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Yenson Aug 2018
We shall wipe you OUT
We will ERASE you
We are the children's of Cain and that is what we do

I come from the lands of  the Baobab tree and Cocoa Tree
Steep in the tradition of revering life and nature all free
By my wits and honest endeavours toiled and earned my fee
Never harmed nor injured never stole even a penny wee
Paid my dues and gave when I could always busy as a bee

Now YOU the children's of Cain spake and declared
We shall wipe you OUT
 We will erase YOU

I come from a land that knows parched earth and hunger
Where great rivers flow yet clean water comes in little beaker
Proud animals run free and only the rodents are for hunter
Trees are fertile with fruits aplenty and vegetables are litter
In gleeful kin and merry we share harvest with each other

Now you the children's of Cain spake and declared
We shall wipe you OUT
We will erase YOU

What is my crime pray tell me when in honest endeavour
I gave and shared my wages and food to an errant neighbour
Who repaid my kindness by robbing mine with cruel vigour
And whilst I remorsed such vileness with fervent pained ardor
They riposted, a trip back to your jungle is what we will conjure

Now YOU the children's of Cain spake and declared
We shall wipe you OUT                               
We will erase YOU

Children's of Cain know nothing but death and destruction
You came to ours and plundered all you could with ruction
You stole, fornicated, ruined and destroyed with glib seduction
Modern times has merely refined your vainglorious disposition
Distinguished misrulers, liars and evil masters of misappropations

We shall wipe you OUT
We will erase YOU       
Children's of Cain OTHERS know all YOU do is ****
Like your FATHER killed his BROTHER
Like your FATHER killed his guiltless BROTHER
Geno Cattouse Sep 2012
The black mariah takes four to a side and it jostles my spine
The window is small so no light can force through so no one looking
In can look in and see you.

Got picked up again on bogus construction.
Going down to the castle for chaos and ruction.

Just cant seem to waylay my certain destruction.

So bad boy. Bad boy wacha gona do.
Wacha gonna do when they come for you.
At first a few ornaments shook in the apartment
in that modern city block.
Complacent the warning ignored by the people
then a more violent shudder.
Running out fearing the buildings destruction
outside was total ruction!

Not from an earth quake they had first thought
but there had been a crash!
The unrecognisable craft fallen from clear skies
huge of an unknown design.
Fire and flames spread along a devastating track
there was no going back.

More appeared firing weapons into the fleeing crowd
masonry falling crushing many.
Helicopters gunships and fighter planes approached
being of no match to the foe.
On the ground weird creatures herded those unhurt
driving them precise and covert!

In those early days man had nothing ready to fight
to stop this alien massacre.
These battles were coordinated around the globe
an unprovoked desecration.
Secret protocols had been formulated by governments
on the possibilities of such events!

Satellite signals had been disrupted the attack a surprise
but the resistance had been planned.
Now to be implemented the fight back had begun
hidden basis and weapons brought onto line!
Powerful nations telling us aliens didn't really exist
yet were prepared for the time to resist!

The people don't really know what's going on!

