Lost in the swirling winds of time
moments spent in the dark abyss
I no longer remember your sweet love
memeries lost, not there to miss
My mind magically forbids thoughts
of all the sorrow and the pain
Like the echoes of wind when songs end
causing tears,rivelets cascading like rain
Seasons to come, Seasons that have passed
none matters to me, they're all the same
You're gone, swept away by linear tides
my mind no longer remembers your name
Solid foot walls standing sentinel
protecting me, from long ago
when you left, no choice of yours
with angel wings glistening like snow
Alas! against my will, your echo unfreezes
one moment in time, permitted to pass by
that day of horror when i buried love
Angels sing to me a Six feet Under Lullaby!
Too much time to think!