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Fire Jul 2017
Depression is an addiction
A saddists representation
Of what is a fascination
You want love without pain
But you end up with pain and no love
No this isn't freedom you don't end it with a white dove.
You're happy but you're fighting that feeling
To rip your skin till its tingling
And you know your okay
But the pain could return any day
And you long for that certain kind of sadness
That energy you get from all the badness
And your mother said no
But your heart said don’t let go
And you’re fighting a war inside your head
And the place to find rest isn’t your bed
You prey, you pray
You let go of the fray
But you don’t fall

God is that you? Am I dead? Is it true?
Why child don’t you see? I sent my son to save thee.
You’re not dead. Not even near.
I’ve come to take away all your fear.
Oh God I don’t deserve this.
This heavenly abyss.
I’ve done wrong for all to long.
I don’t deserve your love. I don’t deserve to be up above.
Child be at peace. Your sin is yet to cease.
You are human are you not?
Or have you forgot?
But my mercy is abundant
And you’ve yet to pass your judgement
Child I will give you what you seek
If you may ask me, if you’re not too meek.
Father, forgive me, all I have is yours
It may not be much but I’m down on all fours.
Child I forgive you, but this is your cue
Go out and spread my word
My beautiful song bird
Babatunde Raimi Apr 2020
Mr. Lecturer once said
Just one night, you won't fail
You wearing Rasta hair,
This question is for you
Have you bought my handout?
It is not compulsory, but...
Which textbook am I teaching you from?

By all means avoid carryovers
It is worse than heartbreak
Know what works for you
Like a Lion, seperate yourself
But "A" is for the ancestors
"B" is for the serious students
"C" is for everyone, "Awon saddists"

Rome wasn't built in a day
You musn't graduate in four
You can spend six for four
Just take your time
Government will still pay me
Stop and ponder my friend
Is education still the key to success?

Don't be discouraged
I know a few good ones
Not all the prophets in Egypt
Bowed to the Eyptian god, Baal
Arm yourself with skill based education
And the world will look for you
Don't say I didn't tell you

— The End —