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Daan Apr 2015
In pairs, they're notes with perfect sound,
alone, they wander and look around.
When the relation begins and starts,
they lose their training wheels, supporting parts.
What's left is left alone.
What's achieved is now to hone.
The center of their circles is only a dot
in the next. A brick they do and I have not.
When I am what I don't have but need,
I have myself and greed.
I am left and left without you
like waste, like lonely residu.
Megitta Ignacia Mar 2020
Bandung begitu kelabu,
dadaku kosong
rentang fokus kabur entah kemana
ada kacau yang meruang di tubuhku
tersisip kicau yang kian gaduh kepalaku

terus menerus menimbang
mempertanyakan perkara ranah juang
bolak balik singgah pada keraguan
lalu sebentar mampir pada keyakinan

ia, aku, terpicu keras sekali
kilas balik membeludak dalam benak
beririsan dengan manisnya kenyataan
yang juga selalu menjagaku erat

aku benci terpicu seperti ini,
guru geografi pernah ajarkan
ketika panas bertemu dingin, terjadilah puting beliung
ada puting beliung yang meruang di tubuhku

lalu hembusan nafas mengembalikan sadarku
cepat-cepat harus kukerdilkan imajinasi
ya Bapa di Sorga, bebaskan aku dari kekang gelisah
aku hanya ingin melepaskan apa yang perlu dilepaskan
aku lelah mengunci diri dalam kegelapan
030320 | 00:25 AM kamarku di bandung, ternyata kejadian 2 hari lalu masih secara berat nge-triggered sebagian besar porsi acara pulkamku. Rencana untuk rehat cukup berantakan, karena pikiran yang terus-menerus flashback ke masa indah, tapi juga terus menguatkan diri sendiri buat sadar what's done is done. Kaya baru sadar bahwa tuhan menopangku melalui A, without him idk if I could survive my broken heart back then. Found myself not really functioning, makan tp gaada rasanya, jalan tp pikiran masih aja kalut, nyetir atau ngapain aja tapi dalam dada seperti ada coretan hitam awut-awutan kaya di serial Bojack Horseman haha. This too shall pass, percaya tuhan ga pernah "salah" nulis, god's timing is perfect, never too ahead, never late & semua janjiNya akan digenapi, teringat Isaiah pasal 55:9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." tuhan tau apa yg terbaik, karena dia ada di masa lalu, masa sekarang dan masa depan.
A Henslo Feb 2019

De diepste indruk maakt een dik pak sneeuw.
Rustig residu die middag,
opziend naar een wonderblauwe hemel.

Sneeuw biedt je weer een lijf, zet je een hoed op,
begraaft je in haar tweede natuur, met een schijnsel
van sepia, lekkend schemerblauw.

De sneeuw friemelt aan je voegen,
wil naar binnen.

In de sneeuw ben je engelachtig
en zij is niet beangstigend, zij lijkt ons veeleer
te omarmen en te beschermen
op onze weg door de stad

Zelfs middelbaar ben je weer even kind.
De sneeuw vangt ons met haar gepeperde adem
en geeft frisse lucht.

Zij komt en gaat en komt weer terug
Zij hoopt zich op zonder
hoop op duurzaamheid
& wenst niet te blijven.

De sneeuw, ik benijd haar,
dat zij zal verdwijnen
laat haar koud

Zij is haar eigen landschap,
met haar coole witkalk
creëert ze
een albasten pracht

trekt zich dan terug zonder klacht.
English Dutch transposition by A.Henslo
Original poem by Deborah Landau, 2018

The Snow Goes to the Gallows of a Warm Grass  and What Survives

The deepest redress is a thick and fulsome snow.
Peaceful prevail of afternoon,
looking out at this bluish marvel the air.

The snow realizes you a body, puts on you a hat,
tombs you in its second nature, with consequence
of sepia, a leaking dusky blue.

The snow fumbles at your borders,
wants a way in.

In the snow we are angelic
and it’s not discouraging in fact it is marvellous
when the snow has its arms around us
and we walk the streets as if safe.

You’re a child, even in midlife.
The snow clouds us in its peppery breath
and the air comes fresh.

It comes and goes and comes again
it doesn’t aim for durability
it accumulates for the sake of it
& doesn’t want to last.

The snow, I envy it,
it will vanish
but it doesn’t care,

it’s its own garden,
its own cool chalky paint―
kicks up
an alabaster splendor

then retreats without complaint.
Jaynda Apr 2020
I finally got my head out of the clouds
Made new moves and started a new life.
The painful realisation that no one could save me
Had snuck in to my home ever so slowly,
She made a nest in my life and grew.
I always dreaded and adored her at the same time.

She gave me a new job in a new country.
She gave me minimalism and sobriety.
She helped me quit smoking
And build my savings account
Regardless of me earning less.
She gave me a set of new hobbies
And a vision of my own home
With a garden and a lemon tree.

And as I unclogged the drain today
I found the residu in the pipe
Of my last home made bio scrub.
There were lemon seeds germinating
That I took as a sign of faith,
That if cultivate my life the way it's going
Life will eventually give me that lemon tree
And a place to plant it
And I will make lemonade.

— The End —