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K Balachandran Dec 2015
When she opens the door partly
without any noise heard,outside
to let him in and close it again
the lovelorn moon gets jealous
a still cloud transforms in to an
eager ******, shameless and stares.

The smell of danger present in the air
heighten the thrill of them not being
just another regular pair of lovers
who could  easily meet,when they wish.
Such secretiveness adds a spicy flavour
to their forbidden love that stealthily moves,
to deceive the spying eyes everywhere.

When she opens the door to let him out,
a snow owl, startled, wakes up and hoot,
His way of saying,"Some things happen"
the moon, off color and tired of waiting,
let's out a sigh, like a breeze and acts coy.
John Mahoney Jan 2012
i draw my fingers
along the scars
you used to cut
yourself, a hidden
language, like a
braille of the skin

yet, you allow me in,
gently, my fingertips
trace hungrily
your tale which you
stack in the library
of your long sleeves
even in the hottest
summer days

words never served
your purpose they
admitted no connection
although those around
you noticed that
something seemed
to bother you, you
turned to secretiveness

you started cutting
so young, too young
really, to cope with
so much change
the power of your
own feelings
overwhelmed your
defenses, stuck in
a home, unsettled
a punishment and
a release

i have no answer
for you, no easy
way to overcome
the compulsions
of the heart so
wounded, but
your own strength
and growing maturity
and the control you
have obtained
all seemed to help

you suppose that
you have written
but, i recognize,
Kaylin Martin Apr 2012
I just was sitting here thinking and...

Thank You.

Thank you for everything you have taught me.
Every lesson, good and bad that has made me
Find a new component within myself.

I am weak, I am selfish: I am strong, I am selfless.
So many different parts of me have been brought to my attention.
I became good friends with myself after sitting there,
Alone in my room,
Creating melodies and thinking of every element of you.
Day, after day, after day.

Thank you for letting me realize that I could
Live without you.


If I wanted to.

But I don't.

So thank you for letting me realize that too.
And realizing that there actually might be a plan,
A plan that was made specifically for
A path that I'm supposed to walk down.

I choose to walk down the same path as you.
To mold each one of my footprints into yours,
Like I did in the evening on the Santa Cruz beach.
And silently clasp my hand in yours.

Just to say,
I'm here with you because I chose to be here.
And have you not say anything,
But just look at me with that look that you do.

That look that says,
Thank You for staying.
And we both smile because we're here together.

Thank you for letting me spill my thoughts on you
Like red grape juice.
And thank you for only removing the stains that hurt you,
Letting me pretend that I didn't say those words
When I was inebriated..
Drunk off of your personality and your secretiveness.

I feel as if I should shake your parent's hands,
Maybe thank them for bringing you into this world.
Or maybe I should shake God's hand.
Because I mostly see Him when I'm with you.

Thank you for every moment of laughter
And aching sweetness.
For every single tear we've both cried..
For the nights that no one else would understand,
And for the days that you infected me with happiness.

Thank you for being mine:

My plan,
My path,
My savior.

And most importantly,

Thank you for loving me.
Words Verses Mar 2015
The crouching murmur fills the air,
An echo hisses within the walls,
A lady weeps underneath the blanket of darkness.
Protected by its secretiveness,
The crying continues.

Hours and seconds,
Misery corrupts the wave,
And an absolute stillness takes control.

She stops,
Notices the indifference
The scene then is a blend of both,
Crying and silence,
Once again
CC Mar 2018
Secretiveness is part of the fascination for another person
I told you I had an open mouth
But I did not divulge my soul of mysteries
It is a beautiful pool in the summertime
A mirage of children trying to get into security of holidays
I am secured in my mind
Thoughts dare to pierce the target
But I miss on purpose
To keep you from seeing my ideas
They are missable, mundane to the society that hears only of hype
Sensationalization make my head turn to the side
It's easy to see that when you love someone you crack the coconut open for him to drink the juices of your refreshment
It's something unknowable to another
It's something quenching the routine that's gone sour
Silence spices meditation
My mind is mine
Until I give it to you
Jenna Feb 2019
Nothing simple about this,
'Love at first sight'
Yet foolish and wanted
People will shake heads
But I cannot help,
to yearn for it
In hopeful secretiveness, waiting
for a warm embrace
in reassurance that,
it will come
Who else wants love?

— The End —