
because writing sEEn is...
well... a pish-poor attempt at
    exercising orthography....
                metaphor and metaphysics
                   you want to study
orthography? no problem...
           first learn diacritical
don't worry, the russians are
doubly ****** with their softening
of consonants,
   with their ь...
                 vlad, ьlah sounds more
                                         like bwah.
russian diacritical indicators
are never intra-litterae...
                  always at the end...
why? because she minded to address
the tongue as only managed by
sh sh sh sh sz sh sh sz sh sh sz sh sh sz...
                that's interchangeable.
oh look, gorilla clenches its hand,
               exposing a grip of knuckles.
don't know, sport,
           at 6ft1 i am happy walking in
the night without a sight of
                       while drinking
i tend to pretend to juggle
interchanging between my left
                                     and my right foot.
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2018
/you don't, you don't! meddle with civil wars! syria is syria's problem! you don't! you don't! meddle with civil wars! concerning england... i would have thought charles I would have taught the adequate lesson? no? you don't meddle with another nation's civil, war!!! you a syrian baker, plumber, or butcher?! no! thank you! you're just an globalist commentator! *******!/

ukraine was to join
the european bloc  of nations,
once upon a time
before the 2nd crimea war...
i'm exhausted with all
this verbiage of a defence
for a freedom to talk,
word's worth a tonne,
****** of Ibiza:
             i look...
    and see nothing more
than baggage receipts...
of said freedom...
             so much weighs on
us, to allow these f.j.w.
            a glaring stare
in a hood, with gnashing teeth...
                         what's to fear
other than a punch to the face?!
            fear that?
               send me your way,
i'll pay the due...
             sclera white agitated...
18 years minus
           otherwise spent
at the Camden Market...
              the freedom to speak...
                  how about
the filter for the freedom of
thought, and the subsequent seive?
          reading combats the easy pleasure
of watching videos...
               the "illiterate"
wriggle through...
   and what remains?
                            the seived lot...
as pompous as i might be,
i won't be...
                      but the statement remains
ringing, true...
                    there's a fine line between
the literate, and the easily impressionable...
via the video medium...
              even i know,
that you don't **** around
with a syrian butcher, when the problem
kisses a syrian baker...
  you ******* numb-wit's worth
of tory or librarian socialist!
          i expect charlie on the banknote
within the next 10 years!
            your little *******
meddled with gaddafi...
        now... syria... is, mine...
           or as the prophet said:
  juggling damascus:
what, a mighty, return!
                          because that's not what
was written, subsequently kept?
the sadist in me
almost admires
the written word being
turned up-side-down
             as the Quran states...
so... the Syrian civil war.
now you can wave: bye bye;
          and now,
i get to sharpen my teeth.

— The End —