The Foureyed Poet.
What they first thought was an earth quake. Was the first wave of an alien attack! Yet plans had been drawn up years before for such an event! The Foureyed Poet.
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
Because in all the insidious cases, it is a home-based canteen of soul-killing, mind-boggling, headache cats! Ordinary alcohol - s gossip clouds billowing at jaccudzi parties filling the court fools! The dog-flash game of dog comedies is followed by more and more popular fun! The vulnerable man is already prostituting himself! There is also a shadow over the ****** ***** gates of the Universe; diligent *** fleas fatten greedy greedy and insatiable elephants!
Lurking-polite idle boys can always stay on the go! he jerks into an unspeakable deep stack who wakes up to a sobering daze without the love of Loyalty! Ordas-whimsical merriment-pleasures are combined with incredible creativity! - The legitimate V.I.P. sense of life is concreted into the public consciousness as an unbreakable shell! Appearance The shores of America are still moving further and further away from a hundred-year lag prospect! They perform a complete power outage in tangled brains! The whole ruction always starts with a selfish leech attachment!
Can everyone just become a cheap toy in the hands of bad guys?! Slave-fought billion-dollar ******* dives play with each other as uninitiated silk chipendale boys! Their player veins are getting hotter and more unquenchable! Wild cats rattling on command and ringing their chains can easily become tamed kittens! In their Haddelhadd memories you can hardly find anyone who could show understanding empathy for little boy sadness! - The kneaded addict does not voluntarily consume performance-enhancing steroids; in stripped-down animalized instincts it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the True and Sincere happiness of this tiny existence!
Between the eyes and on the temples,
the untold things in detail,
are engrafted in the language of pain,
sprung from the involuntary locomotion of thoughts.
The ghastly moments in horror stories I read
in childhood become innocuous and comforting.
They come and disappear into
the disorderly paraphernalia of guilt
and sinfulness, typical of the young minds,
embracing a horrific algorithm
spun around nights and days, and days and nights.
Very many things rave and rampage into there–
they knock and pull and strain and hurt
in restive sleep of howling gusts and gales.
How long will the storms numberless rankle it?
These are not futile cravings– cease,
CEASE the ruction of this smallest land, yet
as enormous as the volume of the universe;
moving or what?
Lull the sleepless pupils on the hearth, lead them
to the lush and tranquil island.
Is a fabled nowhere your resort? How will the
crumbling sinews react to this? I rose and found
a noisy market, where plies a train everyday,
vague and vacant.
Exhaustion brings forth emotional happiness,
Ephemeral drug-induced exhaustion gives time enough to recall what is lost
during the noisy turmoil of cobwebby mind.
Silent is the room, a round robust room,
safely peregrinated around by Ferdinand Magellan.
I imagine how impaccably resilient is the barrier – a bony barrier of body contains an intermittent ruction,
the turbulence of nothingness.
Then comes a thin cutaneous membrane all over the body, potent to conceal an absolute abyss.
Envy does not provide with comfort.
A spiffing news spreads faster than rumour. Here I sit, sleepy and carefree, to imbue my vein with your pleasure. The pleasure of the universe attacks and multiplies like a contagious disease; An opaque streak of burnt hope appears, disappears,
disappears and appears in the guise of pleasure, whom we craved.
It's nothing more than a deceptive premonition of healing.
Let him convalesce who is meek and naive. These be my final words before another fit of unknown trepidation begins.

– Sarban Bhattacharya
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Because in all the insidious cases, it is a home-based canteen of soul-killing, mind-boggling, headache cats! Ordinary alcohol - s gossip clouds billowing at jaccudzi parties filling the court fools! The dog-flash game of dog comedies is followed by more and more popular fun! The vulnerable man is already prostituting himself! There is also a shadow over the ****** ***** gates of the Universe; diligent *** fleas fatten greedy greedy and insatiable elephants!
Lurking-polite idle boys can always stay on the go! he jerks into an unspeakable deep stack who wakes up to a sobering daze without the love of Loyalty! Ordas-whimsical merriment-pleasures are combined with incredible creativity! - The legitimate V.I.P. sense of life is concreted into the public consciousness as an unbreakable shell! Appearance The shores of America are still moving further and further away from a hundred-year lag prospect! They perform a complete power outage in tangled brains! The whole ruction always starts with a selfish leech attachment!
Can everyone just become a cheap toy in the hands of bad guys?! Slave-fought billion-dollar ******* dives play with each other as uninitiated silk chipendale boys! Their player veins are getting hotter and more unquenchable! Wild cats rattling on command and ringing their chains can easily become tamed kittens! In their Haddelhadd memories you can hardly find anyone who could show understanding empathy for little boy sadness! - The kneaded addict does not voluntarily consume performance-enhancing steroids; in stripped-down animalized instincts it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the True and Sincere happiness of this tiny existence
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Because in all the insidious cases, it is a home-based canteen of soul-killing, mind-boggling, headache cats! Ordinary alcohol - s gossip clouds billowing at jaccudzi parties filling the court fools! The dog-flash game of dog comedies is followed by more and more popular fun! The vulnerable man is already prostituting himself! There is also a shadow over the ****** ***** gates of the Universe; diligent *** fleas fatten greedy greedy and insatiable elephants!
Lurking-polite idle boys can always stay on the go! he jerks into an unspeakable deep stack who wakes up to a sobering daze without the love of Loyalty! Ordas-whimsical merriment-pleasures are combined with incredible creativity! - The legitimate V.I.P. sense of life is concreted into the public consciousness as an unbreakable shell! Appearance The shores of America are still moving further and further away from a hundred-year lag prospect! They perform a complete power outage in tangled brains! The whole ruction always starts with a selfish leech attachment!
Can everyone just become a cheap toy in the hands of bad guys?! Slave-fought billion-dollar ******* dives play with each other as uninitiated silk chipendale boys! Their player veins are getting hotter and more unquenchable! Wild cats rattling on command and ringing their chains can easily become tamed kittens! In their Haddelhadd memories you can hardly find anyone who could show understanding empathy for little boy sadness! - The kneaded addict does not voluntarily consume performance-enhancing steroids; in stripped-down animalized instincts it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the True and Sincere happiness of this tiny existence!

— The End